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Everything posted by Phurbies

  1. wondering on what you guys think the best PvE raiding spec is at the moment and your rotation please
  2. Does anyone know the cap of crit and power/surge? Also, can someone tell me the order of secondary stats priority wise for a jedi knight dps? Watchman spec, PvE.
  3. anyone here know a good pve raiding rotation I can use? much appreciated
  4. Here's how my PvE combat sentinal dps spec looks atm at lvl50, feel free to leave feedback! http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#5010cZhGrbddMorsZG00M.1
  5. In most MMO's world bosses spawn timer range from anywhere to 2-7days. I would assume this is the same case.
  6. I put combat, thats sentinal dps
  7. Any DPS Combat raiding rotations + spec/builds guides I can take a look at? Feel free to post. ty guys!
  8. Alright, atm im at taris, most of them are stages and its still pretty grindy, lvl22 atm, taking your word for it haha
  9. seriously..the republic bonus' missions + series ARE A JOKE. I hit 50 on my sith and maybe like 40% of the bonus' missions + series are grinding, but EVERY SINGLE MISSION on the republic is okay kill 15...stage 2 : kill 30... stage 3: 45...final stage: kill boss. does anyone else find this annoying?
  10. im guessing your going to be one of the many players ************ and then in a couple months this is going to become a "casual" mmo like WoW? /facepalm
  11. yes, operations are raids, require 8 or 16 people. there are world bosses in every zone and u can set up an operation or quest or when u do a warzone you are in a group called operations, but operations are used for bigger groups of people. operations are mainly used for raiding, so if u mean raiding then yes, but if u mean doing activites or having multiple people then u can set up an operation at any time. raiding=operations=level 50.
  12. Hello, I was just wondering what bonus missions award you at level 50 in Ilum and Belsavis...Also does anyone know how long the story line is at Ilum until I unlock dailies and how long the bonus missions are at Belsavis until I unlock those dailies if there are some over there. Thanks.
  13. so are hardmode flashpoints puggable and easy? and is epic PvP gear atm just as good as PvE gear?
  14. Hello, I am a couple of bars away from 50 and I am looking to do PvE content first and want to raid as soon as possible, but my question is, how do I start this? I heard there is no "grinding" in this game because normal mode on Eternity Vault is fairly easy but my question is, how do I gear up once I'm 50? Are the Hardmode flashpoints worth it and are they "puggable" or will I need a dedicated PvE guild for this? I am currently in a pretty good PvE guild but we are still starting up and looking for more lvl50's so I have some time before raiding and am just wondering if hardmode flashpoints are puggable and easy, and if they are worth it, or if I should just wait it out till my guild is ready?
  15. In an interview they said that your able to just jump into a operation, that no "grinding" is required, but then again level50 flashpoints are there for a reason..I assume you would probably run those a couple times for a few essential pieces and hop right in, the entire "grinding" aspect is pretty much taken out for the most part.
  16. I'm sith, and the zone before this one was the only zone that I just hit the "max" level for it and got out because tbh the previous planet was not very appealing to me
  17. too long, I kinda want to speed run this and just do the zone missions ya know
  18. Help! I arrived at Alderaan at level 28 (zone is lvl28-32) and I finished my imperial agent storyline on this planet + all the quests I came to on my path while doing this quest and all the towns/small mini areas this quest took me to, you know, the usual, but for some reason I'm only lvl30 (2bars from lvl31) and all I have left to do (to my knowledge) is 2heroic missions + 1 area mission + 1 flashpoint mission and I know that won't get me to 32 which would take me to the next zone so...what should I do? Any certain places/towns do you think I probably missed while on this planet? Any bonus missions? Any feedback is appreciated
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