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Posts posted by Lasica

  1. There's several guides out there, some better than others. Im not going to write one here. I believe another poster listed one, check it out.


    There used to be guides out there, very hard to find them now. Perhaps you could link some?


    The other one people keep linking (the sticky thread) is out of date and doesn't even have a full spec posted (only 38 points spent).

  2. Hello,


    Ah, I didn't know that, thanks for the clarification! It always struck me as being a bit strange that a Wookies couldn't use the Force (apart from a few exceptions).


    Would you be able to tell me where they introduced that? It seems like my Star Wars Lore is a bit out of date, and I've got some reading/watching to catch up on!




    The only force sensitive Wookie I know of is Lowbacca who was first introduced in the Young Jedi Knights books. I may be missing something but I can't recall any others in any of the books or comics.

  3. Ran slicing missions for the past 2 days. Friday I got 3 crits, total of 8 thermal regulators. Yesterday I got 1 crits, total of 4 thermal regulators. I'm getting roughly 100 blue mats for every 2 thermal regulators, very low crit rate indeed.
  4. Does the new species have any in game advantage over other races? No? Then it's a cosmetic difference at best. There is nothing wrong with selling cosmetic changes in the cartel store.


    Now I won't buy it... but if it was a playable wookie race... well I might throw down some cash for that.

  5. The only time you will find it difficult to kill a healer is if that healer is backed up by another 2 good healers and a tanks who are actually using guard and taunt to reduce damage. Of course then you aren't fighting just the healer you are fighting a whole team and might actually need to think rather than mindlessly smash stuff.
  6. "I just got 3407 credits returned from a 3200 credit mission and there has always been a loss overall from lockbox missions"


    Ummm...Fuzzy Math anyone? If you got 3400 credits from a 3200 credit mission you STILL made 200 credit profit.


    A 200 credit profit on that particular box, but overall I would be losing credits just doing slicing for lockboxes. Please note I'm not complaining about the credit return from slicing. I made a profit of 570,000 credits yesterday from slicing and I've only just got home and logged on and I'm already up 200K just in thermal regulators from a crit mission.


    All I am saying is that if you just run missions for lockboxes you will lose money over time. Yes I have seen the posts claiming that you used to make a net profit, I disagree because you aren't factoring in the labour of your pets who could be doing something far more valuable.

  7. If slicers run missions for slicing tech parts, they can sell those parts on the AH, the same way you can sell the mats from any other gathering profession. Those are the WILDLY profitable missions.


    There is no reason why missions for lock boxes should return a guaranteed profit.


    The amount of 1400 listed in the OP is probably not accurate, I just got 3407 credits returned from a 3200 credit mission and there has always been a loss overall from lockbox missions, with the profit coming from the sale of the missions on the GTN (a quite considerable profit at that).


    As for the profit on the tech parts. Thermal regulators are currently selling for about 50K each, and I got them from 3 missions yesterday only (one missions was an unlocked one with guaranteed reward). So probably 400K worth of regulators from a full day of running missions. The blue tech parts are about 1K each. So not worth as much.


    So most of my profit from slicing still comes from selling the missions.

  8. I don't oppose bolster as an idea but I would prefer to remove all PvP gear and give a balanced level of stats across the board so everyone enters PvP on equal footing so the only balancing factor becomes player skill, not how long someone can grind PvP to get gear.


    The way bolster is working at the moment those is broken, especially in low level PvP (11234K crit from a sniper attack as an example).

  9. It could be your server and time of the day you are looking for a group. Late last night I was trying to get a group with the seed on Ilum and had no luck at all. Came back this morning and got a 3 dps + me group which cleared it ok.


    Then I went to Nar Shadda and it took about half an hour, including asking 3-4 times in general to get a 2xhealer + 2xdps group which made it through both Dark Design and the Shroud's Last Stand.


    Looking for a tank for those though... now that's difficult because there is just none to be found (I'm sure once my tank reaches those heroic there will be no healers around then). But sentinels can fill in for tanks in a pinch.

  10. You need to stop crying about FP's, really, it's getting old.... My alt is a Sorc... I zerg'd her to 55 in a L/M hybrid spec, she's in Tionese gear. I've NEVER EVER EVER healed with any toon in SWTOR..... got 3 guildies... they needed me to heal,I quickly respecc'd, and you know what?? Not one person died, and we finished Mandalorian Raiders in no time.

    If you can't handle a frickin FP, then you might as well uninstall because you'll never run an OP.


    Nice story, but you left out the part where you healed while standing on your head juggling chainsaws with your feet.

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