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Posts posted by Melchiora

  1. IA more specifically:

    Uncover terrorist plot and how deep it goes / infiltrate Republic SIS and discover Imperial shenanigans / Discover ancient conspiracy running everything from the shadows and prolonging the war between Sith and Jedi to kill them both off. Oh, why do the inhabitants of Voss not side with either group? The conspiracy told them not to so they wouldn't tip the balance. Why is Corellia locked in Imperial infighting? Conspiracy manipulating casualty info. Who keeps the metric system down? Conspiracy.

  2. I'd just like to see tech/force damage attacks balanced better when compared to defense stats or white damage attacks. Why are they 100% accurate instead of 90% like white damage? Why do they bypass all defense stats? And why is there no gear/mods with Resistance on it if that was intended?


    The only attack that's 90% is the base use no resources basic attack.


    Every other attack, even if melee/range (rather than force/tech) is a special attack in the basic/special dichotomy.


    Tested with my sniper and 100 white damage shots against my brother, with my basic accuracy down to ~95% (my sniper rifle had some accuracy, removed all other gear). Not a single miss (one dodge). The odds of that happening if I had the expected 5% miss chance were less than 0.5%.


    And I was even doing the test to prove that my white attacks COULD miss. Disproved my own base hypothesis.

  3. So, I'm wondering what classes have significant changes depending on light/dark choices you make.


    Most prominent is probably Sith Warrior, where your alignment at the end of chapter one redically shifts a companion's personality.


    Imperial agent has something like 5 endings depending on choices you make along the storyline, in part light/dark choices (you can even choose to work for the republic in the end, if you have the setup choices made).


    Any others? Does Jedi Knight have any significant story divergences, for example?

  4. I tried all the professions, and so far the most lackluster is Armsmech, followed by Synthweaving. All the other craft skills besides these two have items that have item modifications for either weapon or armor (barrels, hilts, enhancements, mods, armor, crystals) except Biochem, which is the attractive for other reasons. And the other craft skills have things like wieldable (shield, focus), earpieces, implants.


    I look forward 1.2 improvements, but I hope there can be something more, idk, for armsmech, belt buckles, or something. Maybe a some BOE item that upgrades any armor to add an augment slot. Maybe have Synthweave make relics, or add some sort of slot for to wieldable items, earpieces, relics or implants.


    Some ideas could be adding temporary buffs as well, like some chemical that enhances armor overall for armsmech, sythenweave could add some energy field that adds a temporary buff.




  5. Not quite true. Some are truly useless.


    You can make off-hand only, non-shield items, with +shielding. In order to benefit from this stat, you have to have a shield in your offhand. Needless to say, that makes it rather impossible to hold that non-shield offhand item.


    Also, while medium armor tanking gear can technically be used by heavy armor tanks, why would they?


    I think it's important to differentiate a couple of things:


    1. Stats you can't see who'd use, for example Sniper Rifles with defense. You might not want to use it, but it still technically does something.


    2. Useless stats, for example Sniper Rifles with Shield Rating. NOBODY, player or companion, can use a sniper rifle and a shield at the same time.


    Medium tank armor is the former. The latter is more important.

  6. As to the end of chapter 1...people seem to have missed that there's more choices, even still being DS/LS.



    I for one didn't join Jadus. I passed up that choice, then later chose to pretend to join him, activating the orbital weapons (piped in distress calls, I felt like a horrible person) to distract him while I sabotaged the ship to keep him from escaping as I captured him and handed him over to the Dark Council. Plenty of darkside points, no siding with Jadus.



    As to chapter 2...



    I love the mind $%^&. Is X there, or am I imagining him, and wait, what's going on, sonuva get this @#$% out of my head!


  7. At least for snipers, the thing to look at is not melee/force for accuracy, but basic/special. Feel free to test with another white damage attack. Pull in a friend, take off your accuracy gear, and see if you get any misses (not parry/dodge/block, but MISS). When I tested it on my IA with snipe (white damage attack, not the basic) 100 times I got a statistically very high confidence result that the miss chance was not the 6% I'd have had if snipe was considered a "basic" attack (wasn't 10% because my sniper rifle had some accuracy on it).


    The ONLY attack which uses the basic 90% base is the basic "costs no resources (and gives a couple rage for sith warrior and jedi knight). This is regardless of whether the damage is white/yellow.


    White damage can be dodge/parried and blocked.

    Yellow damage cannot be blocked or dodged.


    Kinetic and Energy damage is reduced by armor.

    Internal and Elemental damage is not reduced by armor.


    If it does "weapon" type damage it uses the damage type of your equipped weapon.


    Seriously, go smack a friend with slash 100 times. Reduce your accuracy as much as you can (so basic is as much below 100% as you can get it). Report your results. Now, you'll need to use strike or something too, make sure that any misses you see are for the slash attack, not strike.


    With my test on my sniper, I wound up with about a 0.3% chance that my no miss in 100 white damage attacks was simply due to random chance. It's not 99.9% certainty, but gosh, my brother was bored being a target dummy so 99.7% certainty will just have to do.

  8. There are several other companions that rely on Armstech for weapons - Akaavi Spar, Qyzen Fess and Tanno Vik on the Republic side are all restricted to melee weapons with aim, for instance.


    Ah, sorry, my knowledge is only Empire side. All the other techstaff users use will.

  9. I've never used it myself, and it seems like it would be a rare crew skill because everyone seems to be all about the others instead. I don't hear much talk about this one. However, it seems like it's absolutely worthless based on what I'm seeing on the GTN.


    There are Grade 6 purple materials listed at around 2k each. That's pathetic. And Investigation missions never sell. There are about 20 pages of them all priced at default. Clearly nobody wants them.


    I don't understand. It seems like if nobody wants the missions, it's because nobody is using Investigation. But if nobody is using Investigation, then the materials should be more scarce. That shortage in supply should make them expensive, but they're not. So, what gives?


    It's only used for Armstech.


    Armstech has little to nothing worth making that uses grade 6 materials (except a RE'd staff for SCORPIO, orange weapons will be made more for aug slots come 1.2, but those use biometric alloy, not the purple investigation mats).


    Thus, there is little to no demand.


    Purple investigation mats are only used for the RE'd weapons. Oranges are better in almost all cases, unless you have a droid companion who uses techstaffs and aim, as there are no aim hilts.


    Edit: Oh, also RE'd purple barrels which are almost as good as barrels you can get for what, 2 daily tokens?

  10. Very true and that is what the game should be about having fun no matter what your playstyle.


    And there were also MMOs without BoPs where if you wanted to get any item a boss dropped you had to wait in line for hours because of all the people farming it. And that's if people were actually taking turns.

  11. The Imperial March, isn't that the one that goes "doodily doodily doodily, deedily doodily doodily, doodily deedily doodily deedily deedily deedily doodily."


    Live with someone who plays the flute/piccolo "twiddly bits" for community concerts and you'll hear many pieces differently.


    As last chair clarinet it rarely came up for me.

  12. Unfortunately its not that easy.


    People can still spy on you, no matter if you have the addons yourself or not. Thats where the system fails and if they really add such "elitist" tools at Tor, a lot people will leave.


    The flaming at wow did start with the abuse of such meters, it will happen here again - many subs will drop, nobody has fun if he or she gets insulted all day by a minority of elitist players who have only the game in their life.


    If you are doing half the damage of everyone else, and thus the enemy is not dying...



    Don't you want to know so you can start trying to figure out what you're missing so stuff can die?

  13. Wrong, completely wrong, dead wrong. The IA has 5 potential endings and all of the endings are based on how you dealt with choices at the end of each Act. All of the endings are possible no matter if you go light, dark, or neutral, it ends up depending on your choices in each Act.



    Ending #1 - Defect to the Republic and Join SIS: had to leave Ardent Koathe alive and choose to get him the information involving the Star Cabal. If you left him alive at the end of Act 2, he shows up in the basement of the museum instead of the female SIS agent. At that time he will give you the opportunity to join SIS and be a double angent for the Republic against the Empire.


    Ending #2 - Free Agent: Side with the Minister/Original Keeper and give him the Star Cabal information. He will pull strings, rebuilding Imperial Intelligence, but will wipe your record of service thus allowing you to assist the Empire as needed without drawing attention of the Dark Council


    Ending #3 - Rebuild Imperial Intelligence: Again, side with the Minister/Original Keeper and give him the Star Cabal information. Instead of wiping your record, you go back to being a Cipher Agent, but Intelligence is restored.


    Ending #4 - Become a part of Sith Intelligence: Give the information to the Sith, but don't side with Darth Jadus in Act 1. Imperial Intelligence is reformed as Sith Intelligence and you're just a cog in the machine.


    Ending #5 - Lead Sith Intelligence: Side with Jadus during Act 1 and give the Star Cabal information to the Sith. By doing so you are elevated to the head of Sith Intelligence on it's formation.


    My play through with my Sniper I took Free Agent



    So, if you read through the spoiler, you now know the various endings, you know how to get them. And you can just as easily get ending 5 while playing mostly light side and just as easily get ending 1 playing dark side. It's all based on choices you make in each Act to which ending you finally get.


    For the SI, the ending is based on your morallity, you get one title at the end based on being Light, one based on being Neutral, and one based on being Dark (although Light does have an added option with something they can do at the end, Neutral might as well), but it's effectively the same ending just a different title, IA, it's 5 potential endings based on your choices in the Acts, not your morality.


    As to the endings, 4 and 5 might be subtle in their difference.



    In act 1 I captured Jadus, launching the attack to distract him while I sabotaged the ship (and fought him 3 times, which was some of the most fun frustration I've had, as I think I was level 29 at the time). My ending I gave the codex to the Sith, and it was VERY strongly implied that I was at the top of the people to lead Sith intel when it got formed, but until then I'm going assassin on the galaxy. "You will see opponents of the Empire just...disappear."


  14. You might have 2 marksman specs.


    In each tree there's talents that are great for pvp but meh for pve. You can have a spec that takes em for pvp, and a spec that doesn't for pve, for example. Even if it's only 1 point different, if you have the specs available, why not?


    Now for example, for my brother the merc, it makes a bigger diff. As in, he might actually be willin to heal some HMs. But it still can make a diff for others.


    Heck, you might favor eng for aoe trash, but MM for bosses. With dual spec, you can!


    Maybe base our abilities with a rifle on the actual rifle and not a flat skill based number with that has no bearing on the weapon used. Say snipe does 4x rifle base damage, instead of 1000-1300 or whatever.


    Um, it does depend on weapon. Weapon damage factors into the damage calculation, which is why blaster rifles do less damage than sniper rifles even with the same power rating.

  16. As an Engineer, most of my damage is not AoE at all. Sure I have two skills that buff area damage, but that doesn't mean that all my other damage is negligible.


    Lethality's only exclusive AoE is Corrosive Grenade, and I promise that is not most of that spec's damage.


    I really think that there's a lot more assuming or is it hoping that Marksmanship is best for PvE than there is hard evidence (i.e. DPS data recorded in-game, not spreadsheets) to support that fact.


    With engineering, if the enemy will be in the area for 18/12 (9 + 3 sec cast time) seconds, plasma probe/orb strike are quite good damage even on a single target (check your own damage per energy and damage per cast time numbers. Remember that elemental damage bypasses armor, as well). OS is simply awesome damage for the energy, and for the cast time.


    So if you're trying to put out your best single target, you prob. want to use plasma probe and OS. In close CC situations, you cannot use OS and Plasma Probe easily without breaking the CC. Thus, the comment that in close CC situations you're falling behind in single target damage due to being unable to use OS and PP. Now, in close CC situations if this small reduction in damage output MATTERS...that's a different question.

  17. I've only just reached level 14 on my operative and haven't even made it past the prologue, but I'm having a blast. I feel like an evil James Bond, license to kill included. I'm regularly accused by NPCs of being a heartless monster, and that's exactly how I play him. He's got a lump of ice where his heart ought to be. I'm loving it.


    Later you'll feel like Jason Bourne.

  18. Try Sithwarrior.com, they have a pretty comprehensive list.


    The bonus crit % from Cunning (and AIM, too) DR separately from Crit rating. All cap at 30% bonus.


    Heh, had discounted sithwarrior because a few weeks ago when I checked the sniper compendium was...well...not up to date in recent discoveries. Had some wrong info on what accuracy over 100% actually did, for example.


    But yeah, thank you, I had kept seeing that there was DR at ~30% crit, but it was NEVER specified what stacked with what for DR, if it was 30% total, etc. Everyone assumed people had seen the theorycrafting threads I just couldn't find.

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