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Everything posted by CountScar

  1. This is beyond abnormal and silly for a paid service. Disclaimer : I am whining as I pressed the login button, went shopping, had my lunch, took another shower, cooked chicken teriyaki, took a small nap and I am still in supposedly "1 hour 45 minutes" queue after 4 hours and 45 minutes. I can do that if it's weekend but in weekdays when I only have about 3 hours total time in hand from when I get back from office and go to sleep I wouldn't be able to play AT ALL. For a paid service from a company who earned millions from the sale of SWTOR really I expect more. At least let me login when I want to. Unlike many spring chickens (which I was few years back) I don't have hours in my hand to power level my toon and all I want to do is login and get into some pvp actions and then sleep. Please for our subscriptions sake enable server transfer. Your load balancing experiments are running us mad and ruining any early access benefits (which is none currently)
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