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10 Good
  1. It's a toxic cesspool. I'm a returning player from couple years back, not the best out there, still learning, but I'll try, and I do enjoy some pvp for fun. But when I see the hostility and toxicity, I stop trying, I'll throw. Here's the thing, I play for fun, not to prove something to my ego. So if you ask me, I have no sympathy for your ranking if your default behavior towards other is being toxic. If it's such an issue, that makes you rage and ruins your day, your fun, you should be doing something else. Play some other game, learn a new skill, go to therapy, just do something else. Yeah, matchmaking should be better, I'd probably enjoy playing more people who aren't as competitive about it. But if you're going to be a huge a**h*le about it, I'll just enjoy that I made you rage instead of trying to play the game. Bottom line, if you would try to be civil, help each other out instead of throwing a tantrum about it, maybe you would have better results.
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