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Posts posted by Korevas

  1. Again, where did I say that Bioware doesn't want to milk cash out of the game? I didn't generalize about the general situation of the game. I only said that the MAIN goal of THIS NEW FEATURE is to increase the demand for outfits which will result in increased sales of packs. The outfit designer feature IS NOT the whole game. MAIN goal IS NOT the only goal. They will certainly benefit from tabs bought by CC, but the MAIN increase will come from boosted sales of packs.


    You just interpret the posts in a way to fit your reasoning. I'm out of here. You could have warned me before I replied to you that you were full of bantha poodoo.


    <opens airlock and jumps out>


    Pretty much, but this is a win/win situation if I've ever seen one. People get appearance slots for free, and charging cc for additional ones beyond this is absolutely fair game IMO.

  2. Cross-server would be a big mess unless they kept it server type specific


    Pvp vs PvP

    Pve vs Pve

    RP vs RP




    However, I think a more viable way to fix ranked pvp would be to do cross-FACTION. For those about to wet themselves over "lore" its a damn killing arena sponsored by Giradda the Hutt. Cross-faction makes sense especially with what is going on post 3.0.


    Why? What does it matter on what server people original played? I severely doubt the average pve server player is significantly better at pvp; they will both be bads.

  3. Good God people, buy a cheap microphone and download Teamspeak 3, Ventrilo, or Mumble. They are all excellent (I prefer TS3), free, and allow you to actually tactically communicate with others in PvP, AND PvE to better and more quickly react to things. You can also tell jokes, talk to people, etc. And yes, I agree it should have been integrated into the game.


    Even if you don't have a microphone or if you have some weird syndrome that makes you afraid to talk anonymously over a microphone (Glossophobia-fear of public speaking, Thanks BING!) you can still listen to what people are saying, and react to it.


    So download one or all of those programs, folks. They won't slow down your system, aren't hard to set up, and will increase your enjoyment of the game.


    Some of them (TS3) have the ability for you to share a simple url that automatically connects you to the guild or kinship's voice server. This spares you from having to type in IP addresses and passwords.


    It's the internet, guys and gals. We can't see you, you'll be okay. Relax and Game ON, with voice!


    I agree that voice chat is a real perk to have, but I absolutely don't agree that it should have been built in. Doing that is a tremendous effort and most likely, the outcome will be significantly worse than teamspeak.


    What I really wonder is why devs never just integrate better support for teamspeak/mumble/whatever into their games. Creating a plugin that allows players to click a link or even invite others in the game into their channel should absolutely be possible, there are already overlay programs etc. that can control teamspeak in a similar way.

  4. Only from reputation. :D


    Apparently I have bad news for you both. He recently passed away and as it happens, they traced back his lineage and I am his only living heir. I'll just have to pay the notary fees and sign some papers and I'll be filthy rich, so yay me!


    Anyway, I too am convinced that "better than cross server" will definitely come soon and that it will be totally awesome.

  5. But would you also support letting players who no longer play keep their name, despite level or time played, as long as they've logged in once in the past 3 years? Cuz...that seems to be the Bioware way.


    Ignore him, he's just a troll. Obviously, megaservers would need a new naming convention instead of just having everybody rename. Many games use a charname@account approach, which would fit the legacy system quite nicely.


    Regardless, I'm fairly sure they would do megaserver if they could, but I don't think it's in the cards right now. They already planned and announced just pvp cross server years ago, and then simply failed at implementing it, and that was shortly after release with a full team. Nowadays, all ot those who originally made their server tech are probably fired already and the current team most likely would be even less able to do it if they tried.

  6. Go to the starfighter vendor on the fleet, and you can purchase a title for 1k comms. Put the title in your legacy bank then withdraw it on another room and put it your second toon's personal bank. As long as you aren't logged on to your 2nd toon, the buyback timer will not count down.


    When you want to redeem the comms, you have to return the title to the same starfighter vendor. Return it on the toon you want to get the comms. Boom! 1k comms. Just make sure you have fewer than (comm cap minus 1000) when you return the title or else you will lose the extra.


    You don't need to redeem at the same vendor, any will do. In fact you can load up on 13k comms this way and gear up in one sitting at the pvp vendor.

  7. lol... seriously guys? I understand that it might be funny to gank random players (preferably pve geared) doing their dailies. I even understand that there might be the chance your evil pvp raid group would oppose another evil pvp raid group - which is the point I personally would start to speak of "fun".

    But talking about "competition" while farming mostly unequipped random people from dusk till dawn is just downright hilarious.


    As a dedicated PvP Player I never understood this behaviour and I propably never will. I see no sense in roflstomping people who obviously cannot have a chance, spamming /lol at them and behaving like the overall bad4ss mofo.


    I would love some serious open world pvp - with PvP players on both sides engaged and with balanced factions.


    Yet all you are doing is wasting your time by farming people who don't even want to pvp. There is no competetion, there is no challenge, there is no skill needed and there is absolutely no reward. And by wasting your time doing so, you actually annoy everyone else.


    Serious question: What does this style of gaming make it so enjoyable for a minor group of people, that they would do this until the servers restart? No offense there but I often have the feeling it's just some kind of wannabe badazzdom, especially when taking a look at Character/Guild names and overall player behaviour. I don't expect a Drêâdkí11ôr from the Yakuza Gang to be any sort of respectable ... if you know what I mean.

    Yet I understand that there are people in this thread I'd take serious under normal circumstances and I'd really like to know what they get out of these so called PvP events (which they are defeinitely not in my opinion).


    Most serious and mature PvPers I am aware of are not participating in this.


    My thoughts exactly. The event heavily encourages rotating all of your alts, most of which will usually be ungeared for pvp and thus, complete and utter fodder with zero chance to fight back against gankers in their ranked gear.


    I'm on a pvp server for a reason, I generally enjoy open world pvp but this is more annoying than fun. Since there is a bolster system in place already, I don't see why it can't just bolster everybody to 2018 exp and matching stats.

  8. I agree that it's kinda pointless on limited events anyway. I have different amounts of different rep items rep items on 8 characters, so keeping track of those is needlessly annoying, especially since the event strongly encourages reaching those rep thresholds in time. Also, why are legacy bound tokens like helixes not just account based commendations?
  9. Huttball. Where the fine athletes compete for glory and whatever.

    As it is now, you can goalpoach with a steath class and it's quite boring. Doesn't take much teamplay really.

    We need an offside rule to make the Huttball matches interesting.

    Implement this and then we have ourselves a proper game!

    People are bored of Huttball as it stand now. Listen to the community and give us what we want.


    Not sure if trolling or serious, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say it's just another bad trolling attempt.

  10. or could SWTOR get a graphics update like AO? if DX12 info holds true and the performance increase is significant, I don't see why not. it is easier than creating a totally new game. add a large expansion and let the game grow with the community.


    It certainly isn't that easy and it gets more difficult the more outdated and customized the engine is. SWTOR's engine is both old and allegedly based on a beta engine that is no longer even compatible with upgrade to the stock engine. It's still running on a 32 bit process and has an extremely convoluted and awkward way of handling its threads, according to data miners. What this means is that it's a tremendous effort to update it, which gets only more difficult because the people who wrote the original code have been fired years ago.


    What this comes down to is: it's possible, but extremely costly. On the other hand, the possible returns of such a revamp are slim. It would of course be appreciated by a portion of the players, but relatively few even know what DX12 is, and worst of all: you can't sell it.


    What the people in charge want is minimum investment, maximum output; stuff that looks great on a trailer and can be advertised on facebook to people who don't even know about the game. Like a cheap cross promotion with new movies or something like that. Basically, what they want is variations of the cross guard saber for 2000cc, because that rakes in the dough.

  11. I think with all that they have learned and a cutting edge graphics engine the team could build an awesome follow up to SWTOR.


    The things they learned from this project probably were that it was a damn pain to even make good for the homungous development costs of the original approach, and that f2p with a skeleton crew absolutely is the way to go. Even *if* they ever decided to do a swtor 2, which is not exactly likely given it's track record, if you expect a sequel that is true to the original game you would likely be disappointed.

  12. After three years of playing this game, this is exactly what im expecting to happen.


    Too many tantrums have happened because peoples pie in the sky expectations werent met.


    Absolutely. Although in this particular case, if it turns out to be just a slightly overhauled collection system with appearance slots at most, at least some part of the blame does have to fall to the guy who called it "outfit *designer*" of all things in the first place.


    I mean it's not like they couldn't have known this would build up unrealistic expectations if they just threw the name out there with no info whatsoever.

  13. And once again: for most people there's a difference between

    • "Huh, I wonder if this means it will do [X]"


    • "I will be very disappointed / pissed if it doesn't do [X]"


    Sadly, this is the internet, so there is very little "I wonder if it's X?" and very much "OMG it's *definitely* X! If by any chance it turns out not to be X, EAware lied to ME and it's a spit in the face of loyal customers! I will unsub NAO!"

  14. One that comes to mind immediately is



    on Dromund Kaas where you have the prisoners rebelling and some sith lord wants to test his poisons on and wants to take an approach that will make them die slowly and painfully. Your options are basically: Administer poison to kill them quickly (LS) or Administer poison to kill them slowly (DS). I would have preferred a third option be: "take out that crazy Dr. Mengele wanna-be", though that would have required the quest to be isolated inside a phase area.


    I always liked that particular quest because it really gets the point accross that LS empire is still pretty damn insanely evil. Even if you are generally are a nice guy on empire side, you are still active helping to establish a fascist regime that approves of torture, violence and general cruelty as the very foundation of it's power structure. IMO the game lets you look away from all that suffering your actions will inevitably cause far too easily.

  15. They ARE working on PvP content. They just can't talk about it yet.


    Honestly, I'm thinking this'll be a big year for PvP. When you consider that the last two free expansions -- space combat and strongholds (player housing) -- were common big feature requests by the players, their next big project seems pretty obvious: some form of wide scale PvP, probably similar to what GW2 or ESO offers. I think in order to make that work they're also going to add some form of cross-faction (which they can heavily monetize:rolleyes: ) and that will go a long way to help balancing ranked as well.


    Could be I'm dreaming though. Still, all this silence suggest they're working on something big that they don't want to let slip too early (like they did with the SSSP).


    Whatever it is, it is most likely not going to be big open world pvp. They tried that with Ilum a long time ago and it crashed and burned so hard I doubt they'll even touch that concept with a 10 foot polesaber.


    It is also extremely unlikely to really be better than cross server by any means, that was just an informal statement by an employee at a cantina event, nothing they ever officially announced and they already distanced themselves from it.

  16. The only thing about non-force users (I am thinking my bounty hunter here really) that I really take issue with in the story is the fact that he can pawn all these jedi and sith without a problem. They really should be able to throw me around like a rag doll and I should not even be able to hit them.


    The best I should really do is a draw, think the Fett Kenobi fight in episode 2 Fett ended up holding his own but having to run away, but then Fett was easily defeated by Windu.


    This always occured to me as well. With the amount of telekinetic power even relatively minor force users display, it should be much simpler to just force-snap someones neck or stop their heart or whatever, compared to throwing debris at them.


    Of course that can't be a thing in the actual gameplay, but it always struck me as odd even in cutscenes.

  17. Absolutely impossible:

    Modifying existing piees by adding/removing stuff. Additional information would have to be transmitted to other clients. That works in a persistent world where players can change how the world looks. That simply cannot work here. That would be like designing your own tattoo for your face. Completely unrealistic.


    Theoretically speaking, this is no different from creating your character's face for instance. Other mmos are doing this so it's definitely not impossible. However, I don't see them doing this as well. Designing a modular system like this is quite an effort, and if it was really free form it would mostly destroy the economy they have built themselves. Taking or adding those annoying tidbits to existing armors and selling them as new items is an extremely money efficient way to create new stuff to sell, and they most likely won't destroy that niche.


    Personally, my bet is on a slightly redesigned collections interface with some minor functionalitly improvements on top. I'd hope for appearance slots but I don't see them giving us that without some major catch to monetize it.

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