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Everything posted by Casquenoir

  1. Why should i pay to play a beta game ?
  2. Vanguard Saga of heroes was a highly hyped game. tons of guild moved to this game at release. Devs were promising everything you could dream about an mmorpg. Soon after the release they started to nerf class and craft. the reason why you rolled your class and profession as been changed by the nerf bat. The game died after few month, this is one of the biggest mmo fail in history. Now with slicing Nerf (i hope BW will correct this and still allow us to gain money from this craft) i see the same things happening in SWTOR. I see Many Major bugs in the game to fix before nerfing people. I must admit its important to balance the game, but most Dev doesnt balance the game at all, they only balance player. What would happend to me if tomorrow i'm going to job and i notice i have one leg instead of two, because Dev decided that i was running too fast. Please BW. it is fine to balance but not removing the purpose i had when i chose this class, or this crew skill. (sorry for any bad english grammar)
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