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Posts posted by Sheike

  1. Hey Bioware guess what you did by making it so they couldn't spawn camp us in our base? The exact thing that I said would happen, they are now simply camping us...OUTSIDE OF OUR BASE! On both sides, there are probably ~20-30 imperials sitting at the central outpost as well preventing any republic from collecting armaments. Good job on the "fix". More of a reason to not pay you on the 21st.


    The 5-10 fps also doesn't help at all.




    You're aware that there are two entrances to either base, right?

  2. It would help the game immensely if certain issues like skill delay and other critical functions were not only addressed, but expedited to the top of the priority fix list. At this point it feels like not enough energy is being invested in fixing important mechanical failures in the program.


    I mean, we've basically been told that things are addressed and fixed "as they come down the tube," and to to be frank, such a phrase could be interpreted in many ways.

    I'm sure it would be highly appreciated if somebody from the team would be so kind as to explain in mild detail exactly how the data from bug reports is collated and actually dealt with.


    Please and thanks.

  3. - Developer makes good high-budget game under time constraint.

    - Small portion of general public complains.

    - Developer ignores psycho-babble, continues on to treat initial core issues.

    - Small portion of general public complains.

    - Developer implements more features and upgrades.

    - Children with access to keyboards and netzero continue to blow off mental steam.

    - Developer releases first expansion, setting the bar for future MMO's.

    - TOR forum becomes Trollfest 2012.

    - Leeroy Jenkins screws up an 'Eternity Vault' run on December 21st as a massive sun storm wipes out the majority of the world power grid.

  4. Yea but for allot of the people playing its been around as long as other games have. Maybe it's been so long that something new has come along that it cannot be given time to grow into something, I tell ya this much, If instant gratification and rewards for pressing the space bar is something people want. The Video game industry is going straight down the toilet thanks to developers listening to community feedback and not sticking to their brainstorm meetings on how to run their games.


    The fact remains, it's 8 days old. Not to mention, the core mechanics are still being straightened out and pvp does now and always should take a back seat when it comes to core mechanics. Given the circumstance, the only valid complaints I've seen so far concerning pvp are based on the lack of a matchmaking system which is completely understandable.

  5. Answer: (Level bracket-based Matchmaking)

    At least a bracket for under level 35 and one for above level 35.

    'Bolster' does not make a level 15 equal to a level 50. No matchmaking is only fun for higher levels and does not make for a good pvp system.

  6. To be frank, you ought to give it time before passing any type of final judgement...World of Warcraft has been out forever and TOR is barely past its launch date at this point. It wouldn't be fair at all to act like WoW is innately better, seeing as it has years of development time over TOR. Wait until at least a month or two after the first expansion to pass final and definite judgement, then we'll see for certain which is the better game.
  7. The single player aspect of the game is great and I love it


    It would nice however to be able to get groups when needed. I just spammed for a FP group for 2 hours with no luck.


    I would love to be able to run a FP when I wanted, they are pretty fun as well but finding a group is very difficult.


    Its really frustrating to the point it makes me just want to log off.


    Join a guild that has a vent server or something man, I never have any trouble getting groups together to doing anything.

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