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Posts posted by Neglience

  1. What risk is there in the levelling process?


    Set Companion to heal and unless you are dumb enough to pull 10+ Mobs you'll survive, with virtually a health pool that has never dipped below 80%.


    That's not risk, its just a tiresome grindfest.



    All The Best


    And what is the reason for that ? Players like the OP and probably you, who demand an easy mode game where failure is not possible. OP companions were introduced with KOTFE.


    It is absolutely hilarious to call SWTOR a grindfest and it perfeclty shows the low standard of gaming this game has established.

  2. That method's been done in other MMOs and I don't recall any real objections. Server gets labeled as "full" and you have to pick another server.


    Probably because this is done when the server is actually full so it gets lower waiting times in the queue.


    I can not recall any company that closed "normal" servers to force players to play on empty servers.

  3. They opened WZ to unlimited access for F2P and Prefured, think about it BW/EA if people are playing regardless of the Sub, they would be more tempted to spend in the CC Store, you want Big Numbers, then Dump the WZ passes and open the gate! :)


    It is still funny that players think the CC Store is for the F2P players. Player which are playing for free do not want to spend any money, why should they spend it on the store ? The main income for F2P games is subscribers pumping more money into the game through the store.


    Giving non paying players more privilegs will not increase the income.

  4. Oh it absolutely is entitlement. Here's the original post, translated for your convenience:


    "I'm not getting exactly what I want so I'm going to go to the owners forums and piss and moan and I'll show them by asking people to tell me what else I should do with my time. You will rue the day you upset me, BioWare. RUE IT, I SAY!"


    He pays money for this game so it is reasonable to expect a game where bugs get fixed in a proper timeframe. Same goes for customer service and so on.


    The only problem with his post is that it is in the wrong forum section.

  5. 4.2 Patch notes have the change listed - change is intended.

    4.1 Patch notes did not have the change to slicing listed - change not intended


    To sum things up: The 4.2 changes where a fix to the unintended changes to the boxes that came with 4.1


    The only thing left is the lack of communication (well, in this case it is in the patch notes) but that is a thing in general.

  6. Yup that's the consequence legitimate players will stop slicing unless it right their in their way to a quest. Bots will eventually have no competition and will continue to flourish in the game and be a nuisance it's a fact. Credit sellers will be just fine and they will continue to have the cost of currency drop. Karma will come back around and they will see that they did nothing but hurt legitimate players *shakes head*.


    It was not such a big issue before 4.1, so no.

  7. Yes YES YES Please nerf slicing. It's not like it hasn't been nerfed dozens of times already... or that running lockbox missions is totally worth it now. Why not change it to where you gotta buy cartel coins to open lockboxes and then the lockboxes also have a chance to consume all your remaining cartel coins. /sarcasm


    If you take a look at spammed prices you can see that the companys make a massiv amount of credits at the moment. The game is getting more and more credits pumped into the system and players who do not have teleport hacks are not really able to compete with that. Credit companys are the ones who benefit the most from this. They abuse this 24/7 on all servers with hacks.


    Another effect is that things will get more and more expansive and at the same time also devalues other game aspects like crafting.

  8. They do not have ressources to add another class and i am not talking about story, that can easily be avoided.


    Just take a look at the last "expansion". Even for the old classes there was hardly anything new, they mostly took away stuff we already had, to give it back to us with the new levels.

  9. If EAs goal was to get more players to play the game with KOTFE, it is clearly a failure. Most servers are still ghosttowns as before KOTFE and the "full" servers are not that full either.


    If this game makes more money with KOTFE, well time will tell. I would say the big income from SWTOR is the CM-market not sub fees. So as long as players spend $$$ on the CM, the game will be fine.

  10. I'm just curious how much fun other players have while doing the class stories/side missions/kotfe content, etc..


    1.Do you think the story is good? How would you rate it against other BW games? (mainly Kotor, ME, DA series)

    2.Do you think that the companions are interesting/good?

    3.Again, how good are companions written compared to BW games in your opinion?

    4.Is the SP part of the game worthy as a KotOR sequel?

    5.Do you like the combat?

    6.What do you think of the difficulty? Is it too easy, easy, spot on, hard, or too hard?


    And finally, what would you change personally to make it better for you?


    My personal thoughts:

    1. Yes, I like class stories (the ones I played), though I think they are not anywhere near other BW games.

    2-3. No! No! No! Boring, don't care about anyone, not even a single emotion through class stories. Kotfe is better, I think Lana is somewhat interesting. But still.. Compared to Garrus, Liara, Varric, just no.

    4. Again, no. ToR is good, but I think a KotOR 3 would have been so much better. Just imagine a Mass Effect quality KotOR game.

    5. Yep, it's WoW MMO style, I have nothing against it. Still, whacking each other with a lightsaber as they almost never contact takes away from immersion.

    6. Brain dead EASY. No fun. At all. Just tried chapter 10, I quit after 10 minutes of boring button mashing. If you can't die, it's no fun. The cutscenes are not enough to keep me entertained. Invincibility -> Boring!!!!


    I'm wondering what you guys think, if you have an opinion on these matters, please share. :)


    1. Some class storys are good, other are not. No story in this game can be compared to any other BW product, it is just not as good as those others games (well maybe DA2).


    2. No, companions are crap storywise.


    3. Compared to DA1, companions are not existent in this game.


    4. Definitely not.


    5. Combat is good for a SW game.


    6. Face-roll easy, not worth to call this a "game". More like an interactive movie (but not as good as those games).

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