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Everything posted by Sage_of_Battle

  1. Lies? Don't know about that one. I myself have tried the new companions plenty. In some heroics, there isn't much of an issue. But in the Star Fortress heroics and others have claimed in other heroics as well, there's a major difference and you no longer can do them with just you and your companion, as was stated you should still be able to with this new patch.
  2. Don't know about that. There's quite a bit of people complaining about this. Threads or no threads, the more attention this gets, the better. And a thread has a little bit more flair to it! It would seem that the best course of action is to unsub with a reason stating why.
  3. You mean to tell me that our opinions don't actually matter to these big companies? And that all they want is our MONEY?! Say it ain't so!!!!:confused::confused:
  4. Well, now that a **** ton of people are complaining about the nerf, BW will listen and change it back right? That's how big companies work right?!?! :(:( plz bioware, you had it right the first time
  5. I don't want guesses, I want solutions, fixes that should've been given weeks ago ffs. When will 4.0.2 be released?
  6. Character name: Xeverun Server: The Harbinger Ticket #: 21357053 Opened: 11/04/2015 Status: Open Can't quite remember the name of the class quest but it's the beginning of Quesh, as soon as you get there immediately after the brief from Darth Baras
  7. Just as the title says, ever since the release of 4.0, my sith warrior has been missing his class quest, it's completely disappeared from the mission log. I know that recent patches were supposed to fix this issue and it has for some people but it still hasn't for me and it's been weeks since 4.0. I've opened FOUR customer service tickets already. Two were closed with no fix, the third has been open for over a week with no reply at all and now I just opened a fourth one just for ***** and giggles in the vain hope that customer service will actually do what they're getting paid for instead of sitting on their thumbs. My sith warrior is level 43 on Harbinger. I don't quite remember the name of the class but it's the beginning of Quesh. Anyone have ANY solutions at all?
  8. Same exact issue as you, even same planet except I just got to Quesh to start the quest and after the patch, it disappeared completely. Posted in the customer service section as well, made a ticket, no response on either. I find it completely ridiculous that an update/xpac that's story oriented, breaks your story line quest. How does a bug like this even get past beta testing. If there even was any beta testing.
  9. Geez talk about beating a dead horse to life then beating him back to death... Wasn't it already established that any prequel trilogy jedi/sith would wipe the floor with old republic era jedi/sith? Also, it never ceases to amaze me how a versus topic between two characters will be completely derailed by another or sometimes two completely different characters. Also, didn't Revan almost get his face melted off by Vitiate?
  10. You also stated in this half broken paragraph that you thought Sidious was weaker.....
  11. It's getting harder and harder to decipher your broken English. Please break up your stupidity into parts so we can dissect it a little easier. Canon IS absolute unless retconned. THAT'S IT. You saying that canon is not absolute or that it's wrong means nothing because your opinion means nothing. If it's been stated by someone who has created a u-verse, it IS true. There's no if ands or buts to it. Point me to where it states that Sidious was not holding back by the way. (Actual curiosity) Everything that happened in the movies was a culmination of his plans.
  12. I think you're referring more to the Sith than anything else. The Sith Order at the time, is flawed which is why the Order of Two comes into play later on. I'd say the Sith is the real reason as to why the Empire fails. Corruption is in every government, with rivals plotting against each other at all times. The Empire having rivals isn't it's downfall at all. I wouldn't go as far as to say that the Empire is weak, as with the Republic quests, you're assisting others that couldn't take out the Imperials themselves. The Empire is in no means, weak. All in all, the only reason the Empire fails is due to the Sith's destructiveness. Palpatine never failed in controlling the galaxy, he succeeded in his mandate but ended up losing it. There are many documentaries that touch on Empires and other factions that ended up falling, just because we know the outcome, do we toss all information aside? It's a game, you play it to have fun.
  13. Not exactly asking for a solution so I don't really know where to put this, but has anyone else experience increasing frame rate lag with this new update? My game was running completely fine and smooth before the update and I've already tried turning down all the graphic options to very low so it can only mean that this update must be messing something up.
  14. Are you still butt hurt because I don't agree with you? You can stop replying now, the debate is over. It's a matter of opinion and clearly not mine nor yours will change.
  15. I'm done arguing with the likes of you, someone who clearly can't take others opinions. The fact that you try and state as fact that TSL is so insignificant. Don't criticize me without looking at yourself. You don't look at the bigger picture in the story. The way planets were affected by just the presence of the force and how one jedi and one sith put into one planet can have the potential of completely ruining the lives of everyone else. That's how the story depicts the force as something that's not always pure. You act childish towards anyone that has a different opinion. There's a big difference between a debate and trying to talk down to someone that thinks differently than you. Have fun being Internet Hitler.
  16. This. Bioware completely scraps everything in TSL in order to feed more and more hype into their glorified jelly fish character, Revan.
  17. Opinions, opinions, opinions. And all the butt hurt fanboys in between.
  18. If look at all of the Star Wars EU, there's been tons of super weapons capable of galactic conquest, destruction of world, etc etc. It makes no difference to me. It's origins means nothing if the way it works is just another material means of conquest. If it actually had something to do with the force, not just the ability to make fleets, then it'd be a little more interesting. Yeah you're right, TCW did nothing to the jedi order and did nothing to scar worlds. It'st just another war. And again, like you originally retorted with my original post, you attack my intelligence first, a sign of a losing argument. TSL: depicts the force (the thing that the whole galaxy is based off of) as something that's not always pure. It shows the force being manipulative and what's wrong with the galaxy. It goes beyond the material means of galactic conquest by showing a villain that's become a black hole, caused by the force, on the path of total destruction of the galaxy, something a star forge would never be able to do. It's an original plot, not needing to borrow much of anything from the movies. It's something original in itself and that's already a big plus. It breathes new life into the Star Wars universe. If I wanted to, I could go into much more detail, but I don't want to/don't need to. It's opinion. That's the Internet. Get over it.
  19. Maybe you shouldn't attempt to ridicule my original response then not expect hostility. I've deconstructed your reasons.
  20. Yeah I can make opinion seem like fact, just the same as you, my friend. Hypocrite.
  21. The Starforge is just another super weapon. Nothing special. The Mando Wars is just another war, nothing special either. The Revan plot twist? Oh you mean something that you could see a mile away? It's just another identity plot twist. Same as the OT with Vader being Anakin. Destruction of Taris=/=Alderaan. The Rakata was a bit interesting though. Everything that's been done in K1 is basically the exact same thing that's been done in the OT, with slight changes.
  22. I don't have the time nor the energy to indulge ignorance. It'd take too long. It's not my fault you can't process anything in your mind more complex than "I'm hungry." By the way, condescending*
  23. Trust me, no one's trolling. Kotor 1's storyline is generic. It's what we've seen in all the Star Wars movies but in a different timeline. Nothing special. I love Kotor 1, but TSL goes into a story never explored. It's less about a completely generic "Good" side and a completely generic "Bad" side, it's about the line in between and how everything is affected. You clearly just missed the whole point of the storyline.
  24. It's laughable how much better The TSL storyline is compared to Kotor 1 (With the Restored Content Mod). It is really upsetting how Bioware completely kills off The Exile (I refuse to acknowledge The Exile canonically) and makes The Exile seem like a total follower to Revan and makes it seem like they were completely insignificant. If you don't see the whole point of TSL's storyline well then you're pretty oblivious.
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