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Everything posted by chimex

  1. Like them or not, they ARE part of the lore and story of SW. Yes, I understand that by saying that I have to accept Jar Jar F&%£#ing Binks was an actual character. However, you cannot simply claim it doesn't exist because you don't like it.
  2. Aaaaww you disappointed me. I was hoping for something like: "If you read this, you must post this message in 10 different threads. If you do, the one you love will open their heart to you. If you don't, a ghost girl will grab you in the night. Serious, this really works!"
  3. Convenu. Je pense que certaines personnes sont en tenant ce seul Ewok à être plus de problèmes qu'il n'en vaut pas la chandelle. Désolé, le français est ma deuxième langue.
  4. Pffft scubs drink water. I'm all about the applejuice /hardcore
  5. They also won't put any species that isn't a basic human template due to the cutscenes. Imagine an imperial elite pointing his blaster at human chest level, but a good foot above the Ewoks head. Somehow, I don't think he'll look quite as elite as he wishes
  6. I have never played ME3 (apparrently, I'm missing out, but I hear the ending was a less than what was expected), so I cannot comment on Steve Cortez (Also, I'm a girl, interested in, well, girls ) However, I'm with you in that I hope this is a sign of things to come. If they continue with class stories (A big IF, I know), I hope any future companions will be SGR. It's a little dream, but we can hope.
  7. Sorry my friend, what started out as a debate turned to me http://dirtlemons.weebly.com/uploads/1/0/8/4/10845653/305946521.jpg ing you
  8. Even kids get Lightsabers. Exhibit A: http://web-images.chacha.com/images/galleryimage-1075499623-jul-26-2012-600x255.jpg (Source: ROTS photo.) With that in mind, I don't think it's a hard stretch to have characters get their lightsabers at lvl 10, or that they are readily available from your nearest friendly weapons peddler.
  9. chimex

    Picture War

    Saw this on one of my writing forums, and finally (thanks to Off-Topic) it can be introduced to the SWTOR forums. Picture war, a war using only pictures. I'll explain. The aim is to battle the post above with a picture that can defeat theirs in some form. For example, if post 1 posted a pic of a fire, post 2 could put a pic of a bucket of water. To combat that, for example, post 3 could put a pic of a straw. I'll begin with an easy one to get everyone started: http://lifeand100books.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/scissors.jpg PS: Devs are welcome to play too. PSS: No nudes!!!
  10. chimex

    Its back

    Challenge accepted
  11. Love the show. However, it seems to have lost a lot of quality lately. The storylines all seem to be solved be some form of wishing. EG: Memories (you know the one I'm talking about ) Personally, I prefer the older who. Tom Baker FTW Jellybaby anyone?
  12. In that order: 1) Not too bad, thank you. Editing a few vids and off from work due to bad foot. I hope you are well. 2) I can never get enough sleep, I'm always 30 mins short of enough 3) Coffee and some toast. I put lemon curd on it /yum 4) Thank you, I love you too
  13. I'm not the one getting bent out of shape over an Ewok companion
  14. Thank you, a decent rebuttal. You sir, have me standing rather corrected
  15. Yes, my entire argument is now unraveled because of a single sentence. Perhaps my ignorance would have been spared, if I just played Warcraft 3 I don't doubt that, but I fail to see how this stands with your argument that is Ewoks=Pandas
  16. chimex

    What the hell

    Haha, guess who got his face smashed in
  17. I think stating Pandarians are "vaguely asian" is deliberately trying to gloss over some of their characteristics. http://media.steampowered.com/steamcommunity/public/images/avatars/7b/7bf397a782deffaf8a4166dc2e2f69ba1062b41a_full.jpg Also, they're frigging Pandas!!! ^^ kind of proves my point. (NB: I have nothing against asian looking chars, just pointing out the flaws of the OP's argument here) The fact that they seem a complete rip off from the CGI film Kung-fu Panda bothers people too. I'm surprised Dreamworks didn't take WoW to court on that one. Also, they are not just one class. They are a playable race. They introduced a class, known as Monk (a hand to hand combat class), but that only emphasizes their take on the who Kung-fu Panda rip off. The problem here is that pandas (or, Pandarians) are a legitimate, playable race. They have their own starter lands even. The biggest issue with the Pandarians is that they make no sense. A world filled with Elves, Orcs and undead are suddenly plagued with 3 foot high teddies. With Ewoks, we already know they exist in the SW universe. Pandarians were kind of crammed into the WoW universe like a block of cheese through a keyhole. Blizzard tried to take advantage of a fad in the market, that is mostly why Pandarians are a joke. Ewoks, however, have been going around since the 80's. It has less to do with their "cute" look, and more to do with pandering (lol!) of a new fad, despite the lore already created.
  18. http://hgtv.sndimg.com/HGTV/2010/07/27/Halloween-UGC_samiam405-ewok-dog-costumes_s3x4_lg.jpg Whaaaat? I see no problem.....
  19. I only use vibroswords, blows your rant out the water
  20. You forced me to do this!!!!!! http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/607/92p.jpg/ Edit: Dang, you beat me to it. I'll get you, and your little Ewok too
  21. Found it!!!!! http://klorith.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/cloud-strife.jpg
  22. Warrior here, I think we're in a decent place. How do you think we could be improved while not pushing to being OP'ed?
  23. Yes, burn you at the stake and cut your keyboard in twine
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