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Everything posted by causeandeffect

  1. this game is done- they officially killed it.
  2. What did BioWare do? I thought they wanted to attract more players. Holy moly this is one of the very first times I am giving up on this game. I always advise to short EA stock but now this is more of long term puts...do heals really get to bubble? Am I really seeing also teleports ontop of vanishes? This is really bad...
  3. Please institute server transfers sooner than later. JungMa has no more pvpers and I will finally refuse to keep recreating more toons. Jan 1, 2013 is the longer our guild can wait before we just return to WoW. 23 of us will be signed off of SWTOR and NOT coming back if there aren't server transfers by Jan 1st. In all fairness, we gave this game over a year now to progress, and I have nothing but disappointing memories which is sad- I couldn't wait for its release... I
  4. Bio, what a great idea it would be if you guys introduced 1 or 2 more warzones for Huttball. Not where random WZ quest, but for hte people who actually want to form teams and play the actual Huttball game. It is a great game and there is so much for you could do with it. It could be where people get together, que for huttball league and play against other teams.
  5. hmmm, I don't remember being bad...sorry.
  6. You obviously don't PvP or know how to by that comment...
  7. False on all of what you just said....just wait and see for this crappy WZ. It makes all the other ones look impressive.
  8. nope it really is just rollover and kill anything and win solo
  9. we just smashed everything and won...no strats really its nothing special and I would rather be playing any other battlegrounds (wzs) for any other game now. I have been giving SWTOR sooo many excuses to get better...but damn this one took the cake. Terrible gameplay...
  10. So...is Bio insisting that this 1.6 WZ is the future of your PvP? You need to know how just one game of it (even though we won) and I literally stopped PvPing...I have been player vs player for 8years and this one WZ is that bad...I never want to que again...I been a sub for a year...please let me know this WZ is ULTRA temporary and you guys will be apologizing and firing the developers soon?! PLEASE.
  11. All I can say is...wow. Bioware, thank you for letting me waste my money, my time, and my hopes on this game...I kept my subscription through it all and the only toon I play is an Immortal Jugg and you decided to nerf something that didn't need a nerf in pvp? I remember another game that took tanking out of pvp but kept heals, it was called WoW. I guess all I am is saying is, I can now saw at least I stuck in there for this game and after almost 5months, goodbye SWTOR I am done giving you chances to make the tortanic stay afloat.
  12. because then everyone would cry anyways that they teamed you up will all baddies. The world isn't perfect and your idea would never work. The mmo community always QQs about pugs.Be a friendly player and it would be easy to meet some good players to pvp with.
  13. Your name is Niccali....Modern Warfare much? And don't make it obvious you are ignoring. Man does the world make me sad when I realize people exist like this and need the attention to feel cool to ignore problems or tattle but irl there isn't anyone to help u ignore or tattle to....get a real life please for the sake of humanity. Niccali I pity you
  14. Damn Id Hate to be your friend....you went out of your way to report? Opened a ticket?
  15. People like you shouldnt have played MMO's period. They are battle grounds in MMOs....you are telling me no one liked you during 14years of playtime where you could get one guy or two to tag along with you and pvp? People like you are the reason we dont want pugs...pvp hero and ***** at everyone else....PREMADES are for the champions. Go play offline games against computers if playing socially should not be allowed. If you dont have the luxury of making friends in 14years maybe you should rethink your personality and retry. PEople who cry about premades shouldn't even be pvping at all. You are terribad and cant play as a group anyways because you are hardly liked. Its all truth.
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