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Posts posted by DustyDemonNinja

  1. I'd really prefer them to spend ZERO time developing this. They can't even deliver a proper expansion pack or anything they've promised in the last year on time or of an acceptable quality.  They really need to pick the game back up before we start worrying about the minutia that is Steam acheivements. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Nee-Elder said:

    Actually it does , but anyways... Known issue already been reported yep--> https://forums.swtor.com/topic/924120-bug-we-keep-seeing-dead-people/

    It is not on the "known issue list", and that thread is from a previous patch since it was reported in August. Therefore, more visibility and recent information would be helpful I'm sure. :)  Also, what would be helpful is a list of other operations in which this bug occurs if you have seen it in others. As I mentioned in my original post I have not seen it any other others although I have not run the full list in this patch.




  3. Currently, and in previous patches - when your group dies in the R4 operation, and the group respawns inside of the operation - some players may still appear dead on the operation frame. This is especially problematic for healers who then cannot see the "dead" players health - even though they are alive and moving around on screen. Previously players were able to work around this by dueling and either killing or stunning the effected player - but now that dueling has been disabled in R4 there is no fix for this causing the group to have to exit and re-enter when the bug becomes prevalent. This bug is most notable after several full party wipes in which players die and different intervals. This bug does not seem to appear in another ops - although I have not run the full list in th is patch. 

  4. 5 hours ago, -PLASMA- said:

    So a possible solution would be to implement the gear set from new hypercrates into the old ones.

    As people already mentioned previously, the chance for a certain item to drop from new hypercrate is smaller than if it would drop from an old one with less items from the pool.

    The point here is not to put new stuff in old crates, but rather just make the sets/items from the old crates available for purchase on the CM which would in turn make them available in the Ultimate Crates for those who enjoy the gambling. Given legislation in many place now it is clear they are moving away from the loot crates anyways so they can stay compliant globally - which is a smart business decision. 

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  5. So much of the loot and crafting system is unbelievably unbalanced. Likely due to the fact that we got a half-baked update to the gear prog system and no crafting update with 7.0. Im hoping that when we got future updates with the 7.0 cycle they will address these things. I for one am excited to see how they revamp the crafting and pvp systems, and sincerely hope they imrove on the gearing system more. I was very happy that they brought mods back to the game as that is really the aspect of the SWTOR gearing system that makes it unique in the MMO space. Hopefully with the crafting re-work we'll see an update to the Jawa Junk system too! 

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  6. As title.


    Doing a PHD on this, so, of couse - had to dump $240 or close enough to open 120 crates for Science [and 120 more on separate accounts to test the "buff" claim]. The moxy title "Open more and get an increased chance at platinums!" comes to mind.



    Getting a PHD... You clearly do not even have a fundamental grasp on threats to validity or statistics for one. Not to mention you did not spell 'course' correctly... Dubious to say the least. We will not even get into the other issues present with your... "rant"?

  7. The cover bar was removed because a majority of players always disabled it anyways - it would be nice to have in the game as a toggle feature - but at the end of the day why keep developing it if most people dont use it? Just because you see a handful of posts on the forums doesnt mean that reflects the majority of what the player base is doing - classic vocal minority fallacy.
  8. Hi everyone!


    We really appreciate all your feedback and have been reading all of it. I just wanted to make a post to clarify somethings accidentally missed in the OP. One is that we missed some Sorcerer / Sage changes, which will be added to the OP in the changes section.


    The Tempest of Rho change is a fundamental -7% nerf to damage with the other two adjustments not making up for it. Meaning that an already underperforming class is going to be even worse now.


    Additionally, why was the tool tip never updated if it was at 75%!? The current tool tip reads:

    Lightning Strike and Overloaded Strike has a 100% chance and Force Lightning has a 50% chance to cause Creeping Terror to tick an additional time whenever they deal damage.


    Overall, I don't understand why there are so many nerfs coming through since R4 Story Mode is still exceedingly hard for people to do even in decent gear, and Veteran mode is only being done successfully with nonstandard group comps.


    These changes seem so out of context overall and perhaps the developers could help us understand why these changes are being made and what they are intended to fix - is this in response to PvP, PvE - why are these changes being made!?


    If this is to address PvP - will R4 adjustments be made - also the top end DPS classes, then need further adjustment down to ACTUALLY create Balance - right now this is tipping the PvE things way out of balance and soon groups will flat out start refusing to allow Balance sages from even running as their performance is so abysmal presently.




  9. Just because other games gets it to work, doesn't mean this one will. Different Engines, means coding will be very different. Also consider SWTOR is using an ALPHA heroes engine, which they basically built up all by themselves. Touching a code in 1 place has had unexpected effects in other areas. This could easily cause bugs to occur in a Legacy Friends list just as it does in every other part of the game.


    All Hyperbole. All games have bugs. Period. Its not a reason to not develop a new feature or add to the game in any regard. Im not sure why you feel the need to be a forum warrior and posting the same hyperbolic argument over and over. :rolleyes:

  10. There is no way to over-emphasize the very real risk to exposing our privacy through coding errors now or down the road, exposure that can be totally avoided from the get-go now by not implementing this.


    Its already in the game with Legacy Ignore, and privacy is a non-issue when it's authenticated by both parties, as I have stated above. Thats what every other game does - and it is not an issue and has not been for years. Additionally, as stated above, this should be coupled with an Anonymous mode /appear offline / busy feature... just like every other major MMO on the market. Also, there would be no reason to remove the existing system which works the same way as Followers in GW2, so again privacy is controlled by the individual. Not to mention this is already in the game with Legacy Ignore. :confused:

  11. Not necessarily. Definitely not to put in a feature like this because there would be a lot of people fully against any such friends list in the 1st place. I don't want it at all personally, because I do like to have my downtime away from even my guildies/friends. If I want them to know I'm around, I'd let them know I'm playing through Discord. I don't need them to see all of my alts this way.


    Have you not actually read my posts, you would have to accept their request for them to see you on their Legacy list, so if you dont want that, dont accept. Its really that simple.


    The system that is being asked for if they do have bugs in it, can be used to harass, and stalk people if done wrong, and I can't imagine it would be an easy implementation that it would go off smoothly.


    There are plenty of people against plenty of things. Some people would rather have more story than opps. Or Updates to PvP instead of story and ops. People can harass and stalk people with the friend system now, and people do, I've seen it. Just report them, and move on. Dont feed the trolls. Like I've said several times in this thread - YOU would have to accept their request, OR sent them a request that they would have to accept. If you dont want it, dont use it. Just like people who dont play in guilds. Or just play the game Solo and dont even group up with other players.


    Just because it's something you don't want it is not necessary to become hyperbolic about it. :confused:

  12. In answer to the question posed in the thread title, we don't have this 'feature' yet because, as you can see, there is much disagreement about it. Not everyone wants it.

    Personally, I like the idea, but it would have to involve a 'do not disturb' function as well.


    All the concerns voiced thus far are easily resolved and have been resolved in other games for years. Guild Wars 2, Final Fantasy XIV, Elder Scrolls Online, just to name a few.


    The thing is that Legacy Friendships would require APPROVAL - So lets say I want to be legacy friends with you. I click your portrait and click 'Send Friend Request' - you get a social pop up that allows you to approve or deny the request. If you approve, we both appear on each others Legacy Friend List. If you deny, then neither of us appear on either's list. If you approve and at any point remove me, or I remove you - neither of us would appear on either list.


    I do think this should go hand in hand with an Appear Offline mode like ESO has, or a Busy mode like FFXIV has. Again, this system has been done and done well in other games and it the current existing friend system is archaic to say the least.

  13. 1. Your friend knows your legacy. Sees you log in every toon you have all the time. You have a falling out.


    In all the games that have this system if you remove someone on your list, or they remove you, the other is removed too. So if either side breaks the friendship, neither shows up on the list.


    2. Someone you don't really know wants to be your friend. You friend them. Young people do that all the time with social media. Now you have a potentially vulnerable young person with someone they really don't know able to stalk them on every last toon they have.


    This is why it would require an approval by the receiving party, like every other game that does this. WOW, ESO, FFXIV, etc.


    3. You're part of a marginalized population. Maybe you're gay like me, maybe you're in a different marginalized group. Currently, the way the game works, you don't need someone's permission to /friend them. IF no approval is required for someone to /friend you, someone could then /friend every last person that they perceive is in a marginalized group that they hate, and stalk and harass the absolute hell out of those marginalized people.

    Talk about harassment tickets a mile high.


    I am part of a marginalized population. Gay as blazed. Lets be clear - you dont have to be marginalized to experience harassment. Again, this would be a mutual thing as I described in the original post. It would send you a request, you would have to approve. At any point if I remove you or you remove me, the friend request is broken and neither appears on either list.


    4. Highly controlling guild leaders might demand that they be able to /friend you as a condition for joining their guild. Every time you log into a toon that's in another guild, they'd know it, you're banned.


    Yeah no, this is not an issue in any of the other top MMOs that have this feature, and would never be because people wouldnt put up with that nonsense. Totally not a realistic use case.


    5. Anyone up to this point who was comfortable with people /friending them did so under the context it was just that particular toon, meaning they were still free to have other toons that person didn't know about. If the OP's proposal is implemented, all existing friends lists would suddenly expose all toons in your legacy. That's not what people originally were comfortable with. The devs would first have to delete all friends lists for everyone beforehand, then have people create brand new friends lists.


    They could easily keep the friends list as it is and change it to Followers - like in GW2. And add a new tab to the social window with legacy friends. Easy fix, as all legacy friendships would require a request be sent by one party to another and approval by the receiving party.



    I would also add that this feature should go hand in hand with an 'Appear Offline' or 'Busy' mode so when you want some down time or to be left alone, that is an easy toggle to achieve and has been excellently implemented alongside a Legacy like friend list in these other games like ESO, GW2, FFXIV, etc.

  14. This fundamental feature should exist for one simple reason:

    1. Legacy Ignore


    It's clear that the coding in the game is there to track players socially by legacy. Why can we not track our friends by Legacy name instead of having to manage long lists of character names and alts!?


    Please give us a Legacy Friends list so that we can see when our friends are only regardless of the character they are on. Also, you could make this a handshake like FFXIV does with their friends list where a request is sent by one party and the receiving party must accept in order for both parties to see one and other on their Legacy Friends List for any privacy concerns.


    This would really help improve the social aspect and quality of life in the game and I seriously hope the UI/UX team considers adding this functionality that is already fundamentally in the game, especially considering the average number of characters players in this game hop between.

  15. its depressing and signals the game is going to end soon.


    The game is not going anywhere. These kinds of things happen in every MMO ever, its part of playing an MMORPG. Also, the fundamental problem is that Bioware Austin has horrible managment who cant allocate resources properly to develop all of their projects, so when new Dragon Age stuff is being worked on SWTOR suffers, the same thing happened when DAI was being developed. It's a shame really, BWA just needs some good project managers who actually know what they are doing. Square can do it. Why cant Bioware?

  16. I took a break from the game due to RL getting in the way and returned a year later to a game state that is simply not fun. So much that was not broken was "fixed".


    The new gear system is grindy, unrewarding, and feels so contrary to what the old system used to be. Gearing used to be fun, full of endless possible combinations and customization. Now it is all cookie cutter, boring, and grindy. Not fun. Period.


    The community has imploded. I've never seen the game so dead, and the player base so unhappy. I doubt the game is going anywhere as it is currently the only SW MMO on the market, but the state of the game is just simply depressing. I sincerely hope the developers can turn things around.


    I will, however, say that the removal of the cartel packs was a breath of fresh air and the move towards simply buying cosmetics is great.

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