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10 Good

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Personal Information

  • Location
    West "by God" Virginia
  • Occupation
    Law Enforcement
  1. You honestly want to be rewarded for failing!? How about we just cry until BW just gives us the endgame armour without having to do anything but walk into the operation and say boo to the bosses till they give up the shiney's. You are the 99%, don't want to work for rewards just get everything handed to you because you wanted to play. As a note, I am not an elitest nor am I in any way a PVP God, I am a mediocre player and I'm not crying about anything. Well anything other than there are way to many servers for the amount of sub's for the game.
  2. Server: Death Wind Corridor Player: Ba'Baracus Nearing 400 armstech, will make any techblade you'd like as long as you provide the mats
  3. I like it so far. I'm curious as to wether your using this shot rotation when taking on groups of mobs and just single targeting them all down. I'm not able to use grav round yet and I've been having good success using sticky grenade as my opener and benefitting from splash damage/knock-down. I'm interested in seeing what else you come up with,
  4. Being able to succeed in pvp is not something gifted to you upon rolling the character. I am admittedly of average skill when it comes to PvP, however I am having a BLAST in the warzones with my 15 Commando. I see it as a challenge to go up against the people who greatly out level/gear me. I que up with 2-4 friends, none higher than level 32 and we have a blast win or lose. If you dont like it don't do it, fairly simple
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