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Posts posted by RycheMykola

  1. The crafters and people selling stuff that can't adjust quickly to changes in the economy, I have 0 sympathy for.


    The F2P model introduced a whole new sector. Concentrate on crafting BLUE mods (f2p can't use purple) and selling at a reasonable price. They go instantly almost. Especially if you craft them targeted towards the Companions. (ie, tanking armor plates).


    Its amazing the amount of stupid going on in the GTN: Sector X unlocks for 40 million, unlock for all the professions for 1 million, unlock for epic gear 35 million, etc. The only ones who need these items are F2P. There credit cap is 350k or 100k (non-preferred). Heck, some idiot was trying to trade a Sector X unlock for a whit crystal.

  2. They where a million on Ebon Hawk recently and I thought that's not right as well preferred and F2P haven't access to that sort of money . Then it dawned on me if someone wants to buy it for a friend or if a person was thinking of unsubbing they could buy before they unsub , problem solved. I'm sure they are cheaper today though and probably about 800 k.





    I've seen tons of those on the AH in the 100k-150k range.

  3. So get this: Hk-51 costs 1 million credits per character after you first unlock him but if you are free to play you have a limit on how many credits you can hold so you can never actually have enough to pay for Hk-51.



    Bioware you crazy?

    Free to plays shouldn't be able to get him imho. If you want the latest and greatest stuff, subscribe.


    However, its pretty funny seeing the uneducated posting stuff on the GTN for stuff catering to the F2P crowd, like Epic gear unlocks for 10,000,000 credits when the credit limit of F2P is either 350k for preferred or 100k for the basic.

  4. exactly..


    and ill lay bets most of the people whining about $15 a month spend that much at least on junk food, eating out and other garbage like Pop ..


    $15 dollars a month is a paltry sum of money for the chance to play as much as you want 24/7 for a month..


    I spent more then $15 just buying groceries to make my lunch this week for work..you can barely go see a movie in a theatre for $15 bucks when you have bought a few snacks..


    the only people who get bored with this much content are the ADD types who can't focus on something for more then 15 minutes at a time anyways. This game has a TONNE of content and different ways you can play it..multiple story lines to explore..massive worlds..Pvp, War zones..etc etc etc..

    Its not the actual monetary amount people complained about, it was the value they were getting for their money.

  5. lol the 2 million casuals didn't like you people the Hardcore Minority and your play style but yet you guys infected this game had a guild summit dedicated to you all to help ruin this game.


    Games that focus on you people die and go free2play

    I really don't understand your post, I'll assume English isn't your primary language though.


    This game is nowhere near 2 million subscribers..........................I'd say 500k is on the high side.

  6. its 5/week per character per account. very easy to signup with 3-4 accounts and play warzones for 5-6 hours straight.

    5 is still inconsequential.


    LOL, do you seriously think all the F2Pers are going to open that many accounts? The ones that do, are probably actually GOOD at PVP.

    Are you thinking a F2P person can level to 50 with 6-8 toons in 3 days?!?!?!?!

  7. not sure if serious :confused: they would lose ~500k subs then wouldnt they, instantly.

    I agree with ya, you can't give F2P access to everything.


    Personally, I would have just capped the characters (2 is perfect), race choices (they did), inventory (they did), lower priority in queues (they did), GTN auction limits (they did), mail restrictions (they did).


    I would have given access to the toolbars, hide helm (helm graphics are sooooooooooooo bad, if I was F2P, I would make a paper bag client side mod), unify color, and unlimited WZ and FP (good for paying queues-shorter waits, but I wouldn't give them access to the latest content!)

  8. Such a long post, for metrics that are totally inaccurate.


    F2P can only do 3 WZ's or FP's a week, so they are hardly a drain on resources on the fleet. Maybe for one day per week. But the added benefits for us paying customers is faster queue times. I would gladly pay an extra nickel a month in bandwidth to give me queues that are much faster.


    They don't affect logins either, as a paying customer we get put ahead of them in the queue.


    Downloading the software: How would you propose future customers get the software? Purchase it at a store? Will you supply the bandwidth for customers to download? Do you really think stores would even put this game on the shelf for $59.99 like it was for the basic version at launch?

  9. tired of listening to kiddie garbage over general

    tired of cheapskates getting 90% of what i pay for

    mostly tired of listening about restrictions and how they want their free pony, ppl wanting to drop their sub being the worst whiners of the lot,

    also no idea why you mention warcrafts shop compared, when i clearly stated alone specific to your point, that warcraft EU has plenty of dead servers which they still make their customers pay to move off instead of doing the decent thing and offering transfers and realm merges.

    I have a subscription, thanks................the F2P model is garbage, I got like 100 million credits, why would I flush them down the toilet?


    Warcraft's cash shop includes server transfers and faction changes, see, in WOW's business plan, they make ever MORE money from dead servers. Heck, I would bet those 2 functions make more money than all of SWTOR's subscriptions.


    If you think the F2P's get 90% of what you pay for, why not cancel your sub for a month and see how "awesome" it is?


    Kiddie chat in the general channel just started on the 15th in this game? There's been that since the launch.

  10. nah warcaft makes you pay to move off their dead realms still,

    ps, f2p kiddies getting too much, im tired of listening to their BS already.

    How so? You need a subscription to post on the forums. Chat in game is fine too, seen no complaints.


    Warcraft isn't free to play either, and has like 10 million subscribers. Warcraft has a better cash shop too than SWTOR.


    I know people like you want the game to fail, personally, I'd like to see them get more subscribers. How they currently have the pay model setup, they aren't. They'll simply make money from subscribers that like to gamble.

  11. Dear Bioware,


    As a Founder and subscriber, I'm a little dismayed that you are willing to give away so much of the game, that I pay for each month. Dont get me wrong, I like FTP options as I do think they are beneficial to the ongoing development of a game. However, the path you have chosen is unpredented in how much it gives for nothing.


    A person can play the entire storyline of every class in the game, on either side of the conflict, without paying a dime! Really? That's a bit much IMO, and sort of a slap to us that pay monthly. As a suggestion I would like to see a more LOTRO type of model where a FTP'r has to buy quest packs and zone unlocks in order to progress. This method allows the FTP'ers a choice in what parts of the game they want to play WITHOUT angering those that pay a monthly subscription.


    What you have done here is decide to just give the game away. I trust you know what you are doing here, but I, for one, am not too crazy about it.


    Thank you,




    How about this, send them a check for $3.75 million a month to get rid of the F2P?


    They didn't implement the F2P model because of how financially successful the game has been. Also, if you really been playing since the start, you don't cut servers down from over 70 to 8 because of success either.

  12. Lets see, Bioware implements this "F2P" (who they joking, its the unlimited trial to 50) because they stated the #1 reason people were quitting was because the subscription fee of $15 was too much.


    So they implement this 50 trial with enough restrictions to where your almost forced to pay the $15 a month, or its more expensive to do unlocks: $$$ for toolbars, hide helm, color unify, quest rewards, wearing good gear, rezzing, etc.


    I could see limiting the character slots, races, inventory, GTN slots, etc........................


    Also, for subscribed members, we should get 100 GTN slots per toon, not 50 as a "thanks for paying". Not some random grab bag prize we need to pay for, hoping something cool is in it.

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