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Posts posted by Mephismo

  1. And you are assuming also. It is a fact..the majority of players in any MMO are not raiders. And his % he shows only shows those facts to be true. Designing the best content around raiding when the majorty of your player base does not raid..seems like a waste of resources. And is a design which will in the end...lead to less players. Unless you can make the raid content easily accessable for those who donot normally raid. WoW saw the wisdom in that logic and came out with the " Looking for Raid " tool. Which by the way...has been highly successful. Some will disagree...but it is hard to argue with success.


    I agree with this guy

    Its not the not wanting it’s the not being able, lack of skill and gear.

    If the raid difficulty is set easy enough then more players raid and the RNG keeps them raiding and paying.


  2. This is a complete lie. You don't have to do Flashpoints to be overlevelled. You don't even have to do the bonus series. Bonus objectives are highly recommended, though.


    This is a complete lie too lvl 47 and ran out of quests, oh I forgot I must be doing something wrong, Bollocks:D


    Seems we al have different reasons not to like the game:(

  3. No to all 3 questions although I haven’t really seen any end game.

    Made it to level 47 before I chucked in the towel and played from early access too.

    Game is great up to around level 25 then the quests get very samey the story fizzles out and the mobs just get harder to kill.

    Lack of a lfg tool like WoW is also another gripe because if you only play 2 hours spending most of that finding a group isn’t fun.

  4. A short time ago BioWare announced the first “Weekend Pass” event for Star Wars: The Old Republic. Players will be able to access the first fifteen levels of the game, as well as explore all the starter and capitol worlds between March 15th and March 19th.



  5. Also,







    I left WoW to come here because the personal heroic stories and companions made this game a lot better than WoW. Making this game like WoW would decrease its quality.


    Better than WoW ?


    What you been smoking.


  6. Too hard? I agree some are challenging when one level below, but that adds excitement. I had to really stategize to beat a couple of my enemies particularly one of the Bounty Hunters' marks on Hoth. Please don't ezmode this Bioware. It is fine.


    Look its not just me others have posted about the difficulty of class quests

    Some guy even posted about hitting 50 and not being able to do the final class quest.

    TO those that found it a breeze I salute you, but some of us are finding it beyond challenging.

    Also I am not skipping content and have done most of the bonus stuff started doing pvp for xp and even filling up my map looking for quests I might have missed.

    I expect to run out of quests before I hit 50 partly because I cant complete the class quest and because there are just not any others to do.


  7. Warcraft killed the MMO community. It became such a vile abusive place that you dare not speak in general for fear of abuse and pugs became souless groups riddled with ninja's and bad attitude.


    I believe the remnants of this have been carried over to other MMO's since most people have played warcraft and for that reason you are already starting a new MMO with a scarred community.


    I have levelled six characters and done the datacron balloon ride on all of them, not once have i spoken to or been spoken to by the other person sitting in the balloon for half an hour with me.


    And to be honest i have drastically scaled back my use of these forums since a disspropotionate number of my posts have been removed for petty reasons.


    You need to get out more and I mean that in a nice way:)

  8. This really comes down to your server community. Quite frankly, the trend amoung MMO players over the past few years has been to drop the "multiplayer" portion of MMO and just solo the game whenever possible. This defeats the entire purpose of the genre which by and large was meant to be a social, shared experience. And I don't think players should be "forced" to group. It should come out of thier own desire to want to team up with their fellow players. Unfortunately, this is an attitude that is being shared by fewer and fewer people these days.


    Your avatar even looks Pompous:p


    People keep claiming its casual friendly, when it is not.

    Blizzard tried to change peoples attitudes it cost them 2 mil subs.

    Maybe this game will make the same mistake, time will tell .


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