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  1. :sy_empire:New Imperial Order:sy_empire: =============== The Shadowlands - Empire Official Website Immediate Openings For: Core Team - TFB HM Sorc or Op Healer Tank (any class) Substitute/alternate positions for all roles Second Team - Geared toward less progression than our core team Tank (any class) 1 Melee DPS Ranged DPS Raid Times: Tuesday 8- 11pm CST Wednesday 8:30-11:30pm CST Sunday 7-10pm CST *Note: Substitute roles are exactly that, filling in for a primary member who can not make it temporarily. However, substitute roles could potentially lead to permanent positions of the raid, if the member becomes inconsistent with attending raids. What we are looking for Active and mature players to join our ranks. We are a newly established guild on The Shadowlands server. We are focused on end game progression, although we still do enjoy every aspect of the game. We ask that all players who are interested be 18 or older. Those underage will be considered on a case by case basis. What we are about New Imperial Order provides players a structured community for end-game raiding. We achieve structure by providing general rules of conduct, raiding rules, and communication mechanisms. New Imperial Order fosters an enjoyable, often funny, relaxed, and mature social environment. Raiding Goals When it comes to raid progression, our goal is to do our best, not necessarily to be the best. This means showing consideration for your group, preparing, and learning and playing your best. It does not mean ignoring sleep, pushing content to be number one, or putting raid content before real life. Required Raid tools MOX - Only for progression raid group. TeamSpeak - All raid groups
  2. With all the UI customization, I'm a bit surprised that some very simple changes have yet to be made to the Ops frames. I don't need a Grid/Healbot/VuhDo look-a-like, by any means, but a little more functionality would be great. It would be more efficient, less cluttered and would make it even easier to create a functional and clean general purpose UI that works for all my toons. I play healers more than anything else, but I also run a tank, and play around on dps when I need a change. I remember reading sometime around April that design for adding companions to Ops frames (when replacing party frames) was in the works but I haven't seen anything else about that since then. Anyone else? Since I often solo or duo dailies/heroics/FP's, I still have to use party frames at times in order to effectively keep an eye on companion HP. The other thing I'd love to see added to the Ops frames options is the ability to lay out my groups horizontally rather that just vertically. It's a huge space saver for the type of UI setup I use. Having to either, stick the frame somewhere in the middle of my screen which blocks my view of other things, or make room at the bottom of my screen where I prefer to keep most of my quickbars, is a bit annoying at this point in the game. Overall, I love the amount of UI customization available, but I'm REALLY hoping for these two small changes in the near future!
  3. First, I will say that Ops definitely needed a bit of love and I'm glad they got it. I've done a lot of healing with both the BH and the SI classes, but I've only dabbled with the IA class (and I can see how they were struggling in the healing department). Sorcs definitely needed a little nerfing (and I say that even though I play that class). That having been said, if IA the only class you've done much healing on, I don't see the point of any of your posts. Are you saying that you healed 100k healing in a few warzones by using nothing but Healing Scan and Rapid Scan in order to mimic the proposed changes? I'm not sure how you can even begin to have an understanding of how the upcoming changes might affect this class' gameplay by doing so. Not to mention that they were likely not level 50 warzones so you wouldn't have been going into matches with/against fully geared BM's and frankly (with respect), lower level PvP is ridiculously easy to heal on any class as long as you aren't getting CC'ed and/or focused. The two abilities you used for your 'test' will be more expensive and will heal for less (not just one or the other) if the proposed changes go live. Not going into all the other changes, I think the fear that many Mercs/Commandos have is ending up with heat costs so expensive on their higher throughput abilities that after 2-4 casts, they will end up having to either stand around doing nothing but shooting useless Rapid Shots at dying players (not to mention being unable to even use Rapid Shots on themselves) or use their two minute CD to vent their heat in order to heal for another 2-4 casts if the incoming damage continues to be dire. Add to that the decrease in heat venting and healing buff for Supercharged Gas, and heat will build very, very quickly. I enjoy both PvP and PvE but tend to veer toward the unpredictable nature of PvP. I would like to comment more on PvE but I lack the information to do so, so I'll stick with what information I do have. If you do much PvP, you'll know that incoming damage is almost always 'dire' and usually coming from more than one attacker, and so heat management is important. With ranked PvP, there will be more organization than with the current warzone setup (where you may find yourself to be the only healer at times, and it's imperative that you don't overheat trying to keep up the ball handler in HB or making sure everyone doesn't die on one side so the enemy can cap in a VS). Ranked PvP will certainly help in terms of maintaining reasonable heat levels/throughput and part of that will include being better able to work with your fellow healers (which ops groups will have a leg up on). However, there is a huge BUT, and it's the one I keep seeing you bring up. Since the nerfs to Mercs/Commandos may negatively affect most of our healing abilities, will ranked PvP groups still want us or will they view us as the "new" Ops regardless of whether or not our healing will actually be that gimped? The fear is that things will not be balanced as BW is stating but instead there will still be classes that groups simply don't want. The bottom line is that if you don't like being taken along only when there is no one else available because of your class, do you think anyone else does, either? It goes both ways. Furthermore, I haven't seen anyone in this thread stating that your class doesn't need the buff you're getting, which makes your repetitive comments about IA's yet more unproductive. One last point - you and others keep saying that people are "crying" about changes that they haven't tested but then you, yourself, turn around and say you haven't tested them either. Unless BW has announced in the last few days that they've implemented the ability to have a single character copied to the PTR without their guild, many players remain unable to test with all their abilities at level cap, which is probably adding to the strong reactions they're having. I have heard (although I'm not sure if it's true) that BW is working on straight character copying to the PTR but if not, I'll just cross my fingers that they didn't screw up so badly that I will no longer enjoy my preferred class due to it being undesirable to the masses. Nerfs happen whether they're needed or not, and I always try to roll with them and relearn how to play my class, but it certainly isn't always fun. It won't be enough to make me go back to Pandas and Pokemon. By the way, I see in your sig that you are dyslexic and I apologize if such a long post may prove difficult for you, but I hope that the length of my post helped to make clear to you what I (and I suspect many others) are getting at. Forgive any typos or repetition as it's late and I'm sleepy. Kudos to the OP and friends for the time spent testing! I don't think that you were just looking for negatives and in fact, I found that you stated on several points that your results were what BW said they should be even if you also found some seeming discrepancies. I like to know the inner workings of my classes. The results have been an interesting read and I'll keep tabs on the thread.
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