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Posts posted by Berika

  1. Kitru and Keyboardninja discussed this in a couple PTS threads. For PT tanks, going into the last couple weeks prior to 2.0 is Defense over Shield with absorb being a laughable waste. The devs stated that they were making changes to some specs that they did not include on the PTS. Kitru and Keyboardninja said they would get back with us after release.
  2. . Some of us are not interested in rolling 8 toons, not even 2. Some of us enjoy to play Just 1 character, and I don't understand why you think its fair that I have to roll 2-3 toons jsut to keep up in the achivement race? . :)


    I understand what you're saying. I enjoy my Troopers and BH's and don't get the same enjoyment others get by playing a saber-jockey. It goes without saying this game has been marketed for it's story and pretty much everything has been to encourage players to play multiple toons from day one. If that's not your thing then don't do it. Have fun and play it however you wish.

  3. Video #1 - Nice teamwork. Hurry and ROFL stomp these pugs so we can epeen stroke on fleet again.


    Video #2 - Snooze fest. Waste of time. Everyone knows guarding nodes is boring.


    Video #3 - Complain, whine, Boo-hoo, LD-fiddy be carryin' all yo sorry pugz. Lost all respect for you and your guild. Try sharing the knowledge and techniques like CM and a few others then perhaps you guys can enjoy yourselves instead of "Hard-core don't apply for our guild unless you were born with a mouse in one hand and keyboard in the other."

  4. Yes, as folks have already surmised, the spec no longer is viable given the changes to the mechanics of the tank tree to improve PVE tanking.


    For Vanguards, at least the good news is that Pulse Generator is fixed.


    Given the current mechanics, I recommend running Pyrotech (Assault Specialist) or Advanced Prototype (Tactics). If you are set on tanking, you can run a 31-pt spec but understand that your damage output is going to be limited.






    I have always given my objective opinions about SWTOR. I am one of the hosts on GAMEBREAKER's The Republic show, but that does not mean I am going to lose my objectivity.


    If you don't agree with my opinions, you don't agree with my opinions. That's doesn't mean my opinions are biased.



    This is from page 29 post #286. I've messed around with it for dailies and such but it hasn't been recommended since last June

  5. For PVE dps, Pyro is best. You'll get more overall dps by dropping the top tier talents and putting the points to max out the dps talents such as Steely Resolve, Rail loaders, Puncture etc. There are several threads that can explain the details to you.


    For PVP dps you're better off going with a basic full 31-pt Pyro spec. Burst is king in PVP.


    I have 2 level 50 Vanguards (AS and SS) so I leveled my BH as the AP spec. For an overall spec AP is what I'd recommend. I did about 50/50 PVP and PVE during my leveling. A nice middle ground of damage and toughness. I used dps gear and a shield with Ion Cylinder. I had none-zero-nadda problems with any of my quests at or slightly above level by doing this with Mako healing. It hurt my dps a bit but I just stayed with Ion Cylinder to be used to the heat management for PVP. During PVE groups with a dedicated Tank, I swapped to HEC. There were a several times the Tank went down or D/C'd and I was able to finish the fight by swapping to Ion Cylinder and already had my shield equiped. Elitist Jerks may talk smak if they see the shield but turn around and sing your praises when you save the wipe.


    in PVP, AP also has the advantage of not being too gimped if using Ion Cylinder. Some players swap to HEC as needed but I prefer to run Ion Cylinder when running AP (drop the HEC talents). Between damage, taunts and guard, I never go without my 8 minimum medals. Even in the pre-made Saber-Jockey smash fest as of late. Manage heat and you'll do fine.


    My first 2 points went into Combust then straight up the AP tree.


    Like everything in the forums this is an opinion. Use this and any other advice you receive as guidelines not gospel. You know the age old debate....Tough as nails VS Blow it up quick....Experiment a little and tweak it to suit your playstyle. Field respec for talents is the bomb!!! Good Luck and hope you enjoy your BH.

  6. 2-pt Weapons Calibrations: Increases Alacrity (yes its meh but casters always want a faster cast)

    As I said, very few if any add this into a build


    2-pt Parabolic Combat Stims: Returns 1 ammo when stunned (or rooted or knocked down, some classes can dam near refill an empty ammo bar by spamming you)

    You're dead long before then


    2-pt Degauss: Removes movement impairing effects on use of Reactive Shield (utter crap because someone can immediately re-snare you)

    Agreed, it's worthless. That's why it on the suggestion list


    2-pt Adrenaline Fueled: Crits reduce the active CD of Adrenaline Rush and Reserve Power Cell. (touch this and die, its an important ammo control which reduces RPC to 30-40s in a fight since assault has no constant boost like gunnery)

    You're the first I've seen speak it's praises but you have a point


    Why is Sweltering Heat not in there? 2 points for a weak snare that commandos cant even proc when they want.

    The whole point of changing Charged Bolts into a spammable attack like Ion Pulse is for the better damage during movement as well as the constant snare from Sweltering Heat like a Vanguard.



    Any change that is made will not make all players happy. PVP'ers will QQ constantly. By offering positive suggestions and keeping the subject at the forefront of the discussions will eventually bring change.

  7. A simple solution to improve Gunnery and AS Commandos viability for PVP is to make Charged Bolts instant cast like the Vanguard's Ion Pulse. (it shouldn't effect PVE much)


    A more complex solution which achieves the same goal:

    Remove/Swap one of the seldom used, some have debated as useless, talents from the Commando AS tree.


    2-pt Weapons Calibrations: Increases Alacrity

    2-pt Parabolic Combat Stims: Returns 1 ammo when stunned

    2-pt Degauss: Removes movement impairing effects on use of Reactive Shield

    2-pt Adrenaline Fueled: Crits reduce the active CD of Adrenaline Rush and Reserve Power Cell.


    Replace one of them with a 2-point talent which changes Charged Bolts into an instant cast to keep it on-par with Ion Pulse play style. Preferably it would proc Plasma Cell 100% of the time like Ion Pulse. Even if it doesn't, the instant cast "decent" damage would be a positive improvement in play style (skipping the the elemental vs weapon damage discussion.)


    By making this "Burst Shot" into an instant cast, the cast reduction can be removed from Muzzle Fluting in the Gunnery tree which can stay the same for Grav Round.


    Burst Shot being in Tier-1 might be of some use for a Combat Medic. I've yet to see one admit they activate Super-Charge Cell to access the Charged Bolts cost reduction. However, as a lower Tier talent it could possibly result in strengthening Gunnery spec. too much (PVE). If that were to happen (Bio-Ware can do the math) the talent should be high enough in the skill tree for it to deter Gunnery from hybridizing it.


    Just a couple more ideas to toss out there in the hopes the Devs will pick something up and run with it.....in a positive direction.


    cc: Suggestion, PVP forums

  8. A simple solution to improve Gunnery and AS Commandos viability for PVP is to make Charged Bolts instant cast like the Vanguard's Ion Pulse. (it shouldn't effect PVE much)


    A more complex solution which achieves the same goal:

    Remove/Swap one of the seldom used, some have debated as useless, talents from the Commando AS tree.


    2-pt Weapons Calibrations: Increases Alacrity

    2-pt Parabolic Combat Stims: Returns 1 ammo when stunned

    2-pt Degauss: Removes movement impairing effects on use of Reactive Shield

    2-pt Adrenaline Fueled: Crits reduce the active CD of Adrenaline Rush and Reserve Power Cell.


    Replace one of them with a 2-point talent which changes Charged Bolts into an instant cast to keep it on-par with Ion Pulse play style. Preferably it would proc Plasma Cell 100% of the time like Ion Pulse. Even if it doesn't, the instant cast "decent" damage would be a positive improvement in play style (skipping the the elemental vs weapon damage discussion.)


    By making this "Burst Shot" into an instant cast, the cast reduction can be removed from Muzzle Fluting in the Gunnery tree which can stay the same for Grav Round.


    Burst Shot being in Tier-1 might be of some use for a Combat Medic. I've yet to see one admit they activate Super-Charge Cell to access the Charged Bolts cost reduction. However, as a lower Tier talent it could possibly result in strengthening Gunnery spec. too much (PVE). If that were to happen (Bio-Ware can do the math) the talent should be high enough in the skill tree for it to deter Gunnery from hybridizing it.


    Just a couple more ideas to toss out there in the hopes the Devs will pick something up and run with it.....in a positive direction.


    cc: Suggestion, Class forums

  9. A simple solution to improve Gunnery and AS Commandos viability for PVP is to make Charged Bolts instant cast like the Vanguard's Ion Pulse. (it shouldn't effect PVE much)


    A more complex solution which achieves the same goal:

    Remove/Swap one of the seldom used, some have debated as useless, talents from the Commando AS tree.


    2-pt Weapons Calibrations: Increases Alacrity

    2-pt Parabolic Combat Stims: Returns 1 ammo when stunned

    2-pt Degauss: Removes movement impairing effects on use of Reactive Shield

    2-pt Adrenaline Fueled: Crits reduce the active CD of Adrenaline Rush and Reserve Power Cell.


    Replace one of them with a 2-point talent which changes Charged Bolts into an instant cast to keep it on-par with Ion Pulse play style. Preferably it would proc Plasma Cell 100% of the time like Ion Pulse. Even if it doesn't, the instant cast "decent" damage would be a positive improvement in play style (skipping the the elemental vs weapon damage discussion.)


    By making this "Burst Shot" into an instant cast, the cast reduction can be removed from Muzzle Fluting in the Gunnery tree which can stay the same for Grav Round.


    Burst Shot being in Tier-1 might be of some use for a Combat Medic. I've yet to see one admit they activate Super-Charge Cell to access the Charged Bolts cost reduction. However, as a lower Tier talent it could possibly result in strengthening Gunnery spec. too much (PVE). If that were to happen (Bio-Ware can do the math) the talent should be high enough in the skill tree for it to deter Gunnery from hybridizing it.


    Just a couple more ideas to toss out there in the hopes the Devs will pick something up and run with it.....in a positive direction.


    cc: PVP, Class forums

  10. Stockstrike: classified as "Tech" attack, instant, kinetic damage


    Full Auto: classified as "Ranged" attack, 3-sec. channeled, weapon damage


    Replacing SS for FA would be hindering for a Vanguard's damage based on current game mechanics. Instant vs channeled and tech damage vs weapon damage. The channel of the Pulse Cannon attack is only tolerable because it's a Tech attack (leveling my 2nd VG as Tactics this time). A Vanguard's forte' is Tech attacks.


    I do understand why some players would desire something like the change you suggested. There are tons of threads discussing and some QQ'ing over "Ranged Tank" etc. that players thought the class would be when the game first started. It's a melee class and the suggestion you propose would most likely not provide the desired benefit based on the overall intent of the class design.

  11. it depends... in capable hands it can be extremely good..

    it's more of a situational specc


    AS is pretty straight forward.. you run in and nuke the crap out of evereything


    tactics is more about setting things up


    "Setting up" is a positioning and occasionally a timing issue to ensure the mob(s)/player(s) are going to be struck by Tactics main attack, the Pulse Generator stacked Pulse Cannon. Very easy PVE. A little more difficult PVP.

  12. Mace won, if Anakin had stayed home like he was told:


    • Mace would have killed Palpatine;
    • Anakin would have been granted the title of Master for resisting Palpatine's attempts to turn him;
    • Luke and Leia would have been raised as little Jedi;
    • Anakin would have turned anyway after finding Obi-Wan banging Padme;
    • Qui-gon Kenobi would have been born secretly and Padme would have died of a broken heart at seeing her husband and lover fighting;
    • Anakin would get some major loot in the divorce settlement;
    • Luke and Leia would have had to set dad right with a lightsaber in his butt;
    • Qui-gon Kenobi and Qui-gon Jinn would lecture Obi-Wan about attachment and the all important rule of 'bros before hos';
    • Leia would have taken a leave of absence to serve a term as Naboo's Queen and later Supreme Chancellor of the Republic;
    • Luke would be named Grand Master of the Order after Yoda retires;
    • Admiral Han Solo of the Republic Navy would sweep the Jedi Master Leia Skywalker off her feet.



    Wait...where was I going with this. :p


    ^^ Pure LoL. Kudos for creativity.




    The Jedi messed up by believing an interpretation of the prophesy instead of the literal wording of "Bring balance to the force". Yes, Mace (and everyone else) were doomed for a long time.


    Before Anakin, there were thousands of Jedi and only 1 Sith with his apprentice. (The reason for there being so few Sith was explained in KoToR) Because of his actions all that was eventually left after the purge and great hunt;


    Sidious and Vader vs Yoda and Obi-Wan.


    Similar to the flood involving Noah, these actions purged the increasingly decedent/arrogant Jedi who were beginning to stray as Obi-Wan QQ'd to Yoda and Mace in episode III. (Luke and Leia don't count. They were merely potential force sensitive infants/children as were others scattered around the galaxy)


    Of course Yoda and Obi-Wan threw balance out the window again by orchestrating Luke's rise to "power" and eventual rebuilding of the Jedi temple where more were trained which began the cycle anew. Although, they did appear to have good intentions by doing so.

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