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Posts posted by ugig

  1. Where are all the threads discussing strats and ideas for countering X class ability with Y class ability and ideas for what to do in Z situations? All I keep seeing is Whine...bug this...Whine....nerf that..and..Whine these ppl suck because ______.


    C'mon ppl a PvP community should be about getting better with what we got, not a whine fest



    /Troll/Flame on

  2. I used to be a heavy Clicker but rarely keyboard turn(Strafe and moving forward is all I do). Got my Razer Naga a few months ago and eliminated clicking almost altogether(Just need to get used to setting up more hotkeys).


    Been doing WZs in my PvE gear and ding only 0-3 times on average as a Healer with 200k-300k Healing done for most games. Am I squishy? Yes at times I am but when a terrible OPs tries to kill me I just toy with him for a while.

    I noticed he; keyboard turns and kept trying to get behind me so I would use walls and when wasn't fully Immobilized. I would spin around each time while he tried to position himself behind me. He also used his stuns at the wrong time giving me the jump on him with Force Stun giving me the Chance to throw a 4k Crit onto myself before he tried getting behind me again.


    The point of my post, I couldn't even react this fast with a normal mouse and i've adapted to better ways and survive much better even without PvP gear. :)


    Well and good, and I too have worked in some keybinds, but I know ppl who have smaller hands and have trouble with keyboard binds as their hands only stretch to so many keys comfortably, the Razer Naga is a great tool for fixing this but at nearly $80 cost.

  3. I hear people saying they are rerolling to IMperial Sorc because they are OP, isnt hte sage the mirror image. (god before anyone flames, i know their are minor differences) but is it gamebreaking? do their difference amount to anything? Just curious


    Cause Lightning looks cooler than pebbles

  4. You don't see any reason to, cause this games competitiveness is nothing. Its very relaxed. Sorry, but battlemaster means nothing. Grats you can grind.


    I simple just don't get why, people don't want to better themselves, and be ahead of the game and be a better player. Yeah, maybe clicking works for you in the mean time. Wait till Rated WZs come out, and; 1. no one will take due to lack of skill 2. you wont have the edge over the player who does not keyboard turn.


    Some ppl play the game casually as a fun stress reducer to take the edge off of their day and relax, being number one isnt their main goal...its a game ppl, not a job.

  5. If SWTOR get 5000000 new people to the game pretty sure atlest 70% of them will start the first years by clicking in the screen.It's a learning curve.You were all new to mmo gaming one time. And there is nothing more sad then players flaming someone that is new to something because they are doing something the "wrong" way when they dont know better, actually that know it all attitude is really patetic.I'm talking in general.


    Didnt you know, most of these L33tz snobs came out from under the rock that hatched them with the mad skillz that they now flaunt, none of them had to actually learn their "skill"

  6. I'm not talking about levels 10->49. I'm talking about level 50 where I have to hang out with you or abandon PVP entirely until cross-server PVP comes out.


    At what point though, when you're *********** useless and horrible, do you take a break for an hour or so to allow the rest of us to get our dailies done?


    Just because someone doesnt fit your "good player" mold or doesnt live up to your expectations means your dailies are more important than theirs? get over your self or go back to single player because you abviously flunk the plays well with others portion of being in a multiplayer game. Where do you draw the line? someone ends up with 10k dmg but they were active in the WZ and not a bot or afk, they dont deserve to get their daily done but someone does 300k dmg but were deathmatching it and didnt help at objectives and they deserve it?


    Pay your sub, play your game and accept the fact that there are people of all skill levels doing the same thing, paying their own sub to play their own game, the alternative would be for you to stop paying and playing and immeadiatly improve this gaming community by your subtraction.

  7. Same people every game, bottom of the list, no damage, no healing, no protection....


    Not AFK, just awful at the game and they requeue for *EVERY* match.


    I feel like I'm being griefed by how terrible they are.


    If they are ending with 0 dmg 0 healing 0 protection and 0 objective points yet moving about the WZ they are prolly bots, they do exist and BW doesnt have the systems in place to stop them yet.

  8. so your ripping expertise enhancements outa the weps for use in your other gear? have you decked your companion out in the lvl 40 PvP gear? and you got your 1 champ bag banked allready? could buy one of the speeders, or stock up on the stims then
  9. I see a lot of mimimi and some "bugs" / "exploits" that I have yet to encounter...


    although the one with force speed, fire and knockback does ring a bell...however, I'm pretty sure what happened there is that you didn't knock him down in the first place and the animation just bugged around...it's still annyoing since you think you've got him down and he just walks away but it's not his fault imho...Same thing happens a lot when you're doing some "jump&run" action for a datacron and it looks as if the other guy fell down but in fact he didn't it's just the animations that go berserk at times...


    And l2p against sorcs, Line of Sight is one thing, interrupt another and you will beat 9 out of 10 sorcs with ease...At the moment there are many many many many sorcs (me being one of them, although I rerolled mainly out of PvE considerations since Melees are just ****ed in every single encounter in the whole game which is incredibly unfair and stupid, making melees the worse choice in any situation) but most of these people don't know the first thing about how to play a sorcerer...


    Since most sorcs are running a hybrid specc that has force lightning as the main filler, interrupt it (easy since it's being channeled for such a long time and fake casting is force intensive and hard to get off properly) and watch them stand around like a lost puppy. Sure they have other skills (quite a few actually) but by interrupting force lightning you usually counteract Wrath Proccs thus making Crushing Darkness and Chain Lightning a no-go (2 of the main dmg spells, especially Chain Lightning hits like a truck if it crits) and that only leaves the Affliction DoT (which can be purged) and Shock (which isn't very dangerous with 1-2k crits)...So interrupt is your friend believe me...

    Oh and if they're madness sorcs, just purge everything. Lightning Sorcs (Telekinetics) on the other hand just interrupt Lightning Strike so they don't get Chain Llightning proccs, purge Affliction and laugh at the ridiculous dmg Thundering Blast does without the 100% crit from the Affliction DoT...


    Btw it's the same with mercenaries, interrupt tracer missile (or the Rep counterpart Grav Round) and most of them will just stand there looking at you dumbfounded since their only button is on lockout (that's stupid people playing, good mercs will always use other stuff)...


    yeah...that's about all I remember I wanted to reply to your rant...




    Good info/strats there, just one thing...I am a merc, I haz no interupt, no movement enhancement to LoS and a very poor defensive CD, and my "cure" doesnt cure about half of what ppl put on me

  10. Half the sith battlemasters on my server will s-key. It makes me giggle.


    I S key kite, my attacks have a slow on them, so i can backpeddle and keep a distance while my DoTs, rapid shots, thermal det, and rail shot cut you down

  11. How about you form a premade with a couple force users if it's so overpowered?


    One of our best ballcarriers is a powertech.


    Huttball is much easier for a class that either has a movement enhancer like force speed, or the myriad of jumps to friends or enemies, or pulls, lacking those, stealth helps, if you have none of these <sniper/gunslinger/commando/merc> your best hope is to provide the enemy a distraction so you team can score

  12. Try picking up the daily WZ quest, starting off with 2 wins for 2 WZ played, then getting a bad roll on teams and going 0 for 18, finally getting that 3rd win on the 21st WZ played and.....wait for it....IT DIDNT COUNT FOR DAILY!! :confused: talk about a ton of time wasted, time to go find something less frustrating to do :rolleyes:
  13. Only opened 4 since change...


    Although I won't lie, out of complete rage at the fact I got a duplicate chest piece I spent what commendations I had on other crap.


    Kind of wish I hadn't now =-)


    Should have your gloves in a few days then if you PvP with any consistency, and you may even get the bonus of more duplicate items you can either grab the different ones that might benefit you more if you respec, grab ones that have the enhancements you want so you can rip em, or gear up your companions, its all gravy from here on

  14. Today I saw a person leave WZ because the other team scored the first goal less than a min into the match, I asked him why, he said "cause your team sucks and i aint wasting my time" we went on to win that match 4-3 and it was one of the most fun matches i have ever been in, a bit later he sent me a snyde remark about "how did you enjoy your loss?" when i informed him of the outcome he got pissed and asked why we didnt do that good at the begining so he woulda stayed and got a win for his daily, to which I replied, we sucked to get rid of the no skill freeloaders that need to have an elite team to carry them for wins :D I bet he is still cussing :p
  15. Purpose of running around like a monkey, is to use ability that require to behind your opponent. Speaking of which I lol when I interrupt those L33tz tracer missile spammers and not know what to do afterwards..


    This is also lolz, but even more lolz is when on my merc those glowstick monkeys running around me use an interupt and i dont even miss a beat cause I am pyro not arsenal, so they are left looking at me wondering why they are still getting hit, and now I am running around them :D

  16. Oh, I comprehend, but i'll still do my "circles around people", especially when; like I said cause you don't comprehend, that melee does not auto face.


    I Love my epeen, thank you for feeding me.


    I lol everytime I see some L33tz melee'r running thru and running circles around a tracer monkey like its doing him/her any good, hehe good times.

  17. i dont think people care that others are just using a kb and no mouse. honestly, i think its stupid and you're not allowing yourself to play up to your full abilities (AND THATS FINE). heck, i will take the free kills if you play that way. however, people will still comment on it because its silly.


    Its a min/max additude, I personaly use the mouse to turn but thats cause I like mouse turning comming from FPS games, and I understand that keybindings allow you to access your abilities slightly faster without taking your eyes off whats going on around you, I get it, hell i use the mouse wheel up for an ability, down for another, mouse wheel click for another, and several keybindings myself, but as an ex-clicker that still got the best of some of these same types that are "commenting" on it I personally think its just a way for them to try to stroke their ego by saying they are better than someone, but I would take a "good" clicker anyday over a bad keybinder, and yes there are some terribad keybind players out there.

  18. I never understand why the way that people input their characters commands into the game pisses soooo many ppl off, you play your way I will play mine, in the end it doesnt matter cause its a freakin game ppl, if the other ppl clicking and keyboard turning was losing you money, or was RL life or death, I would understand but cmon ppl...a game get over your self and relax some.
  19. Then why do i have only 2 champ items + offhand weapon ?


    Since you seem to have trouble understanding, let me try to lay it out a different way for you.


    After the patch they changed the way champion bags work, where as prior to the patch you had a random chance at a piece of champ gear and either got no gear and 3 centurion commendations, or got gear and 1 centurion commendation.


    Now since the patch they lowered the random chance at a piece of gear, however, Champion bags will now ALWAYS contain 15 centurion commendations and 7 (SEVEN) Champion commendations.


    So if you have, as you stated, opened 40 bags since the patch you have a guaranteed 280 champion commendations (7 in every bag X 40 bags = 280 <math is your friend:rolleyes:>) you go to your classes champion vendor and you can purchase champion items for champion commendations (wicked eh?:eek:) and with 280 commendations you could have more than just 3 items by now if you spent them. ;)

  20. Sounds what ever u like, i play around 10-12 hours everyday pvp, i'm soon rank 41. My main consern is people who got the free gear FAST, that has so much better gear then our new people who need do endless grinding to get 1 part.

    And don't give me that use cent gear is good enough, if it was all would use it and not bother with champ and battlemaster gear etc.


    This game is made this way, it's about stats on gear, the better gear the more dmg u do the more u survive etc, if ur good or bad player.


    I wouldnt exactly spout out as if I am proud that I sit and play a game 1/2 of everyday like its something great.


    Oh and, I play 2-3 hours a day maybe 4 days per week, might get one of the weekend days to play 5-6 hours a couple times a month, and I am already rank 52, so its not like your 10-12 hours everyday pvp and rank 41 is impressive.

  21. I gave up on commando dps as i was tired of being a turret. I thought that pyro is not a viable spec. But since apparently people are actually playing it i have to go ahead and try playing my commando again.


    If you enjoy the class but find your self wishing you were more mobile, then yes the commando version of pyro is prolly a good fit for you, it does take a bit more foward thinking and faster reactions to changes in the situation but you can be very mobile and still have decent burst dmg.


    Not to mention you get to be one of the most annoying enemies on the field with your DoT procs causing snares.

  22. You need crit and surge for pyro also.


    For high impact bolts. Granted im a vanguard.


    Yes, but since high impact bolt/rail shot is fully white dmg and can be deflected/parried ect and it is a large part of your dmg, you need that accuracy more than gunnery or arsenal spec needs it since the largest chunk of their dmg is tech and as such always hits just not for full amount since its still subject to mitigation.

  23. If you have 500 expertise, you definitely dont have 34 percent crit chance without the smuggler/Agent buff.


    Also, AGAIN expertise gives you a damage increase that is nullified by enemy expertise.


    Having a lot of expertise doesnt make you a super hard hitter.


    I ripped all the +accuracy and power enhancements and mods out of the eliminator set and replaced them with +crit and +surge, my accuracy was only 90% but as an arsenal that only really ever effects Unload and Railshot since the rest is tech. But that was before I found how well pyro meshed with my playstyle and have since put the mods and enhancements back since I need the accuracy and power as a pyro.


    As for the rest, well i didnt stop the poor saps that I had just whacked with 3k tracer hits to ask what their expertise level was.

  24. Actually you should fire the unload after 3rd and heatseeker -> railshot after unload. You cant burst people with 3 tracers + hsm +rail. if they're not with 0 expertise + lightarmor


    Also my grav rounds dont hit for 3k+ for geared players with 600+ expertise. dunno what's up with our numbers.


    I only insert unload in my rotation if and when barrage procs, and I didnt start seeing the 3k hits untill i got up over 500 expertise (this is with 34% crit and 83% surge just self buffed) prior to that i was defending tracer as i never saw higher than 2800 and most of the time it was closer to 1800-2k


    I still am not saying its a bad skill thats needs nerfing, just saying it should have a cap of around 2500 when fully geared out in PvP since it is spamable and needs to be used so much.

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