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Posts posted by countpopeula

  1. This is a really good guide covering all aspects of the "PvP" but even though it's WoW, it's still applicable.



    ~ A full guide to RBG Leading (and playing) ~




    1. Reasons to do RBGs


    2. Getting a Group Together

    2.1 The Setup

    2.2 The Target Caller

    2.3 Recruiting the right people

    2.3 a. Guild

    2.3 b. Trade

    2.3 c. Skype

    2.3 d. X-Realm


    3. Strategy



    4. Addons


    5. Tips



    This is a Full Guide on How to be Successful in Rated Battlegrounds.


    1. Reasons to do RBGs

    1. It is fun, this is the biggest and most important part of doing RBG's, you have to think its fun, there are very few things in wow close to the rush you get from pulling a last-minute victory against an equally skilled team and knowing you contributed to that win (or even better, are the cause of that win).

    2. It is a great opportunity to play with friends, I have met over 100 really nice people trough RBG, with which I still hang out and play from time to time

    3. You get a SICK conquest cap from it, which is much higher then arena rating (on 2.2k your RBG cap is 3511). However, since the changes in MoP you will need to play (and win) alot of games per week to actually earn the RBG part of that cap. A good place to find out how high your cap from RBG is (gonna be) is http://whatsmycap.com/.

    4. You get a nice mount if thats what your into Vicious War Wolf - Item - World of Warcraft for Horde & Vicious War Steed - Item - World of Warcraft for Alliance.

    5. You can obtain very nice and prestigious titles, such as Hero of the Horde (or Alliance) and High Warlord/Grand Marshal.

    Hero of the Horde is obtained by being within the top 0.5% of your Battleground in RBG at the end of each season, this is the RBG equivalent of gladiator. Last season, the cutoff in my RBG. Every 100 rating, starting from 1100 RBG, will get you a title. The highest title you can get is High Warlord/Grand Marshal, which is the equivalent of obtaining 2400 rating.


    If that isn't enough for you to start leading your own RBG groups I personally don't know what is.




    2. Getting a group together

    Before I start, a note on individual skill:

    While being individually skilled in RBG and knowing how to play your class is terribly important, being able to listen is even more important. A lot of good or semi-good arena people often forget that RBG is about accomplishing certain gimmicks, not a form of team death-match pve damage race, which some people believe it is (and frankly, is a good way to win most of the bg's). So you need to make sure you get people who do what you tell them to, even if they are not sure why you are asking them to do it.



    2.1 The Setup


    Before I start on setup, the following: In RBG, setup isn't as important as in arena, if you are playing low-middle of the pack RBG, it is better to play with people who are good/consistent/can listen then trying to replace people and getting the ultimate setup together, synergy in RBG (especially between healers and FC and between rogue/hunter/mage) is very important.


    The current most popular RBG setup is the following:

    Flag Carrier - Arms Warrior/Feral Druid (Ferals are significantly better then arms warriors as FC. However with the recent feral nerfs, they arn't as good in non-FC maps anymore, so having an arms warrior is equally good as a feral druid. Due to ferals higher skillcap, it is hard to play one extremely well in RBGs, and bad ferals can easily cost you games (more so than bad arms warriors). A good feral is much better than a good Warrior, but a bad Warrior is better than a bad Feral. (If you are low rating, Arms Warrior is the safe choice). With the recent changes that give non-fc tanks +20% damage taken and fc tanks +50% damage taken, we have found out that on every battleground, having a feral fc is better then a guardian FC and having an arms warrior FC is better then a protection warrior.

    Healer - Holy Paladin

    Healer - Resto Druid/Mistweaver Monk (With the new changes and the introduction of ring of peace, a Monk is now significantly better to get. However, good Monks are very rare, so most of the time you will have to do with a rdruid)

    Healer - Resto Shaman/Holy Priest

    Again, for healers you can make a mix/match of almost any combination of healers, however I believe Holy paladins to be fairly mandatory and having double of any healer is generally considered bad. However, if you can get 2 really good resto shamans, it is definitely worth getting them. Alternatively, if you have access to a lot of good healers but no dps, you can run with 4 healers, again mix and match to your preference.

    DPS - Unholy Deathknight

    DPS - Frost Mage

    DPS - Affliction Warlock


    This is the core of any good RBG group, for the 3 remaining spots, you can pick a mix of the following classes/specs.


    DPS - Shadow Priest

    DPS - 2nd Affliction Warlock

    DPS - 2nd DK/Arms warrior

    DPS - Rogue

    DPS - Balance Druid

    DPS - Hunter (though I am personally not a big favorite of playing with them)

    DPS - Elemental shaman


    My personal favorite setup would be to take a balance druid, rogue and another afflction warlock, however this depends on what you have, if you know this amazing ret paladin, feel free to take him along, just know that its not optimal.


    Before people start jumping on my back saying ''I got 2.9 with xx setup where we did yy completely different, I understand, good players can get high no matter what setup, I am just saying that this setup is the most commonly used, and in my opinion, the best.



    2.2 Target Caller


    You will also need, on top of having a leader (which is yourself), a target caller.


    If you are a DPS and are leading the BG, you can (somewhat easily) do it yourself, however if you are, like me, a healer, you will need to make sure you also have somebody who can call kill targets. While you can do it yourself as dps, it can often get very stressful for you to do it while leading and damaging yourself, so my recommendation would be to find someone else to do it.


    You need to make sure that your target caller is a vocal person and isn't afraid to speak on skype/other voice com programs. If you don't have a target caller, everything will go wrong and people will be dpsing all over the place, so avoid this at all costs. Another user on this website made a very decent post about target calling, http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...0#post19284380 for this I claim no credit but I will copy some of what he wrote here.


    While it is always good to have backup target callers (dps who might be able to see things the ''official'' target caller does not) you need to be 100% positive that people know who the real target caller is, if someone else calls a target people should ONLY switch when the main target caller confirms the target, not any time else.


    Recommended Target Callers

    1. Death Knight - Death Grip, makes them the best target caller along with other abilities such as improved chains and silences.

    2. Rogue - While not as good as a DK a good rogue can def land a kill if he calls targets in unison with a well timed smoke bomb. The problem with Rogue target callers is that for a lot of the team fights they won't be there (Ninja capping flags, harassing flag carrier etc).

    3. Destro Lock - While not as good as the above, warlocks can call good targets since they will be in most team fights and most of their damage is burst, however the disadvantage of taking a warlock when there are melee in your group is that an inexperienced warlock will sometimes call targets outside of the range of your melee.


    What not to do..

    - Do not tunnel a target

    - Do not go on the enemy flag carrier if he has no stacks & the whole raid there peeling for him

    - Don't be shy


    What to do!

    - Switch Often, just because you called the rsham 10 seconds ago do not be scared to call for a hard switch.

    - Speak up, you have to be louder then everyone else. Your voice has to be commanding.

    - Enable, "Target Count" in your Battlegroundtargets add-on. This will allow you to see how many targets are assisting your target.

    - Call for CC, on healers when you are going to burst

    - Give countdowns, for example. Say: 5 seconds till AOE grip (via gorefiends grasp). The most important thing here is that you need to check for your teammates cooldowns, if you can line up an AOE grip with a ring of frost and Solar beam, you can wipe the enemy team in seconds, getting this properly coordinated is fairly hard though, and will cause you alot of stress in trying to set up, even on high level, but it is definately worth it.

    - Grip overextended targets even further away, and call the kill for them.



    2.3 Recruiting the right people


    I use 4 general ways to find people for my RBG groups:



    a. Guild


    I am personally in an RBG guild with 300 people including alts, of those 300 people there are about 40 that I would want to join my group.

    If you take guildies, be careful and only take the ones you actually know (or have good references from), your guild policies might not be as strict as your groups policies.



    b. Trade


    Make a macro and spam your heart out.

    A macro should have the following components

    1. Your doing RBG

    2. Which classes you need

    3. What communication system you will use

    4. What the requirements are

    5. What the expected MMR will be


    A macro for my groups usually looks like this

    /2 LFM <Insert needed class/needed other class> for RBG, requires 2400 arena or 2400 RBG or 2200 Current RBG, be around ~2200 MMR, using skype

    This should be enough to tell people what you need and deter people who don't fit your requirements.


    A good rule of the thumb is that if your looking to start a group with a certain approximate MMR, you should ask experience in arena or RBG 200 above that or require somebody's current RBG rating to be at that level.

    You can also use armory to gouge a low-current rated persons MMR, mostly by judging his W-L ratio, the higher that is, the higher his MMR will most likely be.

    For the rest your pretty much at the mercy of your experience with people and of the rating they tell you they have.


    Another hidden requirement to join should be gear, every player that you don't know should be armory checked to see if he has proper gear (just look for people that have similar to your own gear) and has gemmed/enchanted it, this shows he is atleast dedicated and knows what hes doing.



    c. Skype conversations


    I always use skype as my communication tool during RBG, so I have a huge record of skype calls with alot of people in it which I know are decent (I have played with them before)

    So if I am trying to make a new group, I always copy-paste my trade macro into the different skype convos to see if I can recruit people there, this is how I get most of my participants.



    d. X-realm recruiting


    As of patch 4.3.2, it is now possible to queue with people from your Real-ID list from different servers in RBG.

    This function is really easily abusable by just going on an x-realm forum, recruiting people there and then adding them to your Real-ID list and playing with them.

    The best way to recruit x-realm people is to log an other account onto a server where you know there are alot of pvp players (stormscale-eu horde for instance) and spam your recruitment message there aswell.

    Another way of recruiting people is arenajunkies, they got pretty decent lists of high-profile players interested in RBG, be warned though, these can be very low in rating/mmr considering most only care for arena.

    Another way to recruit people is #RBG.EU channel on webchat.quakenet.org, there are usually hundreds of people active there, just spam your recruitment message there and wait for people to contact you.

    You really need to be carefull with x-realm people, always check to see if they indeed are/have what they say they have, you got way less means of social control over them and they tend to leave or act rude far more often then the non-x-realm people simply because they will most likely never see you again.

    If you like playing with a certain x-realmer just keep him on real-id with a note tagged to him of his class/spec/exp so you can call on him again should you make another group in the future.



    2.4 Preparing to queue


    Alright, you have your full group of people ready to go and are good to queue, there are a few things you need to do first.

    1. Assign roles

    2. Give tanks/Healers a mark

    3. Make sure everyone is on skype with you

    4. Do one more final check of people your not sure off

    5. Perform a ready check to see if all here

    6. Queue




    3. Strategy

    The biggest thing about strategy is making sure you know where the opposing team is and where your team are.

    You need players who can listen and understand what you are saying and know how to follow orders.

    Having a vocal team is great, they can help you in making strats and observing little things that you didn't notice, however at the end of the day, your making the executive calls, so you need to be able to tell people to shut it and listen if they are trying to lead themselves.

    For the individual battlegrounds I am going to assume you already know the basics mechanics on what to do and i'm not going to explain how the work, im only going to explain what you need to do as a team to win in RBG



    4.0 Addons

    1. Battlegroundtargets, this is absolutely the best addon for RBG ever, it allows you to keep track of how many the enemy team got alive, how many stacks the FC's/Orb holders have where enemy's (trough clicking on them and looking at the mini map) and how much mana their healers have left, this baby has alot of settings so work with what you think works best.

    2. Deadly Boss Mods for seeing when the next stack in FC games will be comming

    3. Icycle (as Target caller) to see what anti-damage buffs your target has up

    4. Any raid cooldown timer addon which allows you to see what defensives the individual members of your group have up.


    Note: If anyone knows of an addon which tracks enemy teams res timers, preferably on all BG's but mostly for WSG/TP, please contact me or post it in this thread and I will be very grateful, I know that bailamos has one, but he refuses to share it




    5.0 Tips

    1. Buy battle standards, in mass fight that extra HP boost can be great, especially if you can always keep one up (which is pretty much the case if you have 10), make sure you place them strategically, in houses, behind your group or at least as far out of reach of the enemy as possible.

    On the other side, always be on the lookout for badly placed battle standards, even healers can 1-shot these things.

    2. As of patch 5.1, blizzard disabled cooldowns in RBG that couldn't be used in arena, this includes Infernal, Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp, Lay on Hands, Ahnk

    3. Loot enemy corpses, this prevents people from walking to their corpses, on the other hand if the enemy fails to loot your corpse and you get a long ress timer and you havn't died alot yet this fight, feel free to run back to your corpse.

    4. Always keep an eye on their ninja capping classes (rogue/mage/hunter/druid), if they are disengaging on a node battleground they will most likely try and ninja something, if they are disengaging on a capture the flag BG have a healer move close to your tank for when he opens with smokebomb. In node bg's, it is the defenders duty to do this.

    5. Look enemy players up on the armory before the game starts, if they have sub-par pvp gear they are most likely carried alts who make for easy targets.

    6. In the case that your fighting against a boosting team (easily seen from the 2400+ CR of half of the team compared to the 2200- rating of the other half, don't stress, its okay if they wipe you to the floor, they should be playing on 2400 rating, not 2100. If you think it helps report the people to blizzard, but I don't believe blizzard does anything to counter RBG boosters.

    7. Always stick together unless your called to do otherwise, ramboing really doesn't help.

    8. Call out your cc's and the targets your using them on

    9. If you have abit better group, you could try setting focus targets for ranged to use their interrupts on so you know all healers are getting interrupted at least once.

    10. If inviting a certain player to your group doesn't feel good, don't do it

    11. If you run alot of good pugs, you may become famous and people will constantly spam you asking if your making a group again, always be polite when responding to them because you might need me later.

    12. If you are about to die, ask for the ress timer, if it is almost up make sure to die quickly (run into them, click off buffs) so that you make the ress timer

    13. Shouting at people is often reasonable, if they don't do as you told them or are playing really badly, this will often shake them up and make them focus better. However try to keep it at a minimum, you only want to yell at people if they are making very obvious mistakes or arn't listening, dont rage because the game is going bad in general, nobody wants to play with a rage machine because it's simply not fun. Also if you rage alot people will think it's your normal way of communicating, making it less exceptional when you do and people are bound to be less impressed by it, so keep it at a minimum.

    14. You are the only person that shouts at people, it's your job and entitlement as a leader, if other people in your group start doing it the atmosphere will turn ugly very soon, so make sure people dont start flaming on each other, most of the time people making mistakes are prepared to take it from you since your the leader, but not from some other random guy.

    15. Play well, leading by example and not making stupid mistakes is the best way of showing people how it is done, it will also increase their respect for you.

    16. Have your little map open somewhere in your screen at all times, to make sure you dont constantly have to toggle up the big map to see where people are etc.

    17. Due to AOE grip sharing DR with vortex, the grip-->vortex-->solar beam combo is a lot less potent, still having a good aoe grip can change games enormously.


    I wish there was a way to get both quotes in this without me having to copy paste cause lol,lazyas***. Also I approve of the changes in this thread, this is in keeping with Eavn's old signature, RIP in peace. #swtordeadgame. #kiritoworstplayerNA

  2. On the RNG front we still have bizarre instances of Tyrans pulling the Calph or Bestia tanks, we thought it was ranged based but that doesn't seem one hundred percent consistent. Tyrans porting into Bestia during a swap or KB is a little annoying but good placement and fast reactions nullifies it, one empowered isn't a wipe unless its combo'd with something else anyway.


    In case this is news to anyone, Tyrans pulls are negated by Corruption stacks, having aggro on Calph, or having 36 points/top tier in the healing tree. We've seen about one instance ever where the Calph tank was pulled while "having aggro", but it might have gotten ripped and no one was recording to check.


    The Tyrans porting is why we adopted a new strategy rather than the ole fashioned tank swap. On top of messy red circles, we got tired of having 4 things wipe us that were 100% RNG based (kiter getting lifted, one tank getting lifted during swap if it wasn't done perfectly, Tyrans porting during swap, Tyrans pulling new Bestia tank during swap leading to lolbuffedTB).


    We have Council to a 1shot, occasionally taking longer but as many others are going through, we're bleeding players. Titling at this point is a farcry, we've lost 3 players in the last couple weeks from our title roster. Dead game is dead. Would have been nice to get DM while NiMP was active, but I don't even know how much longer I'll be logging in so /meh.

  3. Tough to disprove a negative.


    Want to disprove it? Send me an in game email from the toon you're best all. You can pick my class and spec, and I'll beat you with it. Otherwise, go back to lurking. Everything Thalamir said, minus ID transferring back because despite the fact they have, lol, they're all in Wildstar.

  4. Ranick, your rebuttal is anecdotal at best. A better counter would've been, "Where is the 139 million coming from, did Bioware recoup their original cost on the game (est at 300 million), and what is the hiring / firing cycle like at dev HQ?"


    Not some lame "I'm so lonely my friends are all gone" sob story.


    Cowboy up man.


    Lolwut? That's what you got out of that? Fail troll is fail. The developers at BW's SWTOR department don't understand **** about their game. Watch any of them stream their gameplay. Talk to any of them at a cantina tour. Read any of their clueless posts about gameplay. This has gone from a combat based Star Wars MMO and digressed into The Sims: Star Wars. Just because you've never been relevant in PvE or PvP enough to see the downhill trend does not mean said spiral doesn't exist. I still play SWTOR solely because I want to play with the guys in guild and we haven't transitioned to Wildstar. If/when we do, let's see how SL ranks up in World PvE rankings. Wait they have to actually release difficult raids for that to matter, which is going to be in what 6 more months with 3.0? Yeah, dying game is dying. :rolleyes:

  5. Back to the "dying" comment. SWTOR is now considered FTP. Among FTO games it was 8th most profitable last year grossing 139 million dollars.


    And 80% of the people guilded and on my friends list who were PvP focused are gone from 4 months ago where it was pretty decent. Not meh, log in every once in a while, flat out gone. The PvE World Progression community has half-lifed every raid since TFB, we're down to about 5 or 6 relevant guilds "competing". This is down from 40ish during TFB/SV NiM a year ago. Flat out, this game's high end community is leaving because they're focused on F2P and not taking care of the game. Historically, if a game lacks high end competitive gamers, it fails shortly after. Considering our guild has more NiM Council kills than the collective rest of the server has downed Tyrans (Chandrian managed to kill it once before deciding that they were tired of getting beat and quit, lolz) and that the server still ranked 3rd on World Progression Scoreboards, that's pretty telling of where PvE stands. Dying game is dying, you know it's bad when I've actually started the transition to Wildstar, /vomit.

  6. Such QQ, much wow.


    Keiki and I are in a constant state of bickering because she's a woman. I'll thank you to stay out of our e-relation****, kthx.


    Medico's free tonight so I swear to god if you're late for raid tonight, I'm going to murder your dog. The good one, not the one everyone wants to murder anyways.


    Here's an AMR for you


  7. having trouble getting your torparse link to work. Relink when you can please and I will update it.


    Everything else should be up to date. Removed Ranick's Mara parses since he fails at making me update his AMR for him. :D


    Remember when AMRs were relevant? Nope, me either. Yo, like, what if, like, I have 3 different gear sets, one for each spec? Like, totes what do I do there? Update all 16 gear sets I have for all 8 toons and all 24 specs I play? Lul, as if. I can find you my AMR from when I was geared in 63's, will that do?? Wait none of this is important because AMR doesn't correctly read stating so most of the numbers aren't accurate. <--Yeah, that.


    *Actually just to spite you I'm going to get them to send me my password so you have to go back through and find them. Lulz were had by me. See you at not-raid tonight!

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