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Posts posted by hinduchocolate

  1. You CAN own on a scrapper.

    However you can do the same thing 50-75% easier on any other dps class. Even their mirror class(operative) has an easier time because their version of backshot has much faster animation and much looser definition of "back".


    In other words you really have to put out effort on a scrapper spec to do the same thing a sentinel or sage does in a few clicks. No position requirements for them, even if their attack does 3x the damage of backshot.


    I have a commando and I have a scoundrel. Produce more kills and damage with a gunnery specced commando than I ever will on my scoundrel, namely because of range and the ability to really burst down someone who needs to die NOW. Which is what scoundrel scrappers USED to be able to do, but can't anymore.


    At some point we must make a choice between what is right and what is easy.

  2. Still playing War Hero Scrapper in PvP. Still topping Deeps charts, usually up there in medals. Occasionally another scoundrel on my server is on and he is dropping 390K pretty easily. It's still a good class, the nerfs weren't great, but hey, I like the play style. It'll take a lot more for me to leave. :wea_02:
  3. Generally speaking, hospitals have existed for a long time and are somewhat uniform in operations. You can anticipate problems. BW couldn't have anticipated what would happen with TOR post launch because you're putting life into a closed system. You're generating a culture from scratch which is difficult to project for, especially when they marketed so heavily toward non-MMO gamers.


    Fair point, but this isn't some nuance that they didn't expect because of a lack of information prior to launch. This is a major feature (proven by the amount of people "raging" these threads) that has failed to live up to expectations hours before launch. I am not willing to just say "it is what it is." Is that really what you get for $200 mil these days?

  4. I think saying WZ are struggling is anecdotal. You can say they are, but on my server, The Corsair, a medium load server, I play Huttball maybe 3/10 times. It's a fairly robust PVP environment. So my experience is much more satisfying.


    True, but your evidence is also anecdotal.


    Also, the fact that they are failing to improve their closed pvp system by implementing Rateds docks against that half of the system. So like I said -- less than half decent :cool:

  5. You just know nothing about game design or computer programming in general. This and similar arguments are just a reflexion of that. It is the reason why these types of words are hollow and fall on deaf ears.


    What you are failing to understand is that there is no black and white rule to releases and launches. Know this though, no program releases bug free and very few programs get through a beta without features removed or held back. This is not limited to gaming and is controlled by our current level of technology.


    Fair enough, but I am Medical Resident who has to deal with the "current level of technology" in my field, and any deficits in that technology is taken into account prior to implementation. For example, in a surgery setting let's say there are back up x-rays, back up cauterizers, back up light fixtures, back up rooms. All possibilities are accounted for so that an hour before the surgery we don't go "hey sorry, our X-ray is broken, come back tomorrow"

  6. I remember when City of Heroes launched and it didn't even have PVP. I don't recall the exact date, but I'm pretty positive it took over a year to get arenas in COH (and they sucked). CAN YOU IMAGINE SUCH A MONSTROSITY. How could anything have survived in the WOW era without a robust PVP system???


    Why do you insist on having low expectations? In a Modern MMO that costs $200 million to make why is it unreasonable to expect a half decent PvP system?

  7. I think they most likely dedicated a much larger amount of resources to PVP after launch once they admittedly realized the PVP component was (and IS...yes, I said it) very fun and attractive. But they were also caught in a place where their launch vision for PVE wasn't completely finished (and still isn't...LFG tool, etc) and they were being pulled in separate directions on top of hotfixes and debugging and stuff. Very difficult to polish such a massive amount of content on top of maintaining a live game. Honestly, if 1.2 delivers 95% of what it says it will, I'll be very impressed.


    See I really appreciate what you're saying, I do, but I think you're allowing them too much slack. We shouldn't expect "95%," we should expect "100%" of what they promise us. If the USPS delivered "95%" of our mail it would be a disaster, and their work is far more complicated than this.


    If they weren't prepared to put out a steady stream of solid content in addition to polished launch content than they should have delayed LAUNCH, not patches and patch features. Speaking for many people on here, I would have appreciated and understood that.

  8. Not that I don't agree with part of your post...I believe they have some serious flaws in testing...but how could you possibly expect a game whose ENTIRE marketing campaign was centered on STORY and PVE gameplay to suddenly reallocate resources for PVP when their PVE vision wasn't even complete? And to accomplish this in 4 months? I'm just as disappointed, but I'm also somewhat cognizant of business economics. Which seems to be in gravely short supply in this community.


    I'm not going to come out and claim that I have some expertise in 'business economics,' but i am seriously willing to believe that you do (no sarcasm).


    But what you said is truly poignant to me. The idea that this game is "centered on story and PvE gameplay" and that they can't find the to dedicate resources to PvP I think is completely on the mark, and that is also the inherent issue.


    Also, the idea that they have been doing this for "4 months" is ludicrous. This game has been in development for several years. I think at some point the concept of how to do "rated warzones" crossed their minds over those years and since they have a dedicated pvp team (as well as other teams like "legacy" that are preparing content for 1.4 currently) they should be able to have an idea of how it will go more than 12 hours before RELEASE.

  9. Oh, the QQ tears are absolutely EXQUISITE!


    And the best thing is that if they pushed it out anyway all broken, the tears would have been just as exquisite.


    BioWare definitely did the right thing, here.


    You're right, because the idea of them putting out a quality, finished, timely product appears to be just a foolish expectation.

  10. you know whats funny after all this complaining, two months from now this will be a non issue and the game will be fine.


    ......but keep RAGING you "hardcore gamers" because your rage knows no bounds. lol


    Listen dude, you're acting like we want this game to fail. Players have paid/played this game since December, we have no interest in wanting it to fail, but at some point the writing is on the wall and ignoring is just a mistake.


    A 'couple of months' would be nothing if this game was tracking to have a lifespan of more than a year/two years tops.

  11. are we? can I get a direct quote please because from what the devs have said they want to release it out in phases prior to 1.3 so im guessing we will see the first phase in a couple weeks.


    or are you just being a negative nancy?


    James Wire ‏ @JamesWire1 · Open

    @Rockjaw Are Ranked WZs going to be within the next month or are we talking about 1.3 here?

    Stephen Reid ‏ @Rockjaw Close

    @JamesWire1 I can't give an accurate ETA right now, but we're hoping pre-1.3.

  12. Also, to anyone who suggests that this is "a good thing" because they caught something in testing is just straight an apologist like I have been for several months.


    Something that puts a major feature of "the biggest patch ever" at risk should be addressed months before release. They have been quoted as saying that they have been preparing the KUS flashpoints for over a year, tell me how this could have happened if they had devoted a similar amount of time to Rateds?

  13. How is this a big deal??? its just pre season rankings for crying out loud.


    so you wont be ranked for another few weeks. OH NO


    so you wont be able to run 8 man matches for a few weeks. as if that is really that BAD.


    its not like the devs want to do this.


    Where did you hear about it being "a few weeks." All that has been put out there is Stephen Reid on twitter saying that they "hope" that it will be pre-1.3. That could means months not weeks.


    And if you need to ask why waiting months for something that we were promised in less than 24 hours then you clearly don't PvP in this game and it's not worth talking to you about this.

  14. I dont get some of the people here.


    Ranked WZ do nothing but put a win/lose ratio.


    its still the same Bgs, but I guess they want people to go OH WOW YOU ARE SO GOOD, I WANT TO BE JUST LIKE YOU IN A GAME


    Well that's not true...


    Ranked WZ give us 8v8 queues, Ranked WZ coms, tracked stats, and, finally, working towards balanced PvP.

  15. I have been a BW apologist before/since launch of SW:TOR and I gotta say this is like something out of a bad dream. A lot of folks in my guild/other buds on my server had left with plans to return for a good run at Rated WZs, and now it's over.


    I understand that they need to make sure that they got this right and that when it functioned it worked perfectly, but that's what the last several weeks have been for, right?


    This is truly absurd, I won't unsub over this (just because I still squeeze whatever enjoyment I can out of this game) but this is the first time that I am STRONGLY considering it.



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