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Everything posted by Kodyack

  1. Nice to see that after nearly a decade, Bitraider is still doing the exact same crap.
  2. They spoke words? With actual syllables? That didn't combine to form the phrase "No more information at this time."? Brb I'm gonna wake up now.
  3. I would think if you want to get new players and keep existing ones Same Gender Romance options would be a route to go, as that might get players who were otherwise disinterested in the franchise to give it a look, and keep us current players who are rather fed up with silence.
  4. One thing that worries me about new characters is that they might be placed at the end of the story altogether. Which would make any romance from said companion to be rushed and inauthentic. + It means that SGR's would always be at the back of the game while regular romance is available earlier on.
  5. I've made a habit of checking in on this issue every couple of weeks and am continually disappointed in the lack of updates from Bioware's side. This issue has simply been mishandled on a scale that would make 3D Realms blush with envy. Hoping for an early Christmas present update on it though.
  6. It would be nice to have some character "chop shops" in Nar'Shadaa. I think it would be a good money sink.
  7. I gotta say, I'm surprised that this hasn't been implemented yet, I remember last year they were all about adding this option to the game, guess it was all talk with no action. Affection -30
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