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Posts posted by Zethlis

  1. Your assumptions are starting to get hilarious. Just because I'm a healer doesn't mean I don't participate and do my fair share of CC's, slows, and interrupts. On top of that, healers have to anticipate interrupts and either fake cast to bait it or LOS and find a good enough angle to throw a heal out.


    Also, DPS padding/bragging/stats at end of game aren't the end all be all to claim authority in the performance of your team's objectives. You started this topic blaming healers on the opposite faction and then it turned into you not wanting to queue because your faction was too "dimwitted" to play with.


    Kindly make up your mind with what you want to debate over so you refrain from using this forum as your therapist to vent your rage.


    Okay let me get a little more specific for you. I TOP DPS WHILE CARRYING MY TEAM. The topic stands, I was just making side notes, I'm not changing the entire subject I was posting something relevant to what was said by someone else.



    So do tracer missile spammers. The reason you top DPS in every WZ, is because you aren't properly controlling healers. What class do you play? I mean you are complaining about healers healing healers. And? That means they aren't healing DPS and Tanks don't hit hard enough. This leaves the rest of your team to do what they need. Healers healing healers means that their team's effectiveness is lowered. Healers healing DPS and their tanks is when you are screwed.


    My original assessment stands. L2DPS.


    You're kidding right? I CC to the best of anyone's capability. I'm a Sith Assassin. That means one DPS can pound on you while you pound back and 2 healers heal him and if you try to kill the healer the other healer is healing that healer, THAT is what I'm talking about.

  2. It's a MMO for a reason. Not to mention, you're assuming that Republic doesn't have their fair share of "dimwits" either. Both sides have it.


    You take the good and the bad dictated by the community on the server you play with. If that's not your style and you can't have fun just playing the game to play it, then maybe this game isn't for you.


    Sitting there and healing anyone who's losing health is A LOT easier than being responsible for CCing and interrupting and such.




    I top the DPS in every warzone I'm in FYI.

  3. I can't help being put on a team with 4+ dimwits who don't know how half of the mechanics work, except from abstaining from warzones completely as it's a huge inconvenience to only PVP with a group of 4 50s who you know will do good.
  4. First off, fallacious reasoning gets you nowhere. Don't claim facts without proof to back it up.


    Second, my perspective. I've spent a fair amount of time in the WZ's healing and have learned much about how important team comp is to winning. Sure, some stick out and have pretty good advantages, Sorcs and Tanks in Huttball to name one. However, even they would have a hard time getting the ball back if they are built to just pass and absorb/tank damage and not have adequate dps to take down an opposition that has say one or two healers max.


    I've played against comps that have nothing but healers and tanks in Voidstar and Alderaan and although it sure is annoying to deal with, they have no pushing power. Our side had 2 healers max (including me) and each faction controlled a side, leaving a huge fight for the middle. Not only did they run out of steam after a while (even with their tanks focus targetting me for interrupts), but we managed to cap their side because the guard obsession they ran with left them exposed to stealth capping and flanking.


    Again, this is purely my opinion and I make no claim to facts or anything of the sort, but to claim that they are the reason a team wins or loses because of stacking is just outright wrong on so many levels. On top of that, blaming the queue system just really doesn't cut it.

    Well I'd love to prove it to you but I'm afraid there is no poll option


    There are many things wrong with the queue system, matching battlemasters with new 50s for one, not allowing 8 person ops for two, etc.

  5. the only place i can see having 6 healers being a problem is maybe huttball i mean with 6 healers on your team you not going to be killing that many ppl at all but also your not going to die it sounds more boring than it sounds like a balance issue


    You're kidding right? Huttball is the only place where healers don't matter as significantly. I'm talking about void star and alderaan where 4 healers can be stationary healing each other while 6 people pound on them and nothing gets done until the healers are burned out after 5-10 minutes, it's ridiculous

  6. Well what about hybrid healer dps specs i roll hybrid on my sage and still can easily do over 300k dmg and healin
    I don't know they could find another way to cap it like based on your heals to damage ratio in warzones and it resets after you reset your skill tree or something, there's ways to work around having 6 healers on one team
  7. No it's a fact everyone who wants to be dark is more likely to choose DPS and everyone who wants to be light is more likely to be a healer, that's just how it works in people's heads. When you are beating on the same person the ENTIRE game regardless of the warzone it's obviously a balance issue. I don't see what the big deal is with putting a cap on the amount of healers that are in warzones, unless you're worried about missing out on the queue because YOU HAVE SO MANY HEALERS ON YOUR SIDE.


    @Dealdrick: it wouldn't be hard to put in a mechanism to cap the amount of people who can join with 20+ points into the healer tree or such.

  8. I'm tired of playing warzones and healers being the factor of us winning or losing, there NEEDS to be a cap on the amount of healers that can be in warzones in PVP because it is ruining mine and everyone else's experience especially since we're Empire and healers are canonically Republic so they are more likely to have more healers than us, which is how it turns out majority of the time. I'm completely burnt out from PVP right now because I just played 3 warzones in a row where healers were healing healers and it is RIDICULOUS
  9. Alright, so in this thread (which will probably become massive given time as I will update ideas to this as I think of them, which is actually quite often) I'm going to list my ideas of what should be done to this game in order to make it be not "one of" but "THE" most amazing game ever to hit the shelves in the history of mankind.


    People feel free to give your input on my ideas, as well as give some of your own ideas, if I like your ideas I will put them into the list of things.



    Reappearing characters from quests you did earlier, such as Thana. I let her live on Taris and expected to see her again, I never did.




    2) More companions, and companions that aren't restricted to classes.


    3) Advanced class respecs.


    4) Guild Alliances - Guilds should be allowed to create alliances with up to a certain amount of guilds, such as up to 5. I heard about guilds getting capital ships possibly in the future, and it would be incredibly neat if those guild capital ships could have a system in space for their alliances and all the allied guilds would form a fleet.


    5) Space PVP.


    6) Pazaak and other gambling games to make the game more of an immersive social experience.


    7) A duel arena where you can 1 versus 1, just like in the original KOTORs where the hutt lets you duel random people as people spectate, perhaps let people (players) stand on the sidelines and watch other's duel as they place bets on who will be the winner, like a system where you make your bets before the duel starts.


    8) Spice and alcohol(or whatever starwarsy beverage) that has special effects, such as screen shaking for alcohol and color changing or distortion for spice.


    9) An option to allow yourself to be killed in a duel, such as for Role Playing purposes on RP servers. Perhaps you mark it in your preferences and when you challenge someone to a duel it gives them a warning that they have dueling deaths enabled and that by accepting it you enable yours.


    10) Macros

  10. 1 I expected this not just stupid emails from a few. Some make sense in that they aren't my pals or looking to be found/noticed so they drop me a line to say thanks or pay me but others could exist somewhere I bump into them while wandering around. That of course would require BW to actually populate the planets/zones with people worth talking to. As it is you have your merchants your mission givers/receivers and everyone else is a useless npc sack of garbage that *might* have a few lines of dialog, max 1 in an area.


    2 Would be great to hire/fire them and have a few replacements you could take on through simple pay/running their mission or teaming up then they might like you enough to stay on or hate you and not want to work with you anymore. There is no reason there couldn't be extra companions you take on and it would offer new paths for more content.


    6 Yes, there should be more minigames to distract you in the game. As well as letting you interact with some of the world. We are limited to elevator buttons, mission containers/tech items and that is essentially it. Everything else is a filler we can't touch and serves no purpose beyond being a matte painting.


    7 Different planets could offer their own version, not all of them but maybe a few planets with them and betting on the winner. It could still be instanced to let people go to a centralized one but letting people schedule fights could work as well, letting players challenge and schedule the fight and others bet/etc. Scheduling allows people to show up for the event and setup bets. There could even be random matches if you submit your name for it and a time slot.


    Ah yes betting, slipped my mind, added.



    Alright, so in this thread (which will probably become massive given time as I will update ideas to this as I think of them, which is actually quite often) I'm going to list my ideas of what should be done to this game in order to make it be not "one of" but "THE" most amazing game ever to hit the shelves in the history of mankind.


    People feel free to give your input on my ideas, as well as give some of your own ideas, if I like your ideas I will put them into the list of things.



    Reappearing characters from quests you did earlier, such as Thana. I let her live on Taris and expected to see her again, I never did.



    2) More companions, and companions that aren't restricted to classes.


    3) Advanced class respecs.


    4) Guild Alliances - Guilds should be allowed to create alliances with up to a certain amount of guilds, such as up to 5. I heard about guilds getting capital ships possibly in the future, and it would be incredibly neat if those guild capital ships could have a system in space for their alliances and all the allied guilds would form a fleet.


    5) Space PVP.


    6) Pazaak and other gambling games to make the game more of an immersive social experience.


    7) A duel arena where you can 1 versus 1, just like in the original KOTORs where the hutt lets you duel random people as people spectate, perhaps let people (players) stand on the sidelines and watch other's duel as they place bets on who will be the winner, like a system where you make your bets before the duel starts.


    8) Spice and alcohol(or whatever starwarsy beverage) that has special effects, such as screen shaking for alcohol and color changing or distortion for spice.


    9) An option to allow yourself to be killed in a duel, such as for Role Playing purposes on RP servers. Perhaps you mark it in your preferences and when you challenge someone to a duel it gives them a warning that they have dueling deaths enabled and that by accepting it you enable yours.

  12. its not like battlemaster takes much effort to get anyways. i play an hour or so a night max, and i got battlemaster about 2 weeks ago now.


    i am hoping that with whatever ranking system that bioware adds in, it takes into account losses. you should be ranked poorly if you perform poorly




    Not so much losses though, but overall performance (medals, KDR, damage, healing, etc.) because I've lost A LOT of matches due to a HORRENDOUS team.

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