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Posts posted by Muanthuun

  1. I've encountered the game-breaking bug where you are locked between two locked, sealed doors on The Mandalorian Killer. I do not have a Fleet Pass, so is there any way out? Or is my character stuck there until BioWare fixes this?





    I do not know how to help, other then send a ticket in. You tried /stuck and see if it kills you?


    Also, why do you not have a fleet pass?

  2. You can go to a specialty vendor and spend your commendations on good gear. The commendations are planet specific, so if you have Coruscant Commendations, you need to buy on Coruscant. The lower level planets will no longer hold interest for you, so use the commendations from your last location (Alderran I think you said).



    You can use the vendors for each planet on the Republic Fleet.

  3. Does it get better? I am level 20 with a terrible helmet and chest piece looks wise. I really dislike poor looking gear when I hit max level. I currently also have a Assassin and Jugg at 20. One of these 3 I plan to just keep leveling to max as I enjoy playing all 3, but really do not want to deal with ugly armor at 50.


    Any opinions or SS of Mercenary Armor at 50?

  4. Anyone else had no problems at all? I can count on one hand when i even noticed the sightest bit of lag tbh. I have no idea what everyone else is complaining about but im a day 1 / 2nd wave early access player and havent even been kicked out of game or crashed once, not even a graphics glitch so far.


    Any one else?



    Only problem I have had is with my ISP crapping out twice. I have had a smooth time so far and expect more.

  5. A store's responsibility ends the second you walk out of the store with the completed purchase. Edit: That isn't flawed in some way (scratched disc), or damaged by store/distributor.


    Even if they do not honor a return, EA's policy as stated by the EULA will refund your money if you have not installed or used the software (it can be opened.)


    The way it is worded, is that by installing the software you displayed intent, however, I am not sure this would hold up in court (if you did indeed decline the EULA post-install).



    That is good to hear. I will admit, I do not and have not read the EULA. Normally it is pretty common sense stuff, I know not to do.


    However, I had no plans to ask for a refund if I was not satisfied. People who are unsatisfied need to accept they had other options before purchase.

  6. I think they should have made just 3 massive planets instead of loads of smaller ones. Seems like they made loads cos they wanted there to be a lot of variation in the game but I wouldn't of minded 3 planets if they were really big. The game would feel more like a sand box.


    What do you think?


    The zones in each planet are huge. I was just going through Dromund Kaas again and looking at all the places I go and the time it takes to get to places really put it into perspective. Including the Temple and the off the path exploration places the area is huge.


    Balmorra is the same. Gotta get it out of your head to some degree you are on new planets and look at each planet as a zone.

  7. I bought Digital, there is no CD/DVD... just downloaded.

    Bought from Origin, so shouldnt I be able to trade for another EA game?


    In fact, going to start to research about this. I DO WANT another EA game instead of this crap swtor



    If you are so easily unsatisfied, you should have waited for a free trial. You buy a game at your own risk, no one not even a reviewer can guarantee you will like it.


    Also, BF3 is much more graphically intense. I doubt you will be able to run that game very well.

  8. Incorrect. It vanished when the EULA was accepted.



    No, for all intents and purposes for a store to consider it for a refund it must have been not opened.


    If you bought yours from a store that says otherwise, then it is a tiny store that is local to your community. If you bought from Origin, then you missed the point.

  9. I seem to recall reading somewhere that even during the clone wars, jedi master Ki Adi Mundi (or however that was spelled, the cerean tall forehead aliens), had several wives as it was part of his species' cultural beliefs and considered a duty to help propagate the species.


    He has wives due to cultural reasons. Most likely he does not hold them to the same value as someone who marries out of love.

  10. if most people rolled it then there is a reason. the reason being they are easy and OP'd with current build. I have no issues killing a sorcerer one on one. but when you have 6 of them something is out of balance. That is the issue that Bio Ware must address.


    No, people rolled them because they wanted to be OMG LIGHTNING, something, something Darkside, Palpatine!!

  11. agreed but some people dont and we are talking about losing DAYS not nights so all these people keep posting oh you should have jobs etc yes some dont some work nights some are incapacitated in some form and enjoy playing


    why cant this work be done at night that is all we ask paying for 30 DAYS not nights game time


    Your life should not revolve around a game this much. During the 8 hrs you can not play, go have a life outside. Enjoy the nice Winter days, clean the house or walk the Dog. Perhaps take in a movie or do some laundry.


    I work from 1pm-10pm EST U.S. time. I am effected by the maintenance. I do not mind they have maintenance during a time I could be playing. It is all about making a better, smoother game.


    Most new MMOs will have periods of maintenance like SWTOR does. WoW just until 2yrs ago did it every week for all their customers at the same time. I think they did just fine.

  12. Edit: I've gone ahead and cancelled my subscription, stating my unhappiness with the slicing nerf. Companies only care about money, so they will only care if I stop giving it to them. You should do the same if you are unhappy with the nerf. If they want to keep touting their 1-2 million player base, they better start treating their players better before everyone's month of free game time is over.


    I'm level 400 slicing, and I've been sending out 3 companions for the past 5 hours on slicing missions, hand selecting the best rate of return missions I've found for lockboxes.


    I've made a total of 10,000 credits from the endeavor.


    What's the point? I can turn in two quests for that kind of return, or grind mobs and sell 10 minutes worth of grey items to get the same amount. I'm not bashing here, just posting cold hard facts from personal work and experience.


    My conclusion is that Slicing was nerfed too much, regardless of whether you think it should have been nerfed at all. Worst of all, I was told to choose slicing if I don't want to craft items. Guess I'm forced to craft now. I'll be switching to a new profession soon, because slicing isn't doing anything for me.


    Slicing was broken. It should not reward more then other gathering professions.

  13. Have to say I don't minde a challenge but the snotty nature of people in PvP is getting on my nerves now... yesterday I joined a WZ only to get a comment about "Great, more lower levels" and that level 45 whined ALL the way through and appeared to be doing nothing but complaining while the rest of us struggled on...


    I like to ask them how they enjoyed PVP at 12. Then I like to point out my dmg,healing and overall goal score was better then theirs. It is nice being on the same server as elitist.

  14. If you're going back to the fleet to do quests, also make sure you talk to each of the crafting trainers... Each one you talk to is 450 XP (or something like that) and it's a lot of free, easy XP.


    This as well, if you have the quest can also speak to the trainers in Kaas as well. Also make sure to do the social quest.

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