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Posts posted by countpopeula

  1. Are you mentally handicapped? Healer. And yes I'm sure you'll be like lol noob is only healer can't dps :rolleyes:



    Just cool it with the douchery, makes you look like an ****** and your guildies are no better (especially since none of them have played with me). But keep on self promoting your "leet skills" :rolleyes: let the circle jerk recommence


    This proves that you're a *******. A healer should never lose to a DPS in a duel. Unless of course, they're bad. Should I link my Assassin's rating which is higher than yours after 2 days of YOLO ranked? Or does that mean nothing because you're going to backpedal? I'm really not sure which way you want me to go with this, I'm giddy with anticipation.

  2. Oh noes, what ever shall I do you are unimpressed by me :rolleyes:. Once again we'll go by your measure of skill. I'm over 1500, you're under 1300... so who's unimpressed with who now? And yeah, blame it on "rando scrubs being put in your group." You do realize the chance of that happening is equal for all players who que solo?


    Lol "as I lost like 7 matches in a row form having people like you on my team." Nice cognitive dissonance there.


    On a side note, did you really just hashtag in a forum?



    And the difference between you and me, I never claimed to be hot ****. I don't have a signature tag claiming to be the best of my class :rolleyes: There is ALWAYS someone better, and I am sure there are plenty even on shadowlands as consular/sorc healers that are better than me. Great thing about it is I do me, have a good time and do relatively well.


    You two should duel.

  3. Meh doesn't require that much tbh as long as you don't slack yourself. Most average groups that have cleared HM by now could easly do that as long as they make sure the dps is sufficient. You should be counting on about 2.2-2.7k dps from the pvp player depending on the class/boss.


    I'm well aware of the numbers requirements in the raids. Spoiler: There isn't really one in DF/DP other than have a pulse. The point we were making is that there is zero reason to upgrade Obroan to another tier yet, as it still holds its own in PvE environments and there is NO reason to upgrade it for PvP.

  4. I'm not hiding behind anything. I just find your mentality ridiculous, while someone who isn't geared shouldn't que ranked, you can cool it with your high horse garbage as if you're hot **** or something.... congratulations you can press keys slightly better than someone else, man what an accomplishment. "Skill" in a video game like this, hilarious to try and flaunt that. I came back to this game about 3-4 weeks ago (quit the game almost 2 years ago). My main's name is Huntlerr, a healing sorc. Feel free to look me up. You might even notice that I have a higher rating than you babycakes <3. Not that it means anything to begin with, but apparently thats all anyone understands here. So I guess that means a recent returning player that started with no pvp gear a few weeks ago and with no guild is better than you.... hope your ego can handle it.


    P.S. oh noes, did I rustle you enough to get focus fired?! what ever shall I do :rolleyes: You really think I give two ***** if someone or some guild makes it their goal to focus fire me? Laughable.


    PPS, are you sure I didn't win? Because it feels like I did <3 (people with ego's get so erked when you claim you beat them <3)


    I don't need to do anything but that.

  5. So let me ask, in the nicest way possible... how pathetic and depressing is your real life that this is what you define as success and apparently derive pleasure from? You ever take a step back and realize this is a game, just way way too serious. ..


    As for people with massive ego's, they tend to not be as good as they claim.Usually good players want to play other good players as that creates a challenge and true competition (where actual fun is, where is the fun in playing a clueless opponent? Yeah you win congratz, do you want a participation trophy?). I know you are full of **** because you said crushing bad players is where you get your kicks/fun from. Beating bad players is boring except for people with pathetic self-esteem/ego that need to somehow boost themselves up because their real life is either depressing as hell or they can't actually beat the good players in this game.



    Good day sir, thank you for reminding me of how pathetic people in this world can be. I don't need to forum PVP you, I'm pretty sure I've already won. Glad I'm not you,



    From a PVPer


    I play this game in my free time to enjoy myself. My morals and what I will and won't do to other pixels is not indicative of what I act like in person. L2internet. You probably haven't been around that long so let me lay it out for you. The Shadowlands PvP is not great. There are 4 or 5 guilds who put up a showing, with some decent players sprinkled in here and there. The matches where these groups go head to head in unranked are usually determined not by which group is better, but by who has the worse 4 PUGs. While competition is fun, losing because you got grouped with bads is not enjoyable. What is 100%, bonafide delicious is when bad players try to trash talk while they're getting sent to Medcenter every 4 globals. That is what is going on here, pooping on a guy who thinks he can climb into the ring with Ali because he thinks he can box.


    The passive aggressive, from on high attitude doesn't cut it here. If you were anything but a nonfactor, you'd put your character names in there instead of hiding behind a veil of internet anonymity to avoid getting focus fired in warzones from here to Eternia. Also, if you're going to try to call someone out for being egotistical, you probably shouldn't put "I win" anywhere in the same post. It makes you look extremely dumb.

  6. Already addressed time and time again.


    - Obroan destroys 78s in OWPVP.

    - Obroan will destroy top tier PvE gear in OWPVP even if 2 more tiers of PvE gear comes out.

    - Obroan is way more than enough for single-player PvE content, including soloing heroic 2+ on Oricon. And what is this nonsense talk about level 50 champion gear? lolwtf?


    This proposal is not for halting PvP gear progression FOREVER. We're simply saying a new tier for 2.7 is too soon, and useless, with much more pressing issues to address.


    You can add in that Obroan is enough to hold your own in HM DF/DP, provided the rest of the group is geared/high skill level.

  7. No, they don't need a new tier of PVE gear, either. Adding it is stupid. They need more content that people can play. Adding new gear just means old content doesn't get played hardly at all, so you still only have 3 or 4 things to do, if you're lucky. If they added new content that used the same gear, you'd increase the number of things to rotate through. That'd be a good thing and people wouldn't get bored as fast. As it is, they put out a set of dailies a FP and maybe an OP. People grind the gear playing them, get bored and stop playing because there isn't anything else to do with the gear they've got that isn't so easy it's boring. Continually adding new gear is a really poor design decision. Really poor. They'd be better off to add new looks (please no more terribly stupid looking hats/helmets), new mounts, etc. that you would need the comms to buy. That works for PVE or PVP. (And if they'd dump expertise and put a stat min and max on WZs, it'd be even better.)


    This is retarded. I don't play old content because I've cleared it dozens upon dozens of times. By design raids cannot get more difficult once they've hit NiM. I don't avoid EV/KP/EC because they're too easy, I avoid them because I can still remember ALL of the fight mechanics after having not been in them for well over a year. That is not fun or interesting to me. Gear is the only thing that keeps us entering instance once we've tagged up on the Progression rankings/titled. We learn more, we refine communication and precision, we get better because of the grind.


    In PvP, adding another tier of gear does not solve the underlying problems with the system. Class imbalances because everything is lazy percent based. Bolster gear being better than the most expensive pieces of Obroan. 8v ranked is gone. No incentive to do Ranked Arenas other than competition, and don't even try to bring up the Rancor mount because lol@1500 rating, you can get that in a matter of days doing YOLO queues. There are so many things that need to happen to PvP before more gear gets tossed at us, bigger stats is only going to exacerbate current balance issues because again, everything is percent based scalars.

  8. Back on topic, I'm not 100% sure but we probably only have 1 more slot available. As stated, we're discontinuing Hateful offers so we can do things that are actually fun in a couple weeks. Contact Keiki if you're interested before this offer is gone and you have to wait for the title to be totally irrelevant to get it, backslash never get the mask because this fight will likely not be PUG-able until well after the next expansion.
  9. I am not a "liability', its a game, for fun. Not an ego contest.


    As usual, ALL you people do is insult and shove your ego's around. That's ALL I see anymore in gaming, and it is ruining the enjoyment of it. People have forgot somewhere along the road that games are for FUN! All they want to do is be "better than everyone" or "the best". It's hogwash. Set back, relax, and enjoy...take the over-competitive egotism that our current society obsesses over and bury it.


    Enjoy your day.


    You are a liability because you cannot hold above a 1300 rating, which means inferentially that you suck and can't carry your team to a win. That's the definition of being a PvP liability.


    Some of us enjoy throwing our ego's around. That's what is fun for us, crushing bad players and then making fun of them for not being able to accept they're bad. When a bad player knows and admits they are bad, more often than not they will get help from others and increase their skill level. Those who can't admit it completely deserve the poopstorm that comes their way. Where do you get off telling us how to enjoy ourselves? You want us to let you enjoy your game? Let us enjoy ours and stay out of our business. You ain't gon' solve the world's problems on a video game forum, are you really that self deluded? #unwarrantedselfimportance. So take your passive aggressive fake-*** carebear attitude and bury it.


    Enjoy your fail.

  10. I have alot of mounts and "earned" alot of them. Whats your point? Your jumping to conclusions based on nothing.


    Ive said nothing negative. I stated my OPINION, which since you don't agree with would be negative somehow. Have I said your comments are "crap" because I don't agree with them? No.


    So, MY opinion means nothing but everyone else's does somehow? Yeah, that's real mature there. Real tolerant.


    I am not the person insulting and trolling everything I say, THAT is negative.


    I am not in other peoples business, I simply point out that these opportunities should be giving to OTHER people other ways. This is a forum for discussion after all. Someone said to make Rancon PVP exclusive, and I disagree with that. Other posts in other threads are irrelevant to this.


    But, one thing is abundantly clear. All people can do is find something to insult and bash people, make fun of them, mock them, instead of just accepting another point of view and saying you disagree. Period. No decent conversations, just hogwash.


    Im done even trying.


    I suggest you read this : Click to read


    Your opinion means nothing when you say things completely counterproductive to your arguments. Case in point, taking 2 matches to get above 1200 rating means you did really, really poorly in your prelims and thus really don't have a place talking about how a thread dedicated to making ranked PvP better is stupid. Case in point two, you saying that we, the holders of a commodity, should cater to you just because you're poor and it suits you rather than charge what we feel is an acceptable price for us to reenter a fight we don't particularly want to in order to get you said commodity. Case in point three, you're here talking about a mount you won't get, comparing it to a mount you won't get, so where do you think you have any place talking about it? Your opinion doesn't matter because you've shown you are an idiot.


    And finally, I'm a jerk in real life the same as I am in game. I blame deep seeded childhood issues. Hashtag notmyfaultblamesociety.

  11. I answered no to a few of those, but and I will Q for Sol Ranked anyway. I Q'd two days ago and got above 1200 in just two games and 30 medals.


    Games are played for fun. If it bothers you that much, get a priority adjustment. I'll Q if I please.




    If you are this clueless, I doubt you'll ever get any of the mounts that don't involve Cartel purchases. Hell if you can't figure out how to eclipse 1mil, I doubt you can even afford those ones. You've posted in 3 threads where you have nothing but negative, crap comments about how you only want to play the game your way and everything should be tailored around you. I suggest you take your own advice and stay out of other people's business, because no one cares what your opinion is.

  12. I answered no to a few of those, but and I will Q for Sol Ranked anyway. I Q'd two days ago and got above 1200 in just two games and 30 medals.


    Games are played for fun. If it bothers you that much, get a priority adjustment. I'll Q if I please.




    Who even are you? Do you really play this game? Please tell me you're Republic.

  13. No one but decent PvP players can sport the black Girradda rancor. That's enough for me. Partly because I'll be getting the Grob one as well, but in 4 months, they'll have some new mount that makes the rancors not worth sporting anyways. If there was anything to complain about, it'd be that the rating required for the PvP rancor isn't high enough.
  14. I retired playing swtor to dedicate my life to trolling forums, don't you read the facebook group?


    plus im super bad at this game and would get #globalled, I'm too scared and insecure, and emotionally unstable to ever do that. It might just plunge me into an unfathomably dark depression.....which I may never return from....not worth the risk.


    I left the facebook group when I saw you joined.


    Uh, because one was clearly guarding an objective the entire match, and the other was clearly responding to alternating pressure? I typically judge an operative's skill on how closely they match up with my assassin, and I can say the only 3 op/scoundrels I consider a threat to mah nodes begin with the letter "S" or "Lynx". #shotsfired, bring it and try to take my nodes in a 1v beetches.

  16. Yes they absolutely will, you're free to ignore it and enjoy having under 1k rating.

    The only players who could realistically get it without every box on this list checked are exceptional pvp'rs who already have it.




    He's saying if you start out unprepared you're going to dig your rating hole too deep to recover. So if you do want the mount preparation will maximize your chances.


    I don't doubt that the post was made in at least some modicum of effort into getting people to l2pvp. I do think it was mostly a /sigh, /semiproductiverageoulet. It won't change a thing, and he knows it. Bads will be bads, and no amount of forum post education will change that. Hell, I doubt those players are even competent enough to log into the forums.

  17. Thanks to Kailasarus, Ambellina, Alex-Andros, Erdface, Lukbox, Pyssan, Kenshin, Lianli, Ohlawdytoo, Sitton, Ziara, Reaper, Eskimo, and Interdict, The guys from HMD Magenta for the cheerleads, and If I missed your name, I am so very sorry, but very glad that you came. There were some good fights in there, I will try to edit a video soon, and post it.


    Interdict Won this with his VG.

    Lianli Second with Sent

    And Alex;andros Third, with commando.


    Damn Pubs.


    Thanks Again, guys was real fun.


    Shoutout to Zenod for a nearly perfectly played match against Sittin, even if it was 12minutes and ended in a draw :p

  18. .... I have no problem teaching anyone the fundamentals and strats to raiding and the bosses we encounter...


    ... As many of you know recruiting for Tanks and Healers has always been a feat. Dps seems easier and less tedious...


    ..We as Guilds need to try to stay a float while content is calm and not as fluent...


    We operate 5 ops groups on a weekly basis. Many have struggled cause of players Real Life restrictions. Most of our guys don't live, eat breathe MMO Gaming. They have a life, family, job, kids and school and can't commit fully but when they are able they support the guild and their raid group..


    Tossing spoilers on this since it's off topic and honestly, /yawn. Enjoy the drama if you want, though there's nothing intelligent going on.



    Curious, as I don't recall you ever taking the unseasoned recruits into your group. You always took your pick from already established raiders, leaving the "lesser" groups to have to deal with the incoming members. If this has changed since our departure, I apologize but I seriously doubt it has.


    Funny, we've had to turn away several tanks and healers this month alone.


    That's not the correct way to use the word "fluent". As always, you think having more raid groups means you're running a better guild. That's kind of presumptuous, don't you think? I don't know why you or your guild insist on accusing mine of harboring a grudge. Half of them were never in X-Raided, they were ********s while they were in their previous guilds, they're ********s in mine and they think the screenshots of those "private conversations" you had after we left were hilarious so they troll you. Why should we be bitter, once we split ways we immediately became the top raiding guild on the server and have been there ever since. If we hadn't parted ways, we'd still be stuck in the rut you keep everyone who disagrees with you in. We couldn't be happier or more satisfied with our situation, while you seem to need to defend yours. Can you honestly say your guild's progression is better without us? Because my side can.


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