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Everything posted by Thalric

  1. Beim leveln ist das alles noch relativ. Ich hab damals mehr auf Ausdauer gesetzt, da ich mit Aggro keine Probleme hatte. Anfangs machen große Gruppen Probleme, aber ab 30/40 geht das auch relativ gut. AUf 30 gibts den Massenspott und auf 40 Verlangsamte Zeit. Beide Skills helfen enorm beim Gruppentanken. Und auf LvL 50 hat sich die Frage eh erledigt ob man mehr auf Willenskraft oder Ausdauer geht eh erledigt. Denn auf jedem Tankteil ist immer mehr Ausdauer drauf als Willenskraft. Einzig die Tankrelikte haben weniger Ausdauer als die DD-Relikte. Dafür haben sie noch Angriffskraft drauf, was auch nochmal bisl mehr Aggroaufbau bringt. Tendenziell legt Bioware also meiner Erfahrung nach das Schattentankequip mehr in Richtung Ausdauer aus, als in Richtung Willenskraft. Wenn man beim questen seinen Heilbegleiter dabei hat, killt man eh fast alles Edit: Ein gutes Lebenspolster erlaubt auch mal Fehler auf Heilerseite. Wenn dein Heiler im Flashpoint nicht so gut ist, oder mal ein Fehler passiert, können dir mehr Lebenspunkte im Vergleich zu mehr Schaden echt das Leben retten. Ich sprech da aus Erfahrung^^ Gruß Thalric
  2. Very interesting guide. I am playing a Vanguard at the moment and i will try this out
  3. My guild is called <Sarlacc Camping Club> I voted for <Dorkness Rising> but since both names were my idea, our actual name now is not so bad^^ (And yes it ist an o not an a)
  4. Hi! I think i will go with the Sentinel, since he has more Utility. At the moment, the Watchman-Skilltree seems more appealing to me. Can you give me some Tips regarding this Skilltree? I was thinking about going for a build like this one: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRr****zZhMbZh.1 Should i change something?
  5. I am leaning towards the Sentinel at the moment. I am playing a Knight to Lvl 10 atm to get a better look at the Sentinels Skillset. What Crew Skills would you recommend? I think Biochem is always a good choice, but i am also thinking about Synthweaving. Is the second one a good choice for lvl 50 too? I already have Artifice on my Mainchar, so I want to take something else.
  6. Hi! My Guildmates and I are currently playing our alts together and so far i have played a JG - DPS. Our Setup is: Vanguard: Tank Shadow: DPS Sage: Healer Guardian: DPS(Me) I like the class very much but i am unsure about the utility considering our setup, once we hit 50. We are in the 20s atm so i could reroll another Class, which would be a Sentinel, since i want to play a Jedi-Knight. I am not sure if the Guardian is the right choice considering our setup. We have little CC and a Sentinel would bring in an additional CC + utility through e.g. Inspiration. I hope you can give me some advice. I have read guides on both classes and think they can both be interesting so it isnt really a "play what you like better" choice, since both sound interesting. Does the Guardian have other Utility-Skills besider Sundering Strike that I am missing? I think the AoE capabilities should be about the same, please correct me if i am wrong. I hope that you can give me some advice with my choice! Thanks in advance, Thalric
  7. Thanks for the input so far, I think that will help us a lot. @Allancue: Where do i find the Keybind for Target of Target? That should help our healers to keep the target of Bonethrasher alive.
  8. Hi! My Raid wants to try out Karaggas Palace soon, as we managed to clear EV last week for the first time. Before patch 1.1 we tried Bonethrasher once and could not get past his enrage. Our setup was not ideal that time and we have improved our Equipment since then. Since it went rather badly last time we tried Bonethrasher is was hoping you could give me some advice on how to take him on. I know we have to kill the Non-Elite adds before he eats them and kill the 2 Elites when they spawn(or should they be kept in CC throughout the fight?). Can you give me some advice on what else we need to know? Since English is a foreign language for me, i hope you will forgive me grammatical errors Thanks in advance, Thalric
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