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Everything posted by -grimreaper

  1. Was looking for how many levels do you get before it is not worth grouping with some one and how much xp you lose per level
  2. Good don’t let them give into people like this. This game is not to hard I solo 90% of it with a little grinding on the side. If you put in the work it is fun. This is what destroys games. If you don’t like this game solo find friends to play with to do missions. But do not say its to hard just because your not playing the game like it is meant to be.
  3. No people post what ever they want but there are more things to talk about the preorder and when am I getting in. It be nice to see some one post about what and how the game is doing what they want to see in game it is general chat talk about anything. JUST STOP CRAYING ON BOUTH SIDES. The people how are mad are not going to change the hardcore gamers mind and the same goes the other why
  4. It is funny to see the same people defend bw. And see more and more people complain. I don’t care I pre order my game to so I would have ce. I would like to play but I will get in tomorrow. But if they made the so public and so out there on the front page of forums why is there 1000 of people saying what the hell. But I guess that many people have to be wrong and the few people how over and over again show up in deferent post defending bw. Making two our more post in same treed just to say the same thing is funny I hope the fan boys are this funny in game so in 6 mouths when this game slows down I will have some one to lol at. SO PEOPLE STOP CRAYING ABOOUT NOT GEETING IN GAME AND FANBOYS STOP DEFENDING BW. THERE IS BLAME ON BOUTH SIDES.
  5. Ok every mmo I have ever played and has early game access has let every one on at the same time I will not get the name I want and more I am sorry I paid 150 for this game I would think I should have a chance to get the name I would want. There are people creating tons a more then 1 server to save it for a friend so is it right I don’t get my name are even get the same amount of play time as other people. They where glad to have my money. Didn’t have a problem doing that. Then they say some people will only get a day that is not what I paid for you can come up with all kinds of crap they are screwing people over. And it is wrong either every one that paid a price gets the same treatment are no one
  6. Ok first of this is not fair in any why because there are people how order there game then had to what over a mouth to get there code. Because best buy sold more codes then they had. So now my wife is not going to get to play when I do because of a screw-up when we brought our games same day from deferent places. Next the server are going to crash and there is nothing they can do about it because there will be a pill up of players at prime time. Now the next thing I paid for early game play I didn’t need to preorder but did.
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