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  1. I didn't rule them out, I just forgot about them I will definitely keep them in mind, thanks!
  2. Hey Mike, thanks a lot for the info. I think my Imp was always going to be a Merc, glad you confirmed it for me Gunslinger is interesting for Rep side, I think I will give that a shot. Also thanks for the heads up about KDY. I was half-expecting a complete cake-walk, but now that I know it can be difficult, I can better prepare for it. This game, for some reason, is really hard for me to just jump right back into after a long break...everything always seems new...takes a few sessions to get back into rotation.
  3. I usually play solo, as do most of my friends because we all have different speeds. However, with the Tactical Flashpoints, I think it will help us play the toons we want to despite level differences. I haven't done much reading on it (just came back from a long break), but it seems like class and roles don't really make a difference there. Now, you can assume a couple of things: 1. I usually play through games really fast, try to get BiS gear, learn rotations, etc. 2. Most of them do not. 3. I am going to stick with 1 toon until 55. 4. They will not. What class/spec character would be best suited for the many different situations? I prefer dps, but not objected to a bit of off-healing. This leads me towards Op or Merc for Imps, or Scoundrel or Commando for Reps. However, would it be just as beneficial to just play a pure dps? Is the Kuat Drive that easy that it just doesn't matter? Are certain group compositions better than others when running non-role content? I try to do all the research beforehand so their game experience is just as fun. We've had many group wipes and all that in the past, so I try to do my part to keep that at a minimum for everyone else. Any insight to this would be appreciated, and thanks in advance!
  4. I really don't know about leveling in flashpoints...but I would assume that dps geared Immortal is enough to tank them all the way to 50ish, you might start investing in some tank gear as soon as you can though. As Vengeance, leveling is really easy for me though. When I came back after a long break, I had a 31 Juggernaut. I just started to level him again and I seem to burn content before I am done leveling for the planet...I started Hoth at 35 and all the mobs were 38. All my gear was on level green armorings and whatever the latest blue hilt was. I am now 38, fighting 40-41s, the only thing I have upgraded was a few pieces of gear on my companion, my hilt, and got an orange off-hand (focus, generator, whatever it is). The rest of my gear is still what I was wearing at 35. I burn through missions faster than any other class so far (55 Assassin and Commando), and honestly, everything is really easy. The only problem I had was at 36, I fought a 40 gold...he got me low. I think the game changes a great deal after you get Impale...if you can manage it until 30, the whole game changes for you. It changes again once you get Enraged Defense. Even in pvp, despite being on the low end level-wise, I still break top 3 in damage/kills everytime. Vengeance is quickly becoming my favorite spec of any class so far, but I do understand the lure of insta-queues as a tank for flashpoints.
  5. You play: Deception Assassin Friend play: Lethality Operative Stealth around and CC the brains off things while he dots and you murder...and CC the brains off things. He will even have a bit of healing if the need arises. I recommended you as the Assassin because your friend already played an Inquisitor, so wasn't sure if you meant Assassin or Sorceror.
  6. I think the easiest classes to level are the ones that can heal themselves while they dish it out. If you liked the stealth aspect of the Assassin, I would recommend Operative. If you like to just shoot things until they die, then I would go Mercenary. Endgame, I hear Operatives are sort of pidgeon-holed into healing due to their slight drop off at high end dps, but your experience might differ. Since you have already ran the Agent questline, you might want to try something different anyways.
  7. I just hit 55 on my Commando, and there are so many different weekly/dailies that I really just don't know where to start. I don't want to spend more than an hour or so doing my rounds of dailies, so was wondering, what dailies are the best ones to do that are time-efficient. I have done all of the beginning round of Oricron, except for the 2+ Heroic one for the helmet, and have done the other ones a couple of times except the Commander Zaoron one...I beat him once, but just a lot more effort than I am willing to put into it for a daily. Are any of the weeklies worth doing? The Staged Makeb weekly seems to take a lot more time than it's worth, especially for a non-stealth class like Commando. I have 156 armorings on everything, and purple mods, 66? I think, whatever comes on the Oricron beginner missions, my Accuracy is close to 100%...is that enough to start on Hardmodes? I am guessing that is what I should be doing at this point. There was just a ton of stuff that opened up for me at 55, so I am looking more for a set routine that I can get comfortable with while not spending my entire weekend doing dailies and weeklies. So I would love a few different inputs on how everyone started to gear their toons at 55 and what sort of daily/weekly mission routines everyone has. Thanks in advance!
  8. My search-fu has failed, so I come to the community for answers. I am sure the information is somewhere, but it eludes me. Since coming back, I have noticed a lot of new, possibly just cosmetic things and I would like to know how to obtain them. 1. Volatile Conqueror's various sabers 2. Emperor's Imperial Throne vehicle 3. Ice blue color crystal 4. Orange crystal with black saber 5. A bit more in depth here...let's say I want to do warzones a lot to level. Is there anything in particular either in-game or from the cartel coins that are must-haves. Right now I usually just go for the orange modable gear with as up-to-date mods as possible, but it just seems like there's always 1 or 2 people that can just obliterate the opposing team. I would assume it's just them having some necessary skills for being higher level, but was just wondering if there is something major I am missing for my character to make them better. Thanks in advance!
  9. The first thing I noticed when I hit Ilum on my first toon, was the bar there is set a bit higher, as it should be. There are less room for errors during fights and it just seems the silvers there just refuse to die. As for dailies, unless that 8 or so you get on Ilum is absolutely a necessity, I would just skip them for the time being. The Belsavis ones are much faster and easier and you get double the daily marks for half the time. (If you have altitis like me, this makes a huge difference.) If you still insist on Ilum dailies, the main thing I would suggest is to just use Quinn. Turn off all of his dps abilities so he is forced to use a heal when the cooldowns refresh (technically, I suppose you could use the ship bot if you have the robot gear already in the bank). My juggernaut uses a dps spec to level and I use Quinn all the time...after nearly hitting 30, I have yet to have to use my "rest" ability, it's just a continuous loop of charging and destroying. I know a lot of people refuse to use Quinn, and that's cool. Here is my philosophy on that: Juggernauts don't have to worry about a "mana" bar like a lot of other classes do. If my health is up, I can continue to smash. 0 downtime = much faster dailies/leveling. If you are fully epic modded/armored from Belsavis, Ilum really shouldn't be that difficult with your medic companion out. I realize using Jeasa or whomever is more alluring than Quinn, but hey, it's just the Ilum dailies...you can use whatever companion you wish doing other things.
  10. After numerous 50s and having every class at at least 20, I felt I had to say some things to the OP. Juggernauts and Guardians were by far the most challenging for me, however, I still didn't find anything "hard." I usually just did my planet/class missions and used that gear until I found an orange piece. I ran Black Talon/Esseles 1 time each on most toons just for a level jump on DK/Coruscant. Heroic 2s are pretty easy to do and I hardly had any problem at all finding a partner to run them with. Some nice gear and occasionally some oranges were reward loot. My guardian and juggernaut both took Arch/Art/Treasure Hunting...however, I have to say that I do believe I have gotten exceptionally lucky with TH lockboxes and got some orange pieces that way. Making friends with someone who can do armorings is insanely useful...I have a cybertech toon on every server I play on, usually that's the first one I make and finish. That way, my jedi/siths are only responsible for their weapon hilts and enhancements. This gives me a lot of leniency when deciding how to spend my planet commendations. However, once you hit 26 and get force choke / force stasis (guardian), things do change a lot for you. But if you feel you have hit a wall and there's no hope at all for you, I would suggest warzones for a level or 2...at level 20 there is a complete set of upgrades from pvp, and at 40 there is another complete set, I think all are oranges except belt and bracers. If that still doesnt work, go solo black talon until you get 2 orange guns from the jedi padawan at the end for Vette, get updated barrels for them and she will destroy everything for you. If it helps, I chose the Rage tree to level with because I also did some pvp...I will say, the auto-crit smash talent is probably the most amazing thing that Juggernauts have to level with
  11. Very helpful replies, all of you, so thank you! I still haven't decided, but am leaning towards Pyro PT. I have read some really good posts on that in the PT section. Thanks again!
  12. First off, I have just leveled a Commando to 50 and love it...I play Gunnery, which is the same as an Arsenal Mercenary. Now, some guildies want to make imps. I think I am going to play Bounty Hunter, but I am torn between the ACs. On one hand, I know Mercs are easy and Arsenal is just plain awesome. On the other hand, Powertech has intrigued me some, too. My main question is, if I choose PT, will I be roped into always tanking? Can PTs dish it out enough to fill a dps role if necessary? Just curious what everyone's thoughts are about Mercs vs. PTs, soloing and in group play. Thanks in advance!
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