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Posts posted by Darth_Solrac

  1. Nah. I ran my Knight as a vigilante and did things my way. I gladly took the DS hits to eliminate clear and present threats. But it's a bit of a double standard that Jedi take DS hits for flirting while no other classes do.


    For example, as much womanizing as the Sith Warrior does, mine was Light V with NO DS points at the end of my playthrough. But the Knight flirts ONCE and BOOM +100 DS points.... I was like W.T.F???


    Again, as the LS order & code states man, "There is no emotion, there is peace." Which means no flirting. As that leads to emotion, which leads to attachment, which leads to the Dark Side blah blah blah.


    So yea, LS means flirting is bad lol.

  2. not really sure what your getting at...


    250k is less than you get for doing dailys so yea there is a way for you to get that back very soon...


    the crystals from the vendor pre 1.2 are BoE and you can mail them from one toon to another i mailed a purple one from my jugg to my sage..

    personaly i think they need to open up that color to lower lvls, maybe make them drops from world bosses which would get ppl more active in grouping up and taking them down as they lvl through a planet.


    The point is just that. MORE accessible, easily so. Lower LV definitely, more common drops too. Or as the certain prize for a certain operation. The rep told me that the purple color crystals from DROPS are BoE, & that the ones still available from said vendor are BoP....


    So saving that up again is moot. I need to do an operation (getting a group together is annoying). So I'm thinking bout a world boss....

  3. I couldn't agree more. As my other toon was an Arsenal Merc I was a stationary turret. Being able to use any skill while on the run (except MS and Stasis) makes me giggle sometimes. Running mobs in circles is the bestest thing ever!!!


    I agree too lol. I was a turret too, only spouting lightning instead of blaster fire lol. Still love my 1st main tho. The shocking, one button wonder lol.

  4. That's roughly correct, Solrac. Sion kept his body together using the power of his own hatred. He can't be killed in battle- To defeat him, you have to convince him to let go of his hatred.


    Ah yes....tricking him into wussing out. I remember the overly dramatic way he fainted/died too now lol.

  5. Yes, this is my soapbox issue. A BW CS rep was kind enough to hit me up for chat night before last. Persistence works, & I appreciated the personal service but I digress.


    So yea they're still available. PvP vendor on Imp fleet for, yes, still 250k or 3,000 (***) ranked commendations. OR as a VERY random drop on LV 50 group operations.


    Obviously the latter would be easier for me....but still.....BW cmon. WE GET IT. They are uber rare & we must work hard to get em. Well I DID. I grinded my *** off to save up 250k......but cuz someone here told me said vendor was gone post 1.2.......I spent most of that. Now I have no way of making that back anytime soon looks like.


    It is heartening to know that I could mail one to my current toon, his lil brother. ALL I want is my Sorc to mail my Dark Guardian a purple crystal so he can look Windu bad *** pwning in game (CS rep himself told me that crystal binds ON EQUIP NOT PICKUP)......why must this be so hard?

  6. The Killeks are at war because other humans tortured them, driving them to get revenge, not knowing which humans are which. Also they don't understand humans in the first place, they think of the species as the same as Killiks, with a hive mind. So the Killiks are mostly just confused. Plus, murder is murder, there are many times in the game when you have the choice to kill an enemy or spare it, you get LS or DS respectively.


    They were evil, hideous, savage, oversized insects who sucked the brains outta some of their human prisoners & turned them into mindless, brainwashed drones.


    They deserved to be wiped out.

  7. I agree :) I'm doing the same thing, the only downside is T7 hates me. I also have a level 50 light sided juggernaught.




    T7 became useless to me (only use em to farm DSP from diplomacy now unless game forces me to use em), as soon as I got Kira.


    I gave her a Dark Seeker's double bladed lightsaber, red crystal equipped it. She looks lovely now.

  8. At page 362 in the Plagueis book.


    "It wasn't until he arrived in Theed and learned of Darth Maul's defeat at the hands of the Jedi in a power-generator station that he understood in part the reason for the sense of loss and profound solitude he had experienced following the murder of Plagueis".


    "That Plagueis's death and Maul's defeat had occurred in relative simultaneity could only have been the will of the dark side of the Force, as was the fact that, until such time as he took and trained a new apprentice, Palpatine was now the galaxy's sole Sith Lord".


    VERY interesting. It's been said that Sidious cared nothing for Maul, but Maul looked up to his master like a father. Apparently Sidious did feel something he'd never show?



  9. Actually I think he is getting at the fact that neither Sidious nor Plagius ever considered Maul to be an apprentice. He was an assassin, trained only enough in the force to be that. He was never meant to be a true apprentice.


    Sidious clearly, plainly stated "This is my apprentice, Darth Maul." Now, WHAT KIND of apprentice Maul was (placeholder for Tyrannus, who was a place holder for Anakin, who was a place holder for Luke) can be debated I guess.

  10. Think there was 4, Plageius was still alive, I think.



    Padawan/apprentice, same thing ;)



    Still not the same when it comes to Sith vs Jedi "apprentice". He is essentially an apprentice until he kills his master. But not the way most think of an apprentice


    Doubt that highly. Pretty sure Sidious had been the established DLS for a while when EP 1 started. His confidence, swagger, plans all said as much.


    Those terms would normally be, but the fact that in this case one term belongs exclusively to 1 of those 2 polar opposite orders, makes them quite different too.

  11. Apprentice in the rule of two isnt the same as a Jedi apprentice



    Maul was a Dark Lord of the Sith, pretty bad azz in regards to fighting and force use.


    That's cuz there is no Jedi apprentice, they're called Padawans.;)


    Maul was a Darth, but there was only ever one DLS & that was Sidious. Maul was the apprentice. Trained well? Enough to kill a Jedi Master yea, but still inexperienced/young enough to show such reckless arrogance, which got em killed.


    There were also 3 Sith in that time, Sidious, Tyrannus, & Maul. So the RO2 was void?

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