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Everything posted by spydreman

  1. Amen. Also for those complaining about leveling as a healing spec, l2use companions. They're in the game for a reason and some of them put out ridiculous amounts of damage if their gear is kept up to date, making up for a perceived lack of damage from a healing spec.
  2. Meh, I'm leveling as Immortal with my Sith Jugg and have no problems whatsoever with either my damage or my questing speed. Rolling with Quinn I can pretty much chain pull one pack of mobs after another with little to no downtime. So while I might not do as much damage as a dps spec I don't have to stop and channel hatred after every pull while it really doesn't take me much longer to down enemies compared to others I have seen questing in my area. And, since I'm spending all of my time in a tank spec, I'm actually, you know, learning the mechanics, abilites and limitations of a tanking Juggernaut, which in turn makes me a better tank than someone who only respecs for FPs and spends all their time not tanking.
  3. There is an option in the preferences to turn companion equipment comparison on mouseover. Only compares with an active companion however.
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