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Posts posted by SovereignConvict

  1. Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


    1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


    I understand some people like Cathar, and actually requested them, but this thread is more for those who didnt, and would like to throw other ideas out there.


    You have to remember, that BioWare has put all their SWTOR "eggs" into the "basket" of fully voiced character interactions. They have also previously stated that they will "never" allow a playable character race that does not speak, "Basic."


    Of course, things can always change. But if they continue with that reasoning, which there has been no indication that they won't, then that means most of your list is void.


    Wookiee, some droids, Jawas, Rodians, Sullustans, Trandoshans, Duros, and I "think" Quarrens and Nogrhi as well, do NOT speak in Basic.


    All non-viable suggestions, basically.


    Now, I did read that someone else had suggested a, "disguise hologram" where you would visually appear as other races EXCEPT for during cut-scenes, kind of like helmets. Maybe that is something BioWare would be into, especially with the Cartel Market coming soon...

  2. Even before 1.2, when Sentinels just weren't good enough to compete against the ever rising tides of Sorcerers, they were still fun to play.


    Combat and Focus are both really fun, but Watchman stole my heart and won't give it back. Then again, I never ask for it back...

  3. Simple fix


    Rated queue - 8 man group vs 8 man group

    Group/Solo queue - any non-eight man group combination vs any non-eight man group combination

    Solo queue - no grouping of any kind


    Everyone can have it their way. The only thing that will change is that those thinking their way is the right way will soon find that the majority of pvp players are not in their group no matter how you divide it up.


    You can compete for a rank. You can play with your friends for no rank. You can play by yourself in a "random draw".


    "Random draw" is how I interpret what EA really wants out of solo queue since Baron Deathmark states that's how the Huttball groups are drawn. But then again he does say cheating is encouraged too, so maybe all the groupers are "cheating" their way to easier victories.


    You decide.


    This is exactly what I would prefer.

  4. I'm not saying that they HAVE to... but this is a game based around team play and casuals will suffer because of it...


    That I definitely agree with.


    So I'd say, "If you are going to continue PvPing with the options available to you right now, and you no longer want the frustration of queuing solo, then get involved (time permitting)."


    Although, I'd also throw in, "Hit the forums and let Dev know what you'd like, too!"




    As much as most development departments realize that the perspectives presented in the forums are not necessarily indicative of the general player base, they still ALWAYS get a mention.

  5. Why don't people, when playing against premades, take that as a challenge and work hard to give the maximum in order to win and learn something new? It is possible and happens.

    I remember once, on my old server, there was a premade in Huttball. That premade had really good players, tactics and used to win Huttball in less that a minute.

    My PuG team did not win but we made sure to give them a hard time. We lost 0:1. ;)


    A fun loss is always more gratifying to me than an easy win. I wish that were true for a large percentage of people concerning all facets of life.

  6. PvP is meant to be competitive.... if you want pre-mades to stop rolling you in regular war zones... complete the following steps.


    1. Form a group or guild (takes more time than queuing solo)

    2. Get geared (takes more time)

    3. Be competitive (not sure how someone alters their "competitiveness")

    4. Organize and work well as a team (takes more time than queuing solo)

    5. Queue for rated (takes more time than queuing solo)...


    It is never a good argument to counter someone's suggestion with the proposition that they invest more time into the game.


    Solo queuing offers the easiest and fastest way for players to enjoy PvP content.


    Also, allowing for solo queues has no direct causation for impacting the enjoyment of people that wish to continue to form groups and play cooperatively. The oft cited argument that queues deliver a finite number of players from the same pool of available players is fallacious. Though I haven't seen the specific data from SWTOR, the data I've seen from at least 12 other MMOs that I've worked on always shows the same correlation. Players with time that want to play in groups will do that, even if there is a solo option.


    I greatly enjoy PvP in this game, even more so when I have the time to join up with my guild and play. However, software doesn't develop itself, so I'm still required to work 60+ hours a week.


    Your argument that players should adjust their lives so that their free time can be more inline with your own time resources and also suggest that they enjoy working and collaborating as much as you do with others is a terrible way to run a business.


    It is a common meme that MMO players operate under that for some reason makes them think, "This product is an MMO, therefore, all people should be doing exactly what I think it is that makes MMOs great in order to enjoy it, and should just leave if they're unwilling to participate the way I think they should."


    When in fact, an MMO is just like any other product, and businesses ask themselves, "How can I make my product appeal to as many people as possible, and hopefully, make it appealing to everyone?"


    Providing both solo and group queues is definitely something I would like, because I'm a fan of options. However, it would be much more of a cogent argument to wonder what the "community reaction" to solo queues would be. If the introduction of a particular game change would cause a large enough group of paying players to leave, then it is definitely something that BioWare should look at before considering making that alteration. Which, I'm sure, is something they've considered.

  7. I don't know that it's based in some subtle conspracy to retain an edge, but I think you're right that people who play one class don't understand, and tend to dismiss, difficulties others face. When all they know is playing a Marauder, they have no frame of reference to understand another class has a much tougher time.


    I completely agree with you on this.

  8. Possible troll alert BE ADVISED...see LINK


    How can this be your first MMO if the provided link is you as well unless I am missing something. Also your post log shows posts from back in the month of Feb....


    Wow. Good catch, Master Nate!


    I'm assuming you meant to quote the OP, though. Yes?

  9. Unless they change the engine...NOTHING WILL REVIVE ILUM.



    The engine cannot and will not support more than 20 people on each side pvping. It becomes nothing more than a slide show for most people.


    It's not really the engine's fault as much as individual players' hardware being asked to do too much.


    I played on Ilum everyday with settings up as high as they would go. My machine could handle 50v50 (I'm estimating, of course) perfectly fine. Around 100v100 it would get choppy. If I just turned down my graphics settings, no problem.


    However, about once a day, my connection would be dropped. It's hard to tell if that was the server dropping me, or something about my personal Internet connection that would force SWTOR to drop my requests.


    Honestly, I mainly blame all the people that played Sorcerers. Most players' graphics card's processors probably had a hard time handling all that lightening. That, and TONS of people would refuse to lower their graphics settings. Lol. "If your machine can't handle it, turn it down." That should be a PSA.


    All that being said, I can think of at least a few "backend" improvements that could probably be done to help with some of the issues that players were experiencing. I'm assuming that's what Dev is "working on" right now to improve Ilum. But that's anyone's guess.

  10. I feel like I see the same paradoxes on these forums everyday...


    Lol. I notice these same paradoxes all the time. I think it comes from simple flaws in how human perception works. There IS a name for this phenomena, but I can't remember it at the moment.


    Anyway, people don't notice all the times that they kill or CC other people. Nor do they have any way to access the information about how frequently it's occurring on a "global" scale in the game. So, because failure is inevitable in even a well balanced PvP game, and most people get frustrated when they fail at something, tons of players only take a moment to analyse their data when frustration snaps them out of their "battle fugue."


    My favorite is when people claim to know information they could not possibly know. Like, "I know I've been CC'd more than every other player that's ever played in any game ever." Lol. Sure, buddy. Believe whatever makes you happy, even if it's making you miserable.

  11. Do you need valor now? You need WZ comms to gear up.


    You still cannot purchase Ranked Warzone Commendations until you have Valor Rank 40.


    You still cannot wear certain PvP armor until you've reached a certain Valor Rank. I haven't check this last one recently, but someone told me about a week ago that that restriction is still in place for War Hero gear.

  12. OK so dodge isn't that good. I guess I have an argument for those sentinels and marauders that claim I have an equal defense to them.. too bad


    I completely agree with you. Every time I activate it, it's like nothing happened. Instant death afterwards. No joke, I don't think I have EVER noticed an advantage.

  13. I completely agree with both the OP and Belly. There should be a medal for damage taken and there should be a category for damage taken in the Warzone Ending Splash Screen.


    I'd also say there should be a, "Most Damage Mitigated," option that only applies for damage that was NOT taken due to the use of a player activated ability (so nothing that's passive), except that damage mitigated through use of "Guard," should also apply (since the player not only has to activate the power on someone else, but also stay within a certain range of that player).


    But even though I mainly play DPS classes, tanks should get some love in PvP as well.

  14. I have 30% crit chance (with smuggler buff) and 76-77% crit multiplier and then stacking power. I have 18 Power/12 End augments in all 14 of my slots. Was thinking about going 18 Str/12 End augments and hoping to get higher crit chance and then replace a high crit chance mod with a power one. Would that be a better use of my itemization? Going for min crit chance and trying to stack power (30% is lowest I want).


    The difference is incredibly minimal. That being said, my actual listed damage is higher with all Power Augments than it is with all Strength Augments.


    After testing several rounds on dummies using the same rotation, my damage is always slightly higher with the Power Augments. Using them in PvP doesn't generate reliable feedback because there are too many variables.


    Best suggestion I can give is this. If you're Watchman or Focus spec, use all Power. Better damage in general consistency. If you're Combat, which relies more heavily on crits, use Strength.


    All of my testing was prior to 1.4, but I don't believe anything has changed. Regardless, if you're searching for a consensus on the forums, you will not find one.

  15. Fun and Balanced things that happened in lowbie PvP last night...


    Lol! I totally agree with you. Very funny write up, btw.


    And, I don't have a problem with someone if they want to be an uber twink in the below 50 bracket. Sure, all you want to do is have an unfair advantage and beat up on people forever, that probably says something about you that no put-down I could think up could even come close to matching. But until you get to 50, sure, why not.


    I had fun trying to kill that one uber twink Scoundrel. Never did kill him though... :(

  16. I love the OP's idea!


    While I agree with your overall analysis and your proposed solution, the flaw in it is that EVERY slot in every window that involves inventory... is a database field. To add that many fields may not be as easy as you profess...


    It's always important to keep in mind that unless you're working on a PARTICULAR product, it's never 100% possible to guess just how long a specific task would take.


    That being said (and believe this or not), I was an MMO developer for several years before becoming a usability designer and trainer. Adding fields, columns, or rows into a database is perhaps the absolutely most simple thing that can be done in an MMO other than just changing information in already created fields. If you can add a row into Microsoft Excel, you can pretty much do the same thing for any database in an MMO.


    But, this would also require new art, new UI elements, and QA testing, as everything in an MMO does. So, if they decided to put 5 Devs on this right now, there's still no way you would see this inside of a couple of months.

  17. I totally agree with the OP as well.


    Also, Urael, I agree with your sliding costs. I'm totally fine with unlocks having credit prices, too. They need to have "credit sinks" just like every economy needs to have things for players to spend money on, but the idea of prices going down as your Legacy Level goes up is a good one.

  18. ... Pretty much I'm in favor of any use a sail barges.


    Great idea!


    I've always thought that either an Operation that takes place on sail barges over a Sarlacc Pit or a Warzone area that does would be awesome.


    Think about the strategy involved with leaping to people on other barges. Or trying to get to some control that would "launch" you over to a different barge, or pushing people off if they leave themselves in a poor position, a la Boba Fett. :D


    I think that entire concept could have tons of applications.


    Or perhaps have something like Han saving Lando. Maybe, if in a Warzone, one of your teammates got knocked into/fell off into the Pit, there would be some kind of mechanic where another player could try to save them. Maybe they would have to "make themselves prone," or possibly just like they do now with planting a bomb on a door in Voidstar. If they don't get it started in a few seconds, too bad, you die for a certain amount of time.

  19. OP quote " I spend a lot of time and credits every level making sure my character's are geared as well as they can be or sometimes as well as I can afford to gear them. And the gear shows in pvp."


    To be quite honest this is as similar to a gear gap at 50 with WH vs. Recruit and a few BM pieces as it gets...


    The difference between my level 46 "randomly geared" Powertech Bounty Hunter versus a level 49 twinked Scoundrel who had 25 Expertise was the largest gear differential I've ever experienced in the game. No joke, he was able to two shot me.


    "I press two buttons and you're dead." Yeah, really fun.


    The only way to not have gear make a difference is to make gear completely meaningless. Then, everyone could just complain about the other differences between character classes. Give everyone the same character class with the same spec and the same gear, and you'll hear about people complain about lag or other latency issues.


    At least with the "gear problem" players focus on something they believe they can control. Get gear and then you're fine. With the other problems, the solutions are either more difficult, more time consuming, or completely unsolvable because they only exist in the players' heads.

  20. Welcome to the big boy's bracket.


    Please leave your level 49 attitudes at the door.


    This is the single reason why operatives got nerf'd and further nerf'd because of the lack of understanding about the class to begin with...


    I'm not sure which nerfs you're referring to, but the ones I'm thinking about pertain to how Operatives, when the game launched, could sneak up on you while being unable to be detected, and then CC you, and then re-cc you if you used your CC Breaker, and kill you even if you had 100% health when they started. There was no defense to that other than, "Have someone else around you to heal you."


    That was a much needed nerf. And, post 1.4 Resolve Change, this ability is back. I have yet to see any full WH geared and fully augmented character able to 1v1 an Operative with the correct spec since 1.4 went live. AND, a lot of them run with a second Operative friend, thus making it even more impossible for even two players to take them on 2v2.


    If there is no possible response to an attack, then it has to be nerfed. And, before you reply, please watch this video so you understand how to make a cogent argument.


  21. So this forum is full of threads about nerf this, bioware scks, latest patch ruined everything, worst part of playing in a PUG, stupid noob lines, etc. All negative stuff! I decided to post a reason why PvP still rocks in this game. Here it is...


    Don't get disheartened, Banderal. I've been here since before launch and played pretty much continuously ever since. I predominately play in Level 50 Warzones while PUGging, and I love it. Though it's still not quite as fun as when my guild and I do some ranked warzones, I still have a blast.


    True, you see lots of bad players do frustrating things. That should be expected. And, if all you see are the mistakes of others, then you're probably just suffering from the Dunning–Kruger Effect.


    Anyway, thanks for sharing that story and keep having fun. I sure do!



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