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Everything posted by Michael_Davis

  1. Alright guys well I have Vette at 10k, I completed her Star of Ryloth quest. Whatever it is. Now she isn't speaking at all. I made it to alderran, so what is going on? Is it because I chose option 2 in the ending of the mission on the last speech and went to the party thing? Is she bugged now? Or is there a way to fix her?
  2. Alright but I was asking the race not their histories. IE - Humans were the first jedis. Which race were?
  3. So your saying the original Jedi and Sith were humans? Then What are the Miralukas considered humans or another species?
  4. Awesome but what race were the first light siders? We know the Sith themselves were the race and the dark side wielders but who were the purebloods for the Jedis?
  5. I've never seen a Force using Jawa sounds interesting.
  6. What race originally were the first Jedi? I know the Sith were originally the Sith Purebloods. But never heard of which race were originally the light siders compared to the sith darksiders.
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