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Posts posted by valin-krai

  1. Anything not from the SW universe would be just as 'cut off' from the force as the Vong.


    Within the star wars universe most everything is connected to the force including inanimate objects as stated by Yoda.


    “Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter. You must feel the Force around you; here, between you, me, the tree, the rock, everywhere, yes. Even between the land and the ship.”


    It permeates the Star Wars universe, but there is no force in MK so Raiden has no connection to it.


    And in the Star Wars universe non-Force-sensatives aren't lightning gods. As I stated there is NO need for midichlorians for the Force to be used on something. It kills droids, non-Force-sensatives just fine. Hell, Meetra could sense T3-M4s aura based on his affect on his surroundings.

    Midichlorians are only messengers between beings and the Force.

  2. I'd suggest learning about the Yuuzhan Vong.


    G-canon shows Vader throwing objects at Luke, Force pushing droids and much more. Vong were specifically cut off from the Force. At any rate, with very few exceptions living things can be sensed in the Force. Why wouldn't Raiden if he is able to fight Palpatine at all.

  3. Raiden needs to actually have midichlorians for Sidious to have his usual effect, he doesn't have them.


    Why would he need Midichlorians? Midichlorians allow an individual to harness the Force, not to be hurt by the Force. By your logic the Force shouldn't move/damage inanimate objects like droids, and it does.

  4. Because the Force doesn't exist in the MK Universe.


    A god is not necessarily omnipotent with all things and omniscient, they can be but it is not the definition of a god. It is the definition of the Catholic/Christian THE God(I am not turning this into a RL religious talk the reference is only for definition purposes.)


    The Force exist in the Star Wars universe though, and Raiden's power don't exist there. The Force existed when Vader and Yoda were in Soul Calibur, why not when in a MK vs Star Wars crossover fight?

  5. >.> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcq16udC_aw


    The only thing Sidious potentially has is his lightsaber, which I'm willing to bet Raiden can block.


    The key thing in this is....The Force wouldn't affect raiden really....for actual SW lore reasons. The Force has a reduced effect on beings not touched by the force. Raiden has no connection to the force, so Sidious wouldn't even be able to sense him through it.


    This lack of a connection to the force significantly reduces Sidious's 'potential' power, which does not swing both ways since Raiden's powers focus natural lightning into a weapon not force energy.


    Not to mention Raiden has an awesome hat. >.>


    Why would Raiden not have the Force and yet still be a God?

  6. Dont care what you say, his *** is dead.


    Sure he dies eventually, but he didn't fade away or leave a corpse as is seen when a Jedi dies, he wan't a super evil Sith like Palpatine. What happened did not match anything we have seen happening when a Jedi dies. As Wookieepedia suggest, it is entirely possible and even likely he used Fold Space to teleport away.

  7. That's something I was wondering myself when I made this post. How does Force Lightning compare with natural lightning?


    Force lightning has similar properties depending on the novel, but is inherently evil, not instant. Is Raiden a God of electricity as well?

  8. Well, it's a good thing Force Lightning is Dark side energy and not normal lightning that is natrual. Raiden isn't a God if the Force exist and the Force doesn't exist if Raiden's a God.

    Of course Palpatine is a skilled manipulater so he would probably set the rules of a theoretical fight.

  9. He is not the only actor/actress that got a new voice. The lady who plays Aunt Beru did, the bartender in the Cantina did, eventually Jeremy Bulloch did, and of course Ray Park didn't voice Darth Maul. Difference is, he is a ***** about it and got himself on the list of people LucasFilm doesn't want at conventions. The rest are well loved or dead.
  10. Born in 93, so i was 5 when the phantom menace came out in cinemas, got really into star wars in 2002 when attack of the clones came out and just been a fan ever since.


    Same here. Got hooked when I got a VHS of The Phantom Menace in the Easter of 2000. If only my parents knew 10 years later their son would be attending a Star Wars convention and waiting over 7 hours to see George Lucas.

  11. I just imagined in my head that in like few years time they would officially announce the KotOR 3 that would close KotOR trilogy and in some awesome, unexpected and fitting way end Revan's character. Omg, I would literally just die out of having geek stroke.


    Problem is, there is no room left in Revan's story before TOR, so unless it took place after he escaped the Foundry...

  12. But he is no longer at BW and he was the one who wrote for Revan. So since he is gone we might not see Revan's return.


    I am going to hazard a guess and assume he is under some sort of contract to at the very least contenue the Jedi Knights story.

  13. For the movies? I was born in 89, so just enjoyed the movies as a kid, didn't get massively into it.


    But the real subject on hand, or what should be the subject on hand, is when did you first play, and fall in love with KOTOR, which this game is based off. I played it when it first came out in 2003, and it is and always will be one of the greatest, and beats the movies any day.


    What I'm trying to say is... it was KOTOR that made me a true fan, and it's the TOR era that brought me to this game.


    PS: I think there is way too much movie talk, and too little KOTOR talk. If you didn't get to experience KOTOR back in the day, you can still pick it up on Steam for $5, and it works on windows 7. ;)

    I was referring to when you became a fan.


    1977 - 1983



    2007 - present

    KotOR fits in the Prequel generation if thats how you found Star Wars.

  14. Which generation of fan are you? Did you become a fan when the OT was coming out in theaters? What about during the dark ages when only a few novels and comics were there to fill the void? Were you like me and found Star Wars as the prequels/special editions were coming out? Or are you part of The Clone Wars generation?
  15. Honestly, there are very few books out there I did not enjoy, Dark Saber and Splinter of the Minds Eye being chief among them.


    I honestly don't understand the hate for the Yuzzhan Vong, they're honestly one of my favorite series. It's not often that you get to see the Republic or the Jedi constantly getting their teeth in, it's kind of interesting seeing everyone as a refugee, scuttling for their lives.


    That said, I honestly believe practically anything that Karen Traviss published to be utter trash. She has absolutely no respect for the source material, or the fans of the source material.


    Like I say, view anyting by her as in-universe propoganda.

  16. Dayum, that's a lot of books... I guess it'll depend on how much I like the Plageius novel; but thanks for the other recommendations.


    There are over 275 novels total, most that were release before Heir to the Empire are really bad and non-canon.

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