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Everything posted by dougiepants

  1. I understand that it is a curve and not a hard line drop off for the stat. Im just looking for the "soft cap" peak number for each stat before they start curving off. Just trying to make the most out of my bis gear for my toon and my guildmates.
  2. I have done allot of searching on this forum and talking to tons of players. It seems the idea behind deminishing return is all over the board. So I thought I would try and start a thread that let all of us find out where deminishing return really starts to effect our numbers. What is the actual stat number where deminishing return starts? I am interested in stats for Crit, Surge, Defense, and Shield Absorption. These are the four main stats I keep hearing different numbers on all the time. I am always chasing after the best way to have BIS Gear. Im stacked heavy surge but wanting a more hard deminishing return number to cut surge and add alacrity as a healer. I have heard that there is a more noticeable difference with alacrity once you really increase it.
  3. I will post in here and just say that as a sorc healer with one of my tanks I can live through just about anything. Am I saying that healers and tanks are OP? No because if I'm by myself and my free heal, "god bubble", no instant purple circle, and already used my pvp med stim.... I'm dead when it comes to OP ops, smashers, and hard hitting sorcs. I read alot of these threads that people complain about OP classes, premades, and gear grinding. Everyone can kil another class. Its all in how you play and and practice. Premades arent the problem either because everyone can join a guild and be in a premade. If you arent in one hit me up on PoT5. The gear is basicly thrown at us now and its easy to be completely BIS is no time. Its almost a joke for gear grinding. I find the game more interesting now because it is a challenge to heal everyone forever. I find it more interesting because all the dps is so OP. People complained about pvp since 1.0 and wil complain until this game stops being played. Join a guild, more practice, and get BIS Gear.
  4. Oh I'm sorry I figured it would have been updated by now... Sorry
  5. So im a pvp healer on PoT5. I ha e played with both maxing out power and trying to max out willpower the best I can with out losing to much expertise. Im running 6 lvl 30 armors and 1 lvl 28 hilt from pve gear. I havent yet figured out which setup is actually better yet to stacking power or willpower. My highest numbers so far is 1.65 Million Heals in a Voidstar. im trying to figure out if I should ditch surge for alacrity but I havent noticed any difference with adding alacrity. At this time I am way over the soft cap for surge but thats only because im not really sure alacrity works well in pvp. Is anyone seeing a difference with alacrity over surge?
  6. We are an very social and active guild. Allot of our member base is based in the Midwest but we game late into the evening EST. We are a progression style guild that we work together in trying to have the most fun and be extremely competitive as possible. We use Mumble for our online communication. We run weekly contests in guild and want our members to get the most out of swtor as possible. We accept all player and F2P aswell. All classes welcome. We have a range of skill levels and character levels always playing. If youre interested please make in game contact by whisper or in game mail to Healingtouch. Thanks so much and see you in game...
  7. Wow the healing numbers are incredible. I was hoping to post but thats almost impossible for myself to comprehend lol. Great numbers! Seems allot of these are from RWZ. Are there very many regular WZ numbers this high? I never see these ever expect the 1.6 Mil healing and 1 Mil Damage dealers...
  8. Which runs are dropping the lvl 30 resolve hilt? I am also after this and needing the gloves and boots to handle lvl 30 armor.
  9. cool. ill have to wait and see how we stack up as a server then lol
  10. are you going to review all the previous posts?
  11. 3rd place HPS 1447 - Healingtouch https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/902340_4549271861313_1126540584_o.jpg
  12. its all about the fun. I'll go hit the breaker and reset everything...
  13. LOL MY whole guild just got kicked out lol... EPIC...Empire WINS!!!!!!
  14. You know Death to the Republic is always down for a fun open world kill session of pubs lol. See you then bro.
  15. I can say that I've potentially seen the speed hack but how do you see a lack/teleport hack?
  16. I really believe this all depends on way to many variables. Length of match, gear, spec build, tank guarding you or not, ability to stay up and especially for healers is cross healing with other healers. You also can't out heal damage. Meaning there has to be damage happening to heal it. I'm a 31/7/3 spec w/ 35.93% Crit 75% Surge, 8% activation speed & completely min/maxed WH w/ some lvl 27 PVE amors. I average between 550K - 750K a match with my high being 997K. I'm in a small guild an we work very well together. I do find it more of a challenge when I do pug WZs but still average the same heals. My highest damage is 575K. There are just so many factor on going on about the actual number your toon is putting out.
  17. I run 34.93 crit and 75 surge and 8% alac and heal perfectly fine in all spec builds for Sorcs. To be honest your healing will be way more affective to get a good tank to guard you and ditch the cc lightening hybrid unless that is you play style of course. I just feel that the lightening tree is all about utility and assisting your team. Plus they are changing backlash soon in an update so it won't help blind people after that supposedly. That is of course if you are speced that deep into lightening
  18. First off are you a PVE and PVP Healer? That will determine what gear you are pulling from for the best stats. But you are correct about the % that you have listed. It also depends if you want to be willpower or power heavy too. That will let us know which mystic/master gear to pull mods from.
  19. See I agree a lot with this last post. I decided to stack a ton of power in replacement of high willpower and more crit. Although to do this I have had to neglect my expertise to 1108. So the debate starts with me now as to I could lose some willpower and gain expertise up to 1208. This would gain me about 1% in expertise BH, BD, & DR but it would bring my force bonus healing and bonus damage. I just do not think that 100 more expertise will mean that much to a sorc healer in WZs or RWZs. The other build I have would be raising my crit 37%-38% but losing force bonus healing to 729-731. This would also lower my surge from 75% to about 72.5% - 73%. I just have these three build in front of me and I'm just trying to squeeze every last little bit out of my sorc as possible. I just think its important to try and be the most consistent healer in a WZ as possible. I am doing the PVE Force Mystic 2 Piece Bonus and PVP Force Mystic 2 Piece Bonus for sure. I think being able to use innervate more will help the healing #'s increase and more viable heals over all. I'm critting innervate now at 2207 at least 3 ticks of the channel.
  20. I think BW idea is that we use consumption to regain the force while being speced into the health regain talent of corruption. Then use self healing to bring health back up fast after consumption. I use the self heal like that a lot in voidstar and that is it. But I am not speced into that talent in corruption though.
  21. Since no oneelse is in the 3rd HPS spot how about throwing this 1029 I just did 30 mins ago lol... http://sphotos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/679818_3713488847260_1472085892_o.jpg
  22. Well I've been crunching numbers. I'm actually curious to know if I add 5% more crit to my build and lose about 24 bonus healing how my healing will be affected. I'm really just a power healer vs a crit healer. I have 988 bonus damage and 755 bonus healing buffed/exotec stim. So I figure I could ditch some power for crit. Off the top of my head I think my crit is like 98, surge is 256 and power is 1068 or something like that. Do you think going from 32% to 37% crit w/ like 725-729 bonus healing will produce better numbers than my current setup with 32% crit w/ 755 bonus healing?
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