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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Lendrick

  1. What makes you think it would be a step back? BIOWARE know what they are doing, they are learning from their past mistakes and improving the game. Look at each subsequent expansion for SWTOR? Each one has improved and expanded the game. Now, switch time periods, hell, if they said we are bringing out SWTNR (Star Wars The New Republic) and it was essentially this game, with new classes, new stories (and the EXACT same graphics engine - just set after Episode VII - I would play it!)


    People hate to speculate on things when they arn't announced yet, once upon a time, when all there was was SWG and a little game called Knights of the Old Republic, if people back then said "Hey, I would love a story driven, fully voiced MMO like WOW but set in the Old Republic time period", you would have been criticized for that wild wishes.


    And look where we are now?!

  2. I am hoping that BIOWARE is working in secret on a EU time period Star Wars MMO, with the upcoming Episode VII, it is the perfect time to really capitalize on the new found hype and interest. I would say use something like either the Unreal Engine 4 or a highly modified HERO engine, have it take cues from SWG, (such as no classes, skill based and the ability to be a "force sensitive" (small % chance during character creation) and to make it REALLY difficult to be a Jedi (as I am sure the Pre-CU SWG hardcore fans would agree).


    Have an actual, proper space simulation (with up gradable ships) and keep what is good about what BIOWARE does best (story). If they have (hopefully) been working in secret on it during the last couple of years, (it could be due to be launched between episodes VII and VIII - so 2016 - 2017).


    We know they cancelled their project to put more people working on Old Republic (or was that just a misleading tidbit, those people ARE working on a star wars project....)


    Here's hoping, I for one, would be there day one!

  3. I have been following SWTOR since launch, have my 55 Jedi and still loving the game, however, I am desperate for some future content - I am hoping that even with the same engine and design philosophy as SWTOR has that we will finally get a Star Wars MMO in the same time period of the original trilogy or even Episode VII. Perhaps they could call it "Star Wars The New Republic", or SWTNR for short.


    Please BIOWARE make this one open world and skill based, so it will be more of a sandbox and harken back to the early Star Wars Galaxy's days.


    Heres Hoping.

  4. Greetings fellow Scoundrels!


    Adventure! Excitement! A Scoundrel Craves these things!


    Scoundrels of the Outer Rim is a Mature, Friendly and social Australian based Guild currently recruiting and growing fast! We have the XP BOOST in effect and an active Website up and running with TS3 capabilities!


    We will be PVP and End-game focused and be organising and running Guild Events and Operations with the ultimate goal of having our own Guild Ship.


    Please feel free to check out our website (still work in progress) at:




    All are welcome! Spread the word and Join the Scoundrels for fun and adventure on the Outer Rim!




    Scoundrels of the Outer Rim.

  5. Just because they are doing digital, doesn't mean they cant do a CE. Its what most refer to as a "Digital Deluxe Edition" and I would like to think that if they do this (offering some in game pet/fluff, ect) that all that pre-order either get a free upgrade to it or at least an option to spend more for it. Please BIOWARE respond and let us know if there will be a Digital Deluxe Edition, as I would be pre-ordering that one.
  6. I have not seen any in-game annoucments for server closure, surely there would be GM's on, ect, that could put up a notice with a sound effect in the chatbox informing us, down to the minute of when the servers are expected to go down! This is especially useful in FP's, Operations, ect, so , for example, you have been playing for 2 hours, forget exactly when the server was going to go down off the launcher/webssite and someone asks if you would like to participate in an operation, if there has been an announcment in game the servers are going offline in 15 minutes, you wont bother starting the operation.


    Please implememnt this.

  7. Just saw this on their AUS website,





    Saying "Pre-order for next shipment, due 27th Jan, 2012" - which means they must have already sold out a shipment, and selling the imprted copy for $78 AUD. They are also advertising 60 day gamecards for $30 and the Razer gear, Keyboard ($348), Mouse ($188) and Headset (168).


    Still no official release date yet though?

  8. You will also be able to get special social gear when you get enough points, and that is the ONLY way of getting that equipment. So there is a point, and considering you dont actually have to do anything different (you are in a group, you would be making conversation choices anyway) it pretty much means your getting something beneficial with 0 effort. And in my books that makes it a WIN system! :)
  9. My guild with it's Allies and Adversaries was placed on Mandalorian the Indomintable, and then I find out that The Swiftsure was the Unofficial Australian server. I had to make a descion, do I keep the server that BIOWARE assigned me with a pre-made guild, or do I start from scratch on the Unofficial Oceanic server. Doing it this way meant I had to find 5000 credits and 3 people to form the guild.


    It was the best thing I ever did.


    I had 22 members signed up on my guilds website before EA.


    The guild now has well over 100 players!!!!


    Swiftsure is an awesome community and is made up of ALOT of Australians. Hopefully, if and when they release oceanic servers they offer some kind of free transfer service. Because if they dont, we will stay where we are.


    Heres hoping!

  10. Agree fully, but we also need a second PVP Server as a backup for those wanting PVP - For that I would suggest Madalorian the Indomintable as the unofficial backup Oceanic PVP server (and even that is filling to max).


    Please fix this situation, the biggest thing to hurt a launch (as with all other AAA MMO releases) is long que times. People who have to waiti to get in lose interest and are less likeley to subscribe (rolling on another server isnt always viable - especially if you are Oceanic and want to play with your fellows).



    Please BIOWARE take note of this post and have a solution by launch. Thankyou.




    Starship Dawn Star


    Crew Quarters




    Lendrick felt hollow. As he made his way back to his quarters after his "meeting" with his master, he felt somewhat lost. Yes, he had determined that to commit himself to the Jedi order, he would have to sacrifice his love.


    It was tearing him apart.


    Lendrick was due to meet Lilania in half a cycle, and it was now a meeting that Lendrick was not looking forward to. So much for their romantic evening, the news Lendrick must impart will no doubt put a damper on the social outing.


    Who was Lendrick kidding? It was going to rip her apart as surely as a Rancor feeding frenzy.


    There was no getting around it though, and it should not come as a total surprise, Lilania was well informed that Lendrick’s path lies along a tight road.


    The hollowness deepened and more tears of frustration flowed. Lendrick was letting his emotions get the better of him and he needed to calm and focus himself before meeting up with her.


    Entering the meditative state, once Lendrick reached his quarters, it did help, but it was not a cure.


    The time approached and Lendrick readied himself and left to meet her, steeling himself against the hurt and pain.


    Upon seeing her, it was no good, tears came unbidden.


    "What is it Lendrick? What's wrong?" Lilania asked with concern, inviting him into her room.


    Lendrick had to get control of his sobbing before being able to reply, using all his inner strength and Force meditation.


    "I just came from a meeting with my master, and he laid it out for me. If I am to follow my destiny and be accepted on Tython as a Padawan learner, I have to be detached from all things. Most primarily of which is you. Even though I love you , I am to leave and sever our attachment".


    A blank and hollow look crossed her features.


    "So...your dumping me?" Lilania asked incredulously.


    Lendrick’s face frowned and flashed with anger "Don’t think for a second that this was an easy decision, but my hands are tied".


    "Your hands are tied? TIED? Then don’t join! Don’t join the order!" Lilania started to shout.


    "That is incredibly selfish of you, It is not a choice, it is a calling and I need to answer it". Lendrick replied, trying not to raise his voice as well.


    "Well, if that's it, then, it's all decided, and I get no say? Fine! I will leave this ship, and I guess I willjust have to find nursing somewhere far away from you, and from everything!" Lilania started to cry.


    "Get out! I can’t see you at the moment. GET OUT!" Lilania screamed, crying.


    Lilania pushed Lendrick in the chest, causing him to stumble back two steps which caused him to be back in the corridor, out of her room, when she shut and locked the door.


    Lendrick could still hear her crying on the other side and put his hand up to the door, he could feel her pain through the force, through the door, through his heart. Closing his eyes, Lendrick placed his head on the door also and attempted to control his breathing.


    The date was over.

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