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Posts posted by Alloou

  1. kind of reminds me of those tokens u can craft in WoW to catch up ur alts on the ancient knowledge ranks so they gain the points faster for their weapon development lol:D:D:D is very nice, but it does sound like it has potential for even more problems than we have ATM


    It's not exactly like this. In WoW each class has more or less 3 specializations (disciplines). For each one of them there is a legendary/artifact weapon which needs Artifact Power to gain additional talents (some times new abilities, other times just a flat % dps bonus or flat %cd reduction.

    Every 3-4 days of research you gain an Artifact knowledge level. That level is the same for all our weapons. So you can invest 0 Artifact power on one discipline weapon at the beginning, come back after a month and gain 5-10-15 traits directly because of the Artifact knowledge multiplier

  2. Not every spec is a burst spec and its 2% for 15 seconds upon use of the triggering ability - so a very skilled and knowledgeable player that times their triggering ability usage to coincide with a burst window and does it inside the 15 second 2% buff proc will get more benefit than just a flat 1% overall damage buff.


    However, how many players do you think actually even read much less understand their class set bonuses, much less can actually manage their rotations and burst to line up with the proc?


    So on average, for most players, the 2 peice set is worth an additional ~1% increase in damage.


    I have a feeling some players don't even know what are the set bonuses :p

  3. You're wrong. Carnage is a burst spec. That 2% increases the burst damage he does which is probably ~75-80% of the spec(or at least was - haven't played it in 5.0).


    Actually Dawn is right. The 1% increase is spread across all the damage so all in all 1%.


    What makes the set bonus much better is that 4 set and 6 set which add the 1% damage increase to the baseline damage of the abilities meaning the crit range is higher.


    But 2-set bonus is always 1% damage increase.


    EDIT: The 2 set bonus is identical for all dps specs so thats 1% dps increase for all.

  4. The math is correct even if my wording of chance is off - the 2% is still for 15 seconds every 30 seconds, and still requires use of an ability to activate, so again the best case is a static 1% buff assuming perfect timing of the triggering ability usage the second the cool down expires.


    Once again no, it is 2% flat.

    In the case of Battering Assault there is no cooldown so you can pretty much spam it. Assuming you activate it as soon as the 30 seconds pass it means that you get 2% damage increase for 15 seconds every 30 seconds. So the uptime is 1% every 30 seconds x twice per minute = 2% over 60 seconds


    EDIT: Sorry, i stand corrected. So much for my math tonight. You are absolutely right. It's a flat 1% across.

  5. Wrong - it's a chance on usage of a specific ability to have a 2% increase for 15 seconds with a 30 second cooldown, so at best it would be a 1% increase assuming perfect timing of proccing the bonus when the cooldown expired.


    The 2 and 4 are usually an extra chance on crit or an auto crit on a specific ability, many of which will already crit, and for the auto crit, again has a cooldown of once per minute at best.


    No sorry, there is no chance involved:

    2-Piece: Battering Assault or Zealous Strike increases damage dealt by 2% for 15 seconds. Cannot occur more than once every 30 of seconds. Its a flat 2% dps increase happening twice a minute for 30 seconds.

  6. Personally, I think you guys are inflating the value of set bonuses just to validate your claim. I like set bonuses (boni?) but they aren't as huge a boon as some would have you believe.


    Well based on the link from TUX, the 2 set bonus alone is a standard 2% damage increase and its static. The 4 set and 6 set only add on top of that.

    From what i remember years back, BW said something about wanting the set bonuses to provide ~5% dps increase overall. I will need to search for that to confirm so take this with a grain of salt.


    EDIT: Found it.



    Their intention for the sets was to not exceed 5%.

  7. I agree. At best maybe you could get a single set piece for the raid group at the end of each Operation at a level based on the difficulty of the Operation. It would most likely still require you to be at a command level high enough to get the piece in your pack in the first place to use it. The grind was intentionally included, I don't see them going back on it easily, especially after seeing the nerf on gold mob CXP already.


    How about this:

    Every 5 GC levels you get a token to trade for a piece of gear (like the ones that dropped from OP bosses) on top of what you get from Crates. At lvl 70 you will get 14 tokens to have a full set. From 70-90 you can send the items to your alt or keep them for your offspec.

    At lvl 90 you switch to T2,start the token system again at every 5 lvls and the previous gear can be sent to mirrors via legacy armor. This way by the time you reach 300, you have full max gear, 1,5 half sets of T2 gear ( mirror and offspec) and 1,5 set T1 gear.

    After 300, you can RE for schematics, send the tokens to alts etc.

    IF this is too much you can even make it to exactly 6 tokens every 15 lvls to guarantee someone a 6-set bonus by the time they reach the next Tier gear.

  8. Which makes them backing away from the F2P segment by making the endgame sub only a headscratcher. Maybe the F2P money is drying up?


    To be honest i can't really understand what are BW's intentions/long term plan for the game. It's not like they are sharing with us.

    F2P saved the game, that much is guaranteed.

    They launched SoR but they lost players.

    Then at 4.0 they went with monthly chapters. Last quarterly report showed loss of revenue from subscriptions primarily due to SWTOR. Which is kinda expected since it was the end of the expansion.

    Now in 5.0 they went away from monthly chapters, added long GC grinds and cut out pretty much everyone non-sub.

    6.0 - ??

  9. Did you really read this article?


    It states that it was the story and voice acting that made the costs astronomical because of the various choices and consequences that could be made. You have to realize since every dialogue scenario can play out in at least three different ways, the costs of that kind of development adds up quickly. Apply that to eight individual class stories as well as planetary missions and other voiced content and it quickly spins out of control.


    BioWare wanted to have two operations in the game at release. I remember this quite vividly as I was in closed beta and BIoWare was scrambling to get Eternity Vault tested. They were only able to get one in with the first boss of the other. Never does Ohlen explicitly state that "SWTOR failed because we didn't focus enough on raids." All he did indicate was that they didn't finish the raids they had in development and this was largely because BioWare did not expect players to consume the main content, story, so quickly.


    The rest of it goes on to say how F2P saved the game because it brought a new influx of players into the game, which is entirely true. F2P saved this game and nothing else. I think what is important to note from this article is the fact many seem to forget this is a F2P game that is largely marketed at appealing to new gamers. It is new players, and not veterans, that saved this game from being shut down.


    Galactic Command is just the next step of incentivizing new players that are F2P to subscribe and witness the perks and wealth of five years of content SWTOR has to offer. As the OP of this thread indicates, Galactic Command and what it offers is really for newcomers. There is some content for veterans, but this system was really not for us.


    Let's just stop here because we have a different interpretation of what Ohlen said.

  10. For the record; I think that statted gear and a gear escalation scheme is just terrible game design that should have been left in the 70s and 80s with other relics of the D&D-inspired reward schemes. (Along with class/level-based systems, and other hoary old cliches of same).


    And in PvP, they should just apply a bolster and make gear irrelevant and be done with it. PvP doesn't have a separate gear track any more, so no reason to not make gear irrelevant.


    As much as you are right, there is a small issue to tackle.

    Gear is there to serve the purpose of harder content e.g. Green gear -> SM -> Blue -> HC -> Purple -> NiM.


    In the absence of gear, how do you bolster your character's stats to be ready for NiM OPs?

    If the baseline character is weak, people wont pass SM. If character is too strong then everything until NiM will likely be faceroll.

  11. Just for the record... this isn't a new thing. This used to happen early in 4.0 and during 3.0 as well. Harbinger has more players than it really should and whenever it gets busy it crashes and seems roll itself back.


    As people quit over the next couple months the issue will resolve itself. It would be nice if they fixed it now, but they didn't in the past... I wouldn't hold your breath this time either.


    Rollbacks usually are a safety mechanism in software when data gets corrupted. It might be that there is some memory leak causing corruption of data and forces the server to roll back.

  12. You certainly have a lot of quotes, yet you never cite any of them and apparently I'm just supposed to believe what you type. Not to mention, reading a random article on the internet does not prove it's true, especially when it comes from a 3rd party source and not this studio. Your statement does not make any sense for the simple reason that BioWare licensed a 3rd party engine, called HeroEngine. They did not build it from the ground up, as the whole point of using it was to save development cost.


    Of course, you conveniently ignored a video straight from BioWare telling you what the main focus of the game was about, so this will be my last response to you as I'm clearly talking to a brick wall. I hope you find a game that caters specifically to your tastes. I'd recommend WoW, FFXIV, Rift, or Wildstar if all you care about is raiding.


    Here ...


  13. SWTOR is the most expensive MMO in the history of the genre costing an estimated $150 million dollars. Most of that money went into the story, voice acting, cutscenes, etc. not the MMO supplements. The entire video shows that this "hundreds of hours of content" was built around the idea of players engaging in the class stories, not operations, warzones, or flashpoints. Again, those features were meant to compliment the story, not be the main experience.



    Highlighted the part:

    Ohlen began his presentation by dispelling some misconceptions about the creation of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Some journalists and fans attributed much of the upfront cost of TOR to its scripting and voice acting. Ohlen explained that this belief is erroneous: "[Voice acting] was a known entity, and cost was quite low in comparison to the cost of the rest of the project." In other words, BioWare had been there and done that with voice acting already in its other games and budgeted accordingly. However, BioWare did not have a tested platform to build an MMO. Much of the cost was funneled toward creating an engine that supported a team of over 300 people working on it at the same time and adding choice and consequence to the MMO story.


    As for second part, read my signature.


    This is the last time i reply to you. If you still refuse to acknowledge what people are telling you, no point in discussing.

  14. There's nothing to speculate about here. You can continue to make assumptions and fabricate ideas on what you believe SWTOR is.

    And yet, you continue... people have given you links where BW has stated what was the problems with the game, their mistakes etc. And you keep on spouting more and more assumptions you fabricate. Give me 1 statement from BW saying we made SWTOR as a single player game with MMO elements...Till you do, you are just making things on the way and i won't take your word for it.


    Regardless, this comes full circle and brings us back to the issue that some players, such as yourself, do not like the new direction this game has taken since KOTFE. Thus, anything and everything BioWare has done since, such as Galactic Command, must be a terrible idea and scrapped as a result.


    Assume much again? I mentioned i don't have the time to do the same content yet again under the premise of Galactic Command, RNG is not for me and i will not do.

    Everything else you pulled out of your ... behind ...yet again...

  15. -snip-


    See, your sentence and his sentence are not the same. SWTOR failed for many reasons, one of them being story, other being lack of OPs, laggy Ilum world pvp, bad game engine etc.


    Discussing about SWTOR is nice and dandy, but when people start pulling facts out of their behinds , they get called for it.

    SWTOR failed for many reasons and for sure it was not build to serve story with some MMO elements.


    SWTOR was built as an MMO, tried to cater to all audiences and failed for many reasons. Nothing more nothing else.

  16. I know this is bad form to bring up but.....I'm going to anyway.


    When SOE decided to build the NGE and eventually CU they stated the reason was to bring SWG inline with their other titles like EQ2. In doing so their Dev teams could work across several games with more ease.......


    SO! I guess what I'm getting at is, cross game Dev teams in the past has worked out great for Star Wars MMOs.........


    Emm...considering previous history that is not exactly a good thing...

  17. They don't need to bring back boss loot.. though bosses should drop something that acts as a carrot... because let's be real here... most players these days automatically chase the carrots, even when they see them behind a barb wire fence (GC).


    I would say bring it back. OPs Bosses drop gear, PVP vendors sell the pvp gear and GC to be there for the story mode people to get their gear while doing stories/H2s/dailies etc


    Let the people decide how they want to gear and from which activities. Give the people options

  18. Well yeah I think the CXP grind is to hide that for sure. Gotta keep you on that treadmill. But I think the GC is the same purpose of the DvL, to get people to try different things just in a different format to get you on that treadmill. DvL was just the summer-time stop-gap just like 12x was.


    I believe the same. Galactic Command and RNG was just implement to cause an uproar between the community. Then as perfect developers who hear their community, they will hold a lovely little stream, they will promise Legacy wide GC, patch up elites to 5 xp and many more to quell that and everyone is happy.Happy running the same content which will soon age by 1 more year.

  19. -snip-


    He claims that story people finished the story and mass left the game. If this was the case, how come BW called a guild summit and spent a good amount of time talking to the guild leaders about upcoming OPs, different difficulty levels, PTS with guilds beta testing the new modes etc?


    I guess to go and inform all the story players to come back?


    -Removed -

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