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Posts posted by Guen

  1. "Do you need medical attention?" - Female Jedi Knight


    She once used this 4 times in a two hour play session. And mostly in places where it didn't really make sense. After awhile I started trying to pick answers to see how many times I could get her to say it just for funny.


    But yeah, for a game that touts wonderful dialog, it seems they really skimped in some places.

  2. I'm a casual MMOer. Got a mid 40's sorc, mid 30's BH and a 12 Operative. Before I started farming Black Talon for the social points. I do the daily flashpoints and have an IRL friend that plays with me. We don't do every quest together but always play together when we're both free.


    I've been playing since day 1 of release. 3 toons and not enough social points between their 90+ levels for social level 2.


    Was this intended? Because it's creating a situation where people are farming low level flashpoints for social points. Most flashpoints like Cademimu or Red Reaper have virtually no conversations therefore virtually no social points.



    I think you should get social points for heroics and flashpoints automatically. Obviously you were social, you teamed up for an hour. You were social, yet the social point reflection is negligible. I'd say that's more social than a level 50 running through Black Talon 15 times pulling 3 other level 10's with him just to farm their social points.


    I have done every single quest with another person and at level 40 I am still social 3. Haven't abused a flashpoint yet but I'm going to have to because I figure I'll be social level 4 at 50, and there are still many more social levels to go.


    Unfortunately there are very few social rewards and the few that are there are only light armor, so unless they add a little more oomph to the social rewards (as in more options and different armor for light medium and heavy armor wearers) then I don't see myself wasting time worrying about it.

  3. Unfortunatly this game doesn't run great on laptops. My husband has a brand new really nice laptop and he has to play on the lowest graphical settings while getting only 20ish fps. He spent about $1100. Basically you're going to have to spend a lot more than your price range to even run it in a playable state. Hopefully Bioware will take seriously the fact that their game runs worse than any other MMO (or game for that matter) out there right now.
  4. Agreed. Duoing is fun and having content for two people or two people plus two companions is making this game much more enjoyable that it would have been otherwise. My husband and I are having fun trying flashpoints with our companions when we are just a couple levels higher than the recommended level. That way it is challenging but still rewarding.


    Rift tried to add duoing content right before we quit but it was too easy and didn't have very good rewards. I think the key to adding content for smaller groups is to make sure it is challenging and that the reward is equal to the challenge.


    One piece of negative feedback I have is that social points are fun, however there is no reward for medium or heavy armor wearers. Not only that but the amount of gear available for social points is underwhelming. I hope the work on this in the near future.

  5. A good chunk of bug fixes this time. Especially alot of the ones that were plaguing me so that helps. : ) Hopefully they all actually get fixed (not like when they said they fixed the unclickable gathering nodes when most of them were still actually not clickable after the patch). But I'm optimistic.


    So I guess you could say, think the patch notes are a good start.

  6. The best way to learn to keybind is to start an alt and try it with a new character. That way you add a few abilities at a time and it is less overwhelming that trying to learn to keybind on a character with 2 or three rows of abilities.


    When I decided it was time to learn to keybind on my last MMO, starting with a fresh character made it so easy. Ever since then the only things I click are long lasting buffs and a few other minor things that I don't use often. It really does make a difference in how well you can play. Although with the insanely long global cooldown and buggy ability delay this game has, not as much of a difference here as it would in other games. But still, enough of a difference to do something about it. :)

  7. Yeah we need a little more info on this very very soon. The legacy system not being implemented is preventing me from starting anymore alts because I don't know what may be added later to character customization. Not starting the alts I want is making me play less and less. Playing less and less . . . well you get the picture.


    We need more info on this soon.

  8. Agreed. Crafting is a huge time and money sink with very little reward. I keep saying it and I'll say it again. When you can make more money and have better gear as a Non-crafter than you can as a crafter, then the crafting system in your game is a broken one.


    At least give artificers a rare color crystal recipe when they reach 400.

  9. If it was true "social" armor then it wouldn't be modifiable. But since it has mod slots it can be on par with any other mod gear out there, which means it is combat-ready.


    Since they specifically made the social gear have mod slots, one can only assume they expected people to use it as actual gear and not just gear for hanging out in social areas or RPing purposes.


    I don't think it's that much of an unreasonable request for those players that have medium/heavy armor classes to also have social gear that is beneficial to them as well. /shrug


    Agree with this. If it was meant to be social only they would not have added mod slots at all. People are taking the fact that it is called "social gear" and running with it, when in reality it isn't social gear, but rather a gear reward for being social. I believe Bioware even mentioned on that one Tatooine walk-through that you could raid in full sand people gear, so they fully expected people to enter combat in this gear. (it may have been a different video, I can't fully remember).

  10. For being social gear, you're worrying waaaaay too much about 100% class functionality.


    It is not useless. It is merely subpar. And its only the damage reduction aspect from having what, 1k less armour?


    Also, viable can mean alot of things. I've seen a guy PVP with no chest piece and pants, and he kicked ***. Is he magically not "viable"?


    Now yes, I do accept that "better" gear is probably a poor term for them to have used. But it is subjective (better looking?).


    So stop thinking about as "social gear" and start thinking of it as just "gear" considering there is no difference between the two. Considering it is equal in every way to all of the orange gear, how would you feel if only two classes had access to orange gear at all? Would you tell me, "oh you can get just as good of gear you just can't choose how you look." That may not matter to you but it matters to alot of people.


    Another thing you're saying is it might not be as good but close enough. When is that ever ok in an MMO("these two classes get the best and everyone else gets subpar, but it's no big deal")? What if I want to be the best I can be? (by the way this game has a bolstering system so if you saw a guy pvping without gear it's because the game bolsters his stats to level 50 anyways, unless of course he was a level 50 and that's a different story). As someone who like maximizing my stats, and also likes to try to look the way I want, I am being asked to choose, while 2 of the classes are not.


    Is it a huge different in stats? Maybe not for me as a dps who most likely isn't getting hit as much. But for a tank? Yeah you better believe it. There is no way they could get away with wearing any of this stuff. And besides, it's not even a necessary situation. Just add sets for all the other armor values. They don't even have to come up with anything new, they were already there in Beta.


    And remember, just because it doesn't affect you (maybe you are a light armor wearer, or someone who doesn't care about your appearance, or maybe you don't group so you don't want anyone else to get rewards) doesn't mean that it's fine. And mostly all I want is some communication from Bioware on why they removed the rewards for people who wear medium and heavy armor. And will this much touted social system actually be useful for those classes later.

  11. Pretty sure social gear is just meant to be social.


    The mod slots are just icing on the cake so you don't find yourself one shot if you walk around the world.


    Except that they can be modded to be as fully functional as any other orange piece of gear. Which means a consular or inquisitor could raid in sand people gear if they wanted to and not gimp them selves at all, while other classes could not do the same. If they were meant to be social only, they would not have mod/armoring/enhancement slots. Not to mention Bioware themselves said (while explaining the social gear) that they could be made viable at end game.


    Also, in the tips that appear while there is a loading screen, it says raise your social points to have access to better gear. It says better gear. Besides, it doesn't matter what they were meant to be, the fact is that 2 classes can play in them while remaining 100 percent functional while the other 6 classes can not. Right now there isn't much reward for those classes.

  12. You can buy the slave set from the security vendor so not sure that counts.


    I can verify that you can put social gear on companions though, as I have tried multiple pieces of social gear on Kira. Had her in full sand people gear for awhile but I didn't really care for it so I changed her back.


    Unfortunately I almost never use Kira so the social system is for the most part useless to me as a medium armor wearer who uses a heavy armor companion. :(

  13. I know there's the Pilot set for Flight Commendations (I think it's like 360 for the set of 4) and there's a Lv VII Social set either in Hoth or Belsavis (I forget which one it's at. It's all a long insomniac blur).


    Yeah I think I've found the 1 social set on each of the planets except Quesh and Ilum. I'm only social 3 right now so I have a ways to go to get social 7. I wish Bioware would communicate with us on this whether or not medium and heavy armor wearers are cut off from the social system.


    Can anyone on the Bioware team comment about the social system only being for 2 classes?

  14. I saw a pic of Mako in the slave girl bikini, so yes.


    Yeah. And I've seen a few Kira's in the elegant set from Coruscant.


    Edit: Anyone find any off the beaten path sets that require social points? I'm just wondering if there is more to than I'm seeing, cause right now there aren't very many sets, and they are all for light armor wearers.

  15. I was reading Darth Haters database of social gear and was getting pretty excited to find all of them in game and see what they look like. Come to find out they took all the medium and heavy armor options out of the game so all of the social gear is light armor. Not only that but their aren't many options now.


    So I guess I just have a few questions that I hope someone from Bioware will eventually answer, considering I was pretty excited for the social system.


    1. Why make a system that only 2 of the 8 classes can utilize? (I realize the other classes can use them on their companions but that's not the same, not to mention what if you don't use a light armor wearing companion).


    2. I realize this probably isn't a high priority but considering the sets were already in the beta version, why take them out? Why not add them back in quickly? Can you communicate a reason for that to us?


    3. Are those of us who wear medium or heavy gear completely wasting time garnering social points?


    4. Will there ever be gear added to the social vendors later? Ans if so, can you give us a general timeframe? There are a lot of things that are "coming soon," is this one of them? How soon?


    Hopefully those of us who were excited about this incentive to group can get a little bit more information about it, because right now, it is useless to anyone in medium and heavy gear who wants to remain viable.

  16. Agreed. While luckily I have not encountered any super game breaking bugs (other than the obvious fps problems), I have encountered and reported dozens of minor and semi-major bugs, received a canned response to all of them, yet none of them appear in the "known issues" list.


    Things ranging from glowing green for hours after being healed by a companion to the more major bug of not being able to summon a companion on certain planets without logging in and out constantly. Or the bug where I have high enough crew skill to learn new recipes but my skill trainer won't actually train me. These and dozens more. I realize these aren't high priority (compared to broken class quests etc.), but the fact that they aren't even on a list of known issues makes me think those things aren't even on their radar.


    Anyways, not only does their customer service team need work, but the community manager/managers need to make more frequent appearances (it seems like we get one response once in awhile but still all it says is, yeah the game is being worked on so don't worry). They seem to have plenty of time to Tweet. It would go a long way with the community if they would communicate on the forums a little more, and with a little more depth.

  17. The bug where you can not summon or un-summon your companion without sending it on a sell grey quality items mission also happened to me on Alderaan. But of course I was also encountering the bug where your companion will not go sell grey quality items at the same time, so yeah, I had to log out and back in just to use a companion. And yes I bug reported both of those bugs a week ago. (actually I bug reported the one where companions sometimes will not go sell grey items the very first day of play)
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