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Posts posted by Muanthuun

  1. I'm a newbie to pvp, and sometimes people rage at me for not being as elite as them. This doesn't bother me so much. I do get irritated when they start throwing in the personal insults about what a terrible piece of s**t I must be.


    My response is to ask them what their net monthly income is and if their internet girlfriend would approve of their language. I may not be very good at pvp, but I'm pretty sure I'm better at real life than they are.


    Really is not difficult to just play the objective. So many people get into these personal duels or you see 3 people chase 1 person across a map. I am not on this server, just browsing, but so aggravating to see.

  2. Chiss was the only race I even considered before making my sniper, and he fits the role of Imperial Agent perfectly. Add to that the additional story line features that you can only see as a Chiss and it's perfection.


    What additional story line features? Is this for all class or only IA? I am intrigued!

  3. The healing itself isn't bad, but the energy costs and the cast times will be a problem in DPS situations. In PVP gear, my kolto injection heals for around 3.5k on a noncrit, and 6.8-7.5k with a crit. Hybrid operative specs usually don't work because all the specs compete for TA, although I've tried a concealment/medicine hybrid (basically get lacerate and then get kolto probe + surgical probe) and it wasn't bad, but I found myself energy starved a lot.


    Would leveling be quicker as concealment? I am Medicine spec, leveling easy but bit boring. I like to heal, but thinking just respecing for wiz and fp since they are free for subs.

  4. Dead servers and just bored with the game. No character could hold my attention in the fun department to keep me leveling. So:


    Leveling Pace: It is not the length, just the way it works. Too many skills early on, very little to look forward to skill wise after 20.


    Dead Servers: I have rerolled so many servers, they have good pop but then drop. Take The Harbringer for example. They had around 190 consistently on fleet during peek. Now we see maybe 120 or less. After midnight it gets real quiet.


    Gear:It is either boring or ugly, aesthetics mean a lot in a game.


    Combat: Just another game that you select an ability and wait. I knew this coming in, but was hoping something a little different. I was mistaken.


    Too many common zones. Need more separate leveling experience. Not just for faction but for races. After the starting planet, it gets to be the same as everyone else, regardless of faction.


    Player quality: Poor, Bio you really need to enforce your rule set. If something is reported do something about it, otherwise people like me who do follow your TOS just quit.


    Flashpoints: Too easy and just not fun. After the first two flashpoints, the story seems to slowly disappear.


    Choices: Mean nothing in this game, and even less with the latest patch.


    I want to keep playing, love the IP. However, just too many issues to keep me subscribing.


    Flashpoint Finder: Really, nothing for this? Should have been in at release, at the very least 1.2. Bioware you really need to check your egos and realize what people want. and not try to patch it in at a later point when it will probably be too late.


    Cross Realm WZ and FP: Something else that should exist at launch. Sadly it was not.


    Followed this game since news was leaked. Subbed in the forums when I finally had something to post, which was still early in the process. I wanted to LOVE this game, but alas I do not. You could have done something special Bioware.


    I also believe these failures have to do with pressure from EA. Every MMO they get involved with is just bleh...

  5. Did you see the part about April 22nd? Still over a week to get this...


    A week if you are able to play constantly. I unfortunately can not, way too busy. One of the other reasons besides reolls I am not legacy 6 or 50. I am Legacy 1, however I have faithfully subbed since early access. It really should be for people who have subbed each month since release.

  6. Hello everyone! At BioWare we're always listening to our fans and we've heard our community's comments around players with Level 50 characters being the only group awarded 30 days of play time. We appreciate the feedback and are pleased to announce that we are expanding our Legacy Promotion, also awarding 30 days of play time at no charge to players that have reached Legacy Level 6 (who may not have a 50th level character).


    We just released the innovative Legacy System as part of Game Update 1.2, and felt that looking at Legacy point progression across all of your characters was a great way to reward our most avid players. This means that any of the experience you earn with any of your characters brings you closer to the goal of Legacy Level 6. The choice of how to get to Legacy Level 6 is yours.


    First, you need to have passed Chapter 1 to unlock your legacy. Examples of how to get to Legacy Level 6 include:


    • A pair of characters Level 45 and 42
    • A trio of characters of Levels 45, 32 and 32
    • A bunch of characters Levels 35, 33, 31, 29 and 20
    • A single 50th level character that has enjoyed the endgame for a brief time

    Remember these are just examples – you’re free to choose how to earn your Legacy experience to gain Legacy Level 6.


    We've also got another significant piece of good news: everyone will have until April 22nd at noon CDT (5:00pm GMT - click here for a time zone converter) to have a Level 50 character or Legacy Level 6 on their account to get 30 days of game time on us. (Your 30 days of game time will be applied to your account on April 25th by 11:59pm CDT.) Players will now have multiple options, as well as more time, to try and reach these goals and play all the great new content in Game Update 1.2.


    As always, we appreciate your feedback and will do our best to surprise and delight our customers.


    Dr Greg Zeschuk

    Studio GM, BioWare Austin



    [As an FYI: the news story and webpage regarding Legacy Promotion will be updated tonight or early next week with up-to-date information.]


    While good step, still does not address people who rerolled a couple times due to dead servers.

  7. I would just like to know if we will loose the items, lvls, gear and unlocks we have purchased or worked for since 1,2 went live.


    I have seen it happen before where a roll back cost you lvls and such you had gotten. I undstand that anything we had before that time such as credits and things will mostlikely be there.


    But im asking about things gotten after it went live. As i sank quite abit of the creds i had left into my new alts gear and items he would need as he lvld.Not to mention i has already made 16 lvls with him. Plus crafting lvls and such.


    The word you are looking for is lose. If there is a roll back, then potentially you could lose items.

  8. I'm surprised this has upset me as much as it has and it actually caused me to look at my subscription for the first time since I signed up in December. I found it ends in 11 days and automatically renews unless I change it. Right now I'm planning on cancelling before then unless Bioware responds in proactively to this matter.


    After spending months defending a game that was obviously released early and is still missing many key features I was willing to be patient until this. It just shows again that the people in charge are out of their depth and further proof this game will never be what we all hope. Please prove me wrong.


    Exactly how I have felt. I have always been a supporter of this game. Even got my friends who are wow addicts to buy it. Now I am not so happy. I am tempted to cancel but hoping to hear from BW. I have emailed their customer service so I hope to hear there. I also hope to hear a general statement from BW. As a first day early access person, that shows my dedication. Buying their digital deluxe items, playing through all the ACs but 1 to at least 20. Several characters nearing 30. I thought I would finally level a character too 50, but that server died and took out the fun when he hit 27.


    Bioware, please answer why I am less valuable? My money is worth less because I level slower, which means I will stick around longer? Should I have leveled to 50 in the first two weeks and then unsubbed until this month? Doing that would give me a free month. Which means I would have only paid for the game and yet to have paid a sub fee.


    I am about to go on vacation for two weeks. During that time my sub will come back around. I was going to keep it active because I supported you BW. Why should I just not cancel now and perhaps re-up when I come back?


    Answer those questions BW. Make sure it is not a generic company answer.

  9. How about Bioware keep their word for once and live up to their promise of "keeping downtime consistent"?


    The last time this issue came up, that's what we were told.


    Looks like they lied.


    Please point me to the thread you created complaining about no down time last week? Since you are all about consistency.

  10. Was just in a guild v. guild Civil War match that ended in mid never being capped. I (Gunslinger) had 600K damage. Second place, Darkness Assassin with 590K damage, 100K protection and 75K healing. Cant blame you all for playing the ideal spec, but what is that ? As a community, you cant seriously believe this is balanced right?


    So because your team can not kill his healer, and you see a rare occurrence you think Darkness is out of line. Really?


    I think the 2nd bad part of this post is, a team let a Gunslinger sit around and do dmg. No one leaves my Sniper alone :(.

  11. I should have expected non constructive posts, but I was hoping for at least one to commiserate with. What bothers me about this is the sparse end game leaves few options to to actually be able to do anything, and the legacy push is all about making alternate characters. EA just threw a road block to doing anything with legacy for me, abit an entirely reasonable one.


    Most of them are constructive. You just do not agree with it and want people to wallow in sorrow and grief with you.


    It is good they limit the char limit to 50. You should have not made 130+ characters. Karma sucks for you.

  12. Any plan on putting one at a major hub on each planet, or in the WZ's? With all the extra travel and doors and elevators, it is slightly time consuming when you have limited play time to go from the planet you are on. When questing it makes me not want to go get the daily, since I need to go through all the same steps again to get back to where I was?


    It is the little things like this that make a difference.



    We now have servers located with in our own country and don't have to be steam rolled by USA players with there Superior latency!

    I'm pretty sure Bioware/EA always said they would not support players who bought the USA/EURO version to get early access!


    We are a small market! Be happy we have servers! Would you rather Bioware/EA take blizzards approach and force everyone to play on USA servers and get steam rolled 24/7!


    BECAUSE GUESS WHAT? 90% of you people will still play this game regardless of where the servers are!



    This certainly was stated several times. However, people who complain tend to plead ignorance when it does not affect them in a positive way.

  14. I rolled both sides, thats how i know about the republic fleet.


    The problem is not rolling empire, this is a personal choice; what im talking about is ppl leaving the game/server and it going down into a wasteland.


    We need less servers now.


    I certainly agree with the last part. Merge the light servers together. 3-4 light pop servers merging will make a world of difference.

  15. Still don't understand why they can't have a dps meter in game. Add an option to turn it on or off. Then add an option to turn group dps sharing on or off.

    The way it is right now, we just have a much longer process to get to the same conclusion. Why waste your players' time?


    Edit:BTW players that want an easily readable dps tool are not necessarily elitists, they could be people like me who want a tool to measure my improvement, and see how I stack up against my friends.


    You can do that, with the new tools they are providing.

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