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10 Good
  1. I love this thread, DAoC was the best game ever and I still visit Uthgard to play it. We do this every game launch though. I had zero doubt this would be nothing like DAoC and I've given up hope its ever coming tbh. Thanks for the memories though!
  2. Big NO to add-ons. Hit your buttons when u want that ability, thats what makes it you playing. Definately NO dps meters. Some of you players are too boxed in to get along with anyway without someone explaining how they would trade certain dps for utility or what their reasoning is for the build they selected because they thought sacrifices were worth the cost. EDIT: UI customization I support fully
  3. This, FOR GODS SAKE THIS. And add the 'reset camera' button when you do, so I can reset camera immediately.
  4. Im surprised noone mentioned the purpose for a house. The house was for a account vault where u could keep anything and grab it up with another toon (Not do a count what u need, log on another toon, count it and mail it). Its where ur crafters pool ingrediants and product and if multiple crafters wanted the same type of item, thats where the pool of items was. This doesnt exist here does it? If that could be a ship somehow, works for me... but your toons all have different ships, right?
  5. Im brand spankin new and Im going to have many coming but this one sticks out to me just in one day of gameplay so Ill state it... I want to be able to clear my target using the nearest enemy button when there is no nearest enemy in range. (not click esc, or click my portrait or something like that.) It should be effortless. I dont even think u can click the ground or air and empty it? When i am running off and my body is contorted because im still trying to stare at the target annoys me. One more, the snapback? is that adjustable yet? maybe i just havent found the proper solutions yet.
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