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Posts posted by iSkynet

  1. Not in bao-dur EU... we (imps) can't even remember the last time we won in WZ... 90% of the repubs on our server roll a sage, 50% of them are healers.


    Imps have 5 healers counted on the whole server...


    My daily count is 3wins 20loss.


    I Q solo...

  2. if people want these recipes then they need to bring their toon into the content that drops them. otherwise everyone will need on them for their alts, guildies or themselves to sell.


    Ok I can understand this, and it does make sense. But at least the item that is crafted should be allowed to be sold.


    Even the speeder... why have the "mounts" tab on GTM and not any one can put in mounts... because someone might get a mount for free at 25 or 50? It can be solved with a minimum price.


    I just want to see a more "really economy" setup in this game, with all the customizations and RP and everything crafting should be one of the top non-battle activities.

  3. Are you even serious on this? Having a schematic for only Assasins WITH cybertech you really think it is correct? Well obviously you haven't played any other mmo OR you're such a fan boy that you cannot distinguish right from plain wrong...


    And for the record I'm rolling greed on schematics and get them because all others pass because it make no sense to have something that you

    CANNOT: Sell, give, trade, learn, use, sell for credit in a vendor.


    I guess I'm being trolled here because I cannot accept that someone in this earth (galaxy) can seriously believe that reaching 400,400,400 in professions was all worth it just to make some grenades (that share cd, and the cd is 4m, c'mon bioware... it is NOT that STRONG!).


    Fine go play with your lvl 49 earpieces, let me want more... so I can play more, so I can pay them money, so I'm interested, so they are making money, so they make more patches for YOU too...


    PS. You wouldn't find a flaw in architecture and a bug even if it hit you in the head.

  4. Is that really the point? Since if a non-cybertech took it the recipe too was bound... and it sells in a vendor for 1k. You are telling me that this is not stupid? Having the recipes themselves BOP?


    They should loosen up their BOP policies imo, let the game flow and advance. Providing only gaps and making simple things very difficult only diminishes the game and makes the life of players hard, which is stupid because we play for fun (at least me).


    I have sold over 5 biochem recipes from BT HM that I could have given to my biochem crafting friend... that is simply a BUG and a GAP in logic. If they did that on purpose they must know nothing or very little of gameplay and player psychology...

  5. So I picked a receipe from EV. I make it (I was lucky enough to crit it) and then I read: "BOUND" (I'm a PT and I crafted earpiece for Assasin....


    Why can't I sell mounts, earpieces, basically everything... c'mon this is what crafting is for... selling stuff.... not making for yourself (crappy T1 equips....).


    On the same note... I have 10 Biometric alloys than are completely useless... as I already have ALL the rakata re-usable grenades.... why not let these things go around? They rock for pvp and pve. It is just stupid imo...


    Oh and don't anyone post: "Its coming in 1.2" well... I scream "WAKE UP" at the architect of crafting system...


    "... Now I have peace ..."

  6. Its true that the OP should not worry about these things, since he and his guild know what they did to get these items.


    But the point is, without these "quests" the game has no meaning at all when you go 50...


    Because the only thing that a 50 lvl can do is get sickened by so much Huttball and BT HM until he gears for OPs (which are extremely difficult and I don't really get how ppl were able to "finish" them on even nightmare... )


    Bottomline: If BW removes the feeling "I got to do that crazy stuff to get some awesome stuff" the game will lose a portion of its end game quality...

  7. Best bet would be increase threat gained from abilities instead raw damage, because when you give a class dps increase it tends to cause alot pvp whine.


    This is what I'm talking about. At least give my "fiery blast" some boost in threat generation. IMO it should also be boosted in dmg slightly but I can live with it as it is.

  8. I see your points about the gear that my friend had and it seems logical that he was taking threat. There are however 3 parts were I want to focus:


    1. I should at some point be able to "take" aggro from him since he had (DPS gear, in tanking stance). I'm not saying always just some times would suffice. There were moments when we stopped dpsing and mobs still were attached...


    2. PT grapple is useless against boss mobs.


    3. DPS cannot manage their dmg output because of the "bad implemented" enrage factor. Everyone should DPS like crazy to drop the boss before the enrage timer (or at least drop its life to a reasonable level)


    Also if there is a table or some info with numbers of the threat on abilities please post a link.

  9. I have a powertech tank level 50 with some rakata and columi.

    8100 armor

    20k life

    52% dmg reduction

    13% defense

    40% shield chance

    40% shield chance

    101% accuracy


    But my friend a Sith Assasin with the tank build BUT dps items keeps taking aggro away from me with only a few hits and there is NO chance no matter what I do to get it back (unless I taunt)


    Our DPS is so bad because of the stupid Heat which increases much more rapidly than the other classes lose energy or force.


    So the healer ends up healing the dps more than the tank...

    The point of this rant is to show that even if I had green items and didn't pay much attention if we had an awesome full rakata Healer it wouldn't matter...


    So what is the point of getting more and more tanking gear? Since normal mobs or bosses can be tanked without a problem and enraged bosses hit for 40k dmg which cannot be mitigated much by armor and survive (So again assasins are much better because they have more avoidance than PT)


    What do you guys think? I say we need to be buffed up for our dmg or some heat reduced from abilities

  10. LFG tool that is already in, works fine. IF people learn to use it and not SPAM the general with LFG messages.


    The tool as it is allows you to search every planet and everyone that has flagged himself for a group. Problem here is this: people are not yet 50, people have better stuff to do (at least for a little while), people just don't want to play PvE just yet... and this is understandable for me, because a 50ish player with green armor is not gonna get far...


    Play some PvP or finish daily quests, and simply wait for it. PvE will happen en-mass but after everything is said and done I believe.


    PvE needs balls and equips, it is not for the weak. Plus it take much more time...

  11. This is a downgrade from what it used to be... For me the only thing that needed fixing was the fact that some items or abilities appeared "not available" but you could actually press them.


    This new style is flashing too much and I'm under the impression that all abilities have finished cool-down.


    I play Powertech and if I don't carefully place my abilities the Heat bar goes skyhigh... so this is a problem.


    Personally I would implement a "greenish" border around the abilities that are good to go, and "reddish" around the ones that are still on CD...


    But this needs to be addressed. Functionality is broken.

  12. Roll another character... see how other classes play, while waiting for the updates that are indeed coming...


    I just don't get it why people complain and quit and are always negative... I have a level 50 BH Powertech and when I'm not pvping and pugging to an instance I try to pvp with my tanking gear, which is fun most of the times...


    I'm playing the same game since beta and have never been so dissapointed as several people claim to be... I mean... people have you EVER played another EA game before??


    They all suck... this is the first game that actually is worth playing... ok there is some limited content but it will be implemented just wait for it...


    ...or don't...

  13. Truth is they could do a bit better. No one asked for armour platings in everyone or extreme looks, but truth be told... the 3 tiers of pvp gear all look the same and they just change color slightly... this is quite bad. Getting battlemaster is a pain, I would at least expect a bit different approach.


    And as far as the sniper/operative goes, there have been green and blue armor sets at low levels that looked totally cool and I wouldn't mind wearing at the end game (some sort of matrix like coats).


    At least lets all agree that they COULD do a bit better with end-game armors...

  14. I NEVER read any dialog quest in wow, and I find it difficult to believe that anyone did.

    Some improvements need to be done here as far as dungeoning goes but it doesn't need to go over the top.


    I am glad that there is a big community base that are over 25+ years old and maybe don't know how to play yet. I find that these people enjoy every bit of leveling whilst the "kids" power-level and then come crying in the forums...


    As it is said a million times by now... this is NOT WoW or any other MMO... this is SWTOR if you don't like it for what it is...theres the door, no one is stopping you or will miss your general chat SPAMMING...


    BTW: never took me more than 10' to find a group as a tank...

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