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Posts posted by Leneux

  1. Just curious, how should a new player to the game have "thought ahead" on this? Should they have to wait a whole year now to get the mount because they joined after the last Gree Event?


    Couldn't have been said better. An example of this being found in myself, as I have recently returned after a two year break.


    What absolute negligence releasing an event with rewards that any player that joined from 1/07/14 - 12/16/14 can not hope to obtain for an additional year... and even that is speculation!


    I, like many others, am a subscriber who gladly pays every month because we love this game - and will continue to despite this one flawed event. But if this has become an acceptable culture within BioWare to allow things like this to happen, I fear for the future of this game.


    It's not that they are deliberately giving preferential treatment to players who played during a very specific window of time, but that they might not have cared enough to see that what they did did exactly that.

  2. It baffles me every time I see a thread with so many people complaining about DPS/HPS meters...


    The most common link between all of the complainers is the concern that "this game will turn into WoW."


    The second most common complaint is "DPS/HPS meters will breed elitists."


    First"this game will turn into WoW." – What a ridiculous thing to say. The ability to parse and report data is in no way limited to just WoW, nor does it define a game whatsoever. There are TONS of other MMORPG's that incorporate DPS/HPS meters, and yet each one of them is still a very unique game. Complaints like this are made with inexperience at their core.


    Second"Damage meters will breed elitists." – Personally, I don't see anything wrong with wanting to be elite at a game. In fact I can't understand why anyone wouldn't want to be the best at what they do, in game & in real life. And just like in any other MMORPG, if you don't like another player, you can choose not to play with them – or use the handy "ignore" feature. You literally can play this game completely solo if you want – or with other like minded individuals such as yourself.



    So, why even have numbered stats on gear? "+100 Force Power" should be renamed to "Grants more Force Power". Because without parsing your output numbers, what good are numbers at all? You would have no idea how they translate into reality.


    Having an in-game DPS/HPS meter will make it easier for players to improve upon themselves, making end-game content more attainable & achievable, It will make it easier for players to help other players improve (which is what makes the MMO world spin FYI).


    There are many different ways to accomplish the same goal in this game, which is why I love it! And a DPS/HPS meter will help the entire player population enjoy each method to it's fullest extent, and at the same time offer a sense of competitiveness that a large part of the SWTOR population has been yearning for since launch.


    How about an in-game DPS/HPS meter with the option to show/hide to other players. That way it can be personal if you want, or public if you want.


    Please respond to this post with specific concerns – with etiquette – and I would be happy to debate. Thanks!

  3. Do you people ever actually play the game? Or just write stuff on the forums all day?


    - If you win you still get rewarded appropriately, and only need to win 3 matches to get ur daily



    - Who cares if bad players can get geared up faster. If they still are bad, the gear wont help.

    (daily completion only rewards 1 wins worth of commendations anyway)


    - No one goes afk anymore, not since player voting was implemented. That was a dead argument from the start.

    - This will increase player queuing! Now that everyone has incentive to at least try, this will increase total PvP population in the long run.

  4. Do you people ever actually play the game? Or just write stuff on the forums all day?


    - If you win you still get rewarded appropriately, and only need to win 3 matches to get ur daily



    - Who cares if bad players can get geared up faster. If they still are bad, the gear wont help.

    (daily completion only rewards 1 wins worth of commendations anyway)


    - No one goes afk anymore, not since player voting was implemented. That was a dead argument from the start.

    - This will increase player queuing! Now that everyone has incentive to at least try, this will increase total PvP population in the long run.

  5. In my opinion...

    First of all, you shouldn't replace every piece of your gear with Recruit gear right off the bat.

    Keep your set bonuses, but thats it. Every other piece of gear you equip should be Recruit.


    After that, you should have at least 800 expertise. Players in full BM gear usually top out ~1100 expertise, but with diminishing returns that extra 300 expertise only boosts them a few % points above you. If your the kind of player who plays the game, not the enemy - this shouldn't be too hard of an obstacle to overcome. Heck, I did it with my Powertech. When 1.2 hit I was mostly centurion (considering my 50 was only a couple weeks new @ that time).


    Anyway, after all that, you work on replacing your set bonus gear first, with BM. One by one.


    Recruit gear is a great way to get started in PvP, any good player with these gears has the potential to excel.

  6. Well through an expensive test ...the answer is yes the set bounus will transfer to any orange crafted armor for those who wanted to know. As long as the Armoring mod has "(Armoring)" after the name of the mod.


    Unfortunatly not true. I also went through a very expensive test.


    Post patch 1.2 armoring mods (lvl 61 & higher) are the only mods that will transfer set bonuses to an orange piece of gear. Any armoring mods lvl 58 & lower will not transfer (this includes Battlemaster/Champion/Centurion/Rakata/Columi/Tionese).


    I wish I had done a little bit of research first, the answer to this question is litterally everywhere.

  7. Ill go further, its wrong dont ban people for leaving matches....make so if you lose a match you have to wait before queing up for 1 hr. Maybe then all these "monkeys" intentionally losing games will think twice before ruining my game. I don't know how many times Ive been in a match watching fools duel as a ball carrier waltzed by or they were afk as a turrent was capped or fought 30 yards from a door as the bomb was planted. Time to punish the stupid players not the smart ones.


    Are people not reading the previous posts? And whats with this magic number of 1 hour??

    You guys really need to look at the big picture and put aside your hatred for the trolls.

  8. why you should ge penalty??? you are not suppose to leave you get it ONLY if you leave


    pvp will not disappear perhaps some lame people will nothing bad.


    disconnection your network as much as you want looser for what i care more trouble to you it's anyway good and log back on i hope ur client will be to repair and it will start download 11gb....


    there is no reason to leave a game you accepted in first place if you can't accept losing just dont turn on the pc hoenstly


    what??? garble garble garble

  9. Actually they reduced this to 1, and sadly I have been in matches where I stayed for a few extra VP to get my next piece of lvl 40 gear for my Commando and ended up with 0 rewards despite my efforts due to the 3 medal rule. On a team of window lickers competence stands out and gets you focused. Literally as soon as I got near the enemy I got focused, they even switched targets so that I died in like 3 seconds. Additionally when its 3-4 vs. 8 its not a target rich environment for the enemy so you tend to end up focused there too. You won't earn many medals spending most of your time in the spawning area.


    After this I made sure I left because the rewards we're worth the wasted time and frustration.


    Ah so they did, which even futher proves my point in that specific post that losing a warzone doesn't mean you get nothing.


    The specific situation your refering to where you & 3 others vs. a full pre-made team... you know that doesn't happen that often. In fact, Ive never had something that extreme happen to me, and I pvp a lot. 1 medal can be earned by just doing a lil bit of damage, seriously, just a LITTLE bit. If that kind of thing is happening a lot to you, I suggest server transfer - cause that sucks, and its definatly a population problem.


    either way, its because of the situation you so mentioned that I don't believe punishment or penalty is the answer. Who wouldn't want to drop that warzone?? I know I would, most definatly. And to be punished for it?? Id be so pissed, every thread on every forum would have my name on it..

  10. just remove the leave button... i dont even know why there is one


    if u join u join if u accept when the windows pop up u accept if something in RL happen u just stay turn of pc and "disconnect" or go AFK


    if you got AFK for more theh 5 minuts you get a malus on stats for 24h


    problema solved.


    wow your harsh. 24 hour penalty? Watch PvP dissapear, and with it over half the games population.

    Everyone seems to forget that this is a game, not your freakin job. Any penalty longer than 15 minutes will break the game. You heard it here first!

  11. No. We get nothing in losing warzones. Why stay in them?


    Decent PvP'ers keep leaving until they get on a team with other decent PvP'ers. Then they win in easy-mode against a group where everyone keeps leaving.


    This is working as intended. Otherwise BioWare wouldn't have made the rewards for losing so small.


    First of all, STOP SPREADING FALSE INFORMATION! This is like the billionth time someone has said "you don't get any rewards for losing", and its tottaly false!! But people believe what they read, and it makes the problem worse.


    The only way you walk away with nothing is if you earn less than 3 medals in the match, in which case that is deserved. because you were obviously afk.

  12. You destroy my fun by acting like its halo, learn what the objective of the Warzones are and I won't leave. Work as a team and I won't leave.


    Continue to act like its Team Deathmatch and leave the match.


    *Tip* kills count for nothing. Damage can get same amount of medals as passing or guarding. I can get the max amounts of medals that count ( 8 ) by standing at snow or VS door doing nothing.

    Learn to pass while getting banged on by 5 people in Hutball.


    He speaks frankly, but its the truth, and it's because of quality players like ^ who just want to play a GOOD game, and don't feel like wasting their time with troll pvp, that I think my solution would be best.


    If a player leaves early, lock them out of queue until the match they left has concluded.


    With the state of PvP at the moment, any further punishment for leaving early would cause big big problems.

  13. Yea people DC all the time so this is not any good solution either.


    Look fix it so you do not have 3 vs 8 and Premade vs PUG and this would stop 75% of the people that leave.


    Make it so they can't queue for another warzone until the previous warzone is completed, making it pointless to leave to start another one right away.


    ..would also keep it fair for the DC's. Since MOST of the time, thats your internet connections fault (not all the time, just most).


    Premades are a fact of life. when rated wz come, thats where they'll be. no more worries :p

  14. Due to the INSANE increase in Commendations for losers. You would be a complete moron to leave a Warzone during the game now.


    Increase in commendations for losers? what game are you playing? hehe

    I've noticed a significant decrease in losing rewards, since your teams score directly influences them.

  15. Szadek has a good point. Sometimes, unfortunatly, you join a warzone full of trolls who run around the map with their heads cut off. If you say you don't know what I'm talking about, your obviously one of them.


    Those of us who actually care about winning, or playing a good game, will NOT stick around for a wipe fest due to overwhelming stupidity.


    That being said, we all know those situations are not often, and there is a BIG difference between ^that & leaving a warzone because the other team got the first point. Unfortunatly the latter happens much more often.

    So, definatly, I believe there should be a penalty for leaving a warzone early, but hours?? No way. You think queues can be long now? You just wait lol.


    Make it 15 minutes, the length of your average warzone. Enough deterant so that actions have consequences, and yet a reasonable trade-off for those "complicated situations" I mentioned in the beginning.

  16. Quote from patch notes:


    "The amount of Valor, Commendations, and credits awarded at the end of a Warzone is now based on your team's score, with a bonus for the winning team. Experience rewards are still based on the amount of time spent in the Warzone."


    Stop spreading false information! Losing teams DO get rewards!


    ..and what is the problem with the winning team gaining extra rewards? If you take away that, you take away the incentive to even want to win a warzone to begin with.


    In no way does this nerf the rest of us, or specifically the brand new level 50's in anyway (as many have claimed, its just not true). Omg esspecially when for less than 100k you can gain near ~900 expertise with the new Recruit PvP gear! My fresh lvl 50 PT BH does just fine with Recruit + Centurion set. Just fine.


    The part of this thread I DO agree with, is they need to offer a brief penalty for deserters. 15 minutes would be ideal (so its like they have to sit one out). However, it's not any bigger of an issue now than it was when the game debuted.


    Also, the new warzone is a blast. If you guys consistantly hate this game, what are u still doing here?

  17. 1) There is no "Secret Empire Stun".


    2) If you go "Boom! then dead." - get better gear, and get the right gear.


    3) If you still go "Boom! then dead." - research your class to find out what your doing wrong & check your internet connection.


    4) With no target of target/combat log, it's impossible to be 100% sure who stunned you in the first place.


    5) There is no "Secret Empire Stun".

  18. Also, a lil tip - if your like me and have warzone commendations coming out your ears, spend them on lvl 46 weapons with the +25 expertise enhacements.


    @ lvl 45 you can remove & apply those enhacements to your other orange gear.


    For example, at this moment I am lvl 45 and have 150 expertise. @ lvl 47 I will have 181 expertise (with the new pre-order color crystals).


    So yeah theres plenty to keep ur wz commendations occupied till lvl 50 :p

  19. @knifewrench I agree. I see some lvl 50s 3 shotting people <20.


    @ramurdyne Im only lvl 39 but I've already maxed everything: pvp gear, commendations, etc. Now i just buy the pvp lockboxes and sell the stuff inside for credits.


    Where are you seeing lvl 50's 3 shotting lvl 20's? Must be open world because lvl 50's have their own bracket and all.


    The worst you could have seen was lvl 49's pwning a lvl 20 - but that's kind of a law of nature, considering the vast ability and skill pt differences between the two.


    I know this is an old thread, but I cant stand to see something like that unchecked lol

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