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Posts posted by Elooie

  1. Nadia is amazing. Its pretty much that simple. Gearing her out is also incredibly easy. You just giver her your old stuff. You dont have to worry about collecting any gear at all.


    Also, depending on your spec, its probably still easier to use Tharan for everything but if you want to make a choice between the 2 I just pick either one and then gear them all out in centurion gear or champion gear after you finish your sets.

  2. It's possible I am missing some temp buffs in my Calc but I have started swapping out mods in my Gear and my Endurance before swapping out mods would max out around 19,400 and I would get something like 480 a tick... Then I started swapping out the absorb mods/enhancements and putting in crit and power mods.. and my endurance sits around 17500 but I have noticed my ticks around 560 now...


    Maybe ive gotten more expertise?



    Thanks all for the responses.. I must be going nutz.

  3. make it a toggle with no charges but reduce force regen or some other tradeoff.


    It should really just be a buff considering it has to be up to effectively tank. It's not like you can tank without it.


    I dont play another tank class but do they have to use 20 second CD abilities to mitigate dmg? If their mitiagition is passive then ours should be also. We should not have to keep recasting it to get the same defense as other tanks. If we want to keep it as an activating ability it should take our mitigation above the passive mitigation of the other classes.

  4. I've lost a ton the past week or so but its not because the republic players are horrible or the classes are imbalanced between factions..


    Its because I start almost every game with 5-6 players. It hard to defend doors and take turrets like this.

  5. I disagree completely, that would allow you to exploit lag for free interrupts. Be at range (like your class is described) and we cant do that.



    First, that's not a general melee problem, that's a backstab class problem (Shadows/Scoundrels and their mirrors). Second, it sounds like a bug (which also happens to some ranged abilities like Project, which doesn't hit people who use their in-combat stealth while the animation is in-progress). Any instant ability should be 100% based on the target status at activation time.



    Frankly, that's how it should be. Backstab-type attacks are designed to be used against targets who are not paying attention to you. If someone is actively engaging you as their primary target, a backstab isn't the right attack to use. Get a tank/healer to draw focus then backstab while your enemies are attacking them. So basically I should just close range with you and we stand there and mash keys?



    TL/DR.. Positioning isn't/shouldn't be important. Just let me mash keys.



    Maybe instead of melee and range engaging in PVP we walk up to each other pull out a deck of cards and play "War". That's basically what you are asking for.

  6. your way would make it impossible for ranged to do any damage at all to a melee character who just walks through a ranged class every second. If a melee class actually had to go around a ranged person, it would be ok, but since you could interupt 100% of a ranged classes casting all the time it would be rediculous.


    Here's an idea.. get to range like your supposed to instead of just standing there spamming stuff while melee is trying to get behind you... like they are supposed too.

  7. it's really really similar from the Republic view.. expect I cant remember the last time I saw a good Operative.. It's basically 3-4 Sorcs, 1-2 Assasins, 2-3 BHs. Swap out 1 of the BHs for a newbie lvl 50 operative.
  8. my beef is about things that are not channeled getting the auto rotate.


    If a ranged is in the act of casting and I run through them before it goes off.. they should get a condition fail message like I do when I go to back shadowstrike someone and the lag kills it... Basically, if I engage a ranged person and they are targeting me back.. I have almost no chance of getting behind them consistently.

  9. I use it all the time. problem is after you start using it alot you get focused.. and using taunt on a guy attacking you isnt that great..


    I do like my run-by tauntings. Sprint through a large group of enemies that are engaged is a free medal and can faceplant that assault.

  10. iirc, WoW and WAR both were heavy sided on one faction at the start. Then many folks on the underdogs would ragequit while several folks on the heavy side would reroll to the underdogs. Those rerollers were actually good so then the underdogs started winning more. The poor losers on the heavy side would reroll to the winning side and then the underdogs are now heavy while the once heavy side are now underdogs. Then the cycle starts over again where the new underdogs ragequit and the heavy side gets bored and rerolls. Ahh the joys of faction imbalances.


    This is what exactly happened. Alliance had super long Qs and the Horde was instant Qs so what happened was the Horde got super geared really fast and started rolling every game. Alliance players rerolled or quit pvping which started to balance the populations. The problem with SWTOR is that huttball doesnt force either of those 2 things to happen because its a same faction warzone.


    The game might be doing ok but its because everyone is going Imperial now.

  11. I wouldnt say the game is dying. I would say the Republic is dying. Most people that say everything is fine are Empire side and all the people complaining about populations are on the Republic side. There really is no reason to play Republic except.. I want to play republic.


    Mirrors tend to be better Imperial, Stories are much better and with nearly instant Qs for pvp why would you want to play Republic? If everyone is playing Empire you can get groups to do PVE easily. The dynamic is pretty simple.

  12. Same faction WZ is killing the republic. Im a republic and it has nothing to do with Imps are better players or something like that.. It has to do with the fact that its easier to do anything not pvp related IMP side because of all the people over there. I pvp republic side because thats about the only thing you can get a group for. Everyone else alreay rerolled Empire or quit because they have all the BM gear.


    My guess is one patch the Imp Q times will start getting longer and longer for no reason.. and it will be beause they will slow down how quickly same faction pvp will happen. Like.. there can only be one same faction game going on at a time. They probably wont announce anything but Q times will just start going up and up.

  13. I left a WZ today because I already finished my daily and weekly and I was defending the right door by myself and was holding off 3 guys and everyone else went left.. and they planted the bomb on the left door in about 30 seconds into the match...


    I didnt feel like waisting time when the other 7 guys on my team couldnt stop 5 clickers.. that quickly.

  14. Ilum is too wide open. Needs choke points and side quests would be good.


    I also think there should be some sort of NPC presence where each node you control closer to your own base the presence gets larger. (Maybe side quests upgrade these units)


    Also I dont understand the placement of the Graveyards. They are close to nothing and I dont undertand why I have to lose half my life getting off the platforms.


    If they dont create more flow to the zone they should tie flight points to some sort of objective.

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