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Posts posted by Jeweledleah

  1. has anyone linked this article as a counterpoint yet?




    or this one https://kotaku.com/how-biowares-anthem-went-wrong-1833731964


    here is an interview with a developer who made some major MAJOR errors, but instead of doubling down on their hubris once the game was out and player feedback started rolling in - took that feedback to heart and got down to the fixing of their game. pay a particular attention to the part where "players are almost always right about the problems"


    players are not developers. most of the time. and everyone has their own idea of what would be better and they are more then often - wrong about that, HOWEVER. when players point out a problem? you don't get to just ignore it and claim that they are misunderstanding, that they don't know what's good for them, etc. players are your customer based. its all fun and dandy to make a game YOU want to play and you probably should st least start with that becasue it results in a more genuine gaming experiences, BUT.. you MUST know your audience that is not merely you AND you MUST take them into account when working on development, unless you want your audience to stop being your audience.


    and last but not least... its easy to blame the players when instead of figuring out genuine solutions that make your game better, you just go for knee jerk responses to criticism. (incidentally Anthem's issue wasn't just that it was trying to fix the graphical problems with ME andromeda, but rather due to ever changing vision within the development team - making sure that at least the game LOOKS pretty was the ONLY thing they all agreed on and had any time left for. so the author of that article? is completely misconstruing what actualy happened and ignoring most of the context)


    incidentally. as of today. not all of my games are digital STILL, I STILL buy physical copies of console games. AND I more often then not - play offline, unless the game i'm playing - requires online connection. which is not often. why? becasue not all of us live in location where infrastructure is top notch, and where bandwith is unlimited.


    but anyways. the author of the original article is full of it. I'd wager more games fail because of some executives personal preferences, than player feedback ACTUALLY being genuinely taken into account. not listened to slavishly, but at least taken into account when making changes.


    P.S. /rubs temples. WoW. was NEVER. BRUTAL. EVER. it became popular BECAUSE it was super, ridiculously casual friendly and easy to play, especially compared to other MMO's available at the time. moreover, funny story, playerbase started to rapidly dwindle just after release of Cataclysm.... you know expansion when they tried to make the game harder. and had to nerf. over and over, because somehow.. they forgot that bulk of their audience from the very beginning - was casuals.

  2. Not sure if trolling or not....


    Regardless: please note this event is exactly what is supposed to be: "credit sink".


    and it is like that since...4 years already, so why so surprised?


    Apart from that: I do not think I have spent more than 100 000 credits on it alltogether, yet I managed to receive the mounts, decos and jackpots. (at tleast till now).


    The system gives you opportunities to win big by low cost, you just need to figure it out how.

    Tip: No one forces you to buy Kingpin chips only.


    Of course the RNG factor is huge and I have a feeling this year the chances are even more nerfed than previously, but still, you do not need to spend billions to get the rewards or decos.


    rng must really love you, cause i spend 500k so far and all i got was 6 gold certificates and one cartel ones. yes, i've been using smuggler's chips, yes, i have been doing "find a cheater" daily and yes i've been only using kingpin chips that i've been rarely getting with smuggler's chips with "feeling lucky" buff only. (no i haven't been doing dungeons for chips, having calculated time invested vs doing some dailies in the same amount of time, i opted for some dailies)


    so i don't know about those chances being nerfed. my personal luck feels more nerfed than even usual crappy rng though.

  3. I had a idea, what if they separate the weekly like they did on Ossus. They had originally had heroics mixed in with the dailies but then they separated it.


    Have the weekly have how ever many dailies that are required and they give a reward.


    Then have a weekly reward for the heroics and it gives a higher reward.


    Would that not satisfy both sides of this ?


    This way those that don't like to do the heroics can just do the dailies but they understand it might take longer to get the rewards then those doing the dailies and the heroics.


    But: Please make the currency legacy wide please.


    it would certainly satisfy me, personaly (though would still prefer it if they add currency to all the dailies, with heroics awarding more, or just.. let us buy rewards with credits). right now, i can feasibly, unless I get lucky and find a quick heroic group - get about 3 pieces of event currency per day. at MOST. not even every day. I don't even care about companion or a mount at this point, I'd just like to get you know.. more then a single tree for a stronghold in a forseeable future.

  4. re-subbed for a month to play through it and to finish up some stories while I'm at it.


    furnishings are nice, planet is ok. quests feel tedious if you are not in maxed out gear. I'm not leet enough to solo any of the heroics so its touch and go whether i get to do them on any given day.


    biggest complaint. I get it. I understand they want people to group up some of the time. but tying furnishing etc currency to almost entirely group content? really? REALLY?


    make it so that heroics give extra currency, but only being able to get a single piece per day after finishing 6 dailies per character is just...not good. currency should be rewarded by ALL the dailies, not just heroics and "finish 6 dailies" quest. and yes, it should be legacy wide, NOT per character.

  5. Do any of you guys have a french press? I have a membership to BeanBox. The little packets of whole beans they send is the perfect size for my grinder and french press.


    French press coffee is sooooo good. I'm practically drooling at work just thinking about it.


    I think it might be a personal preference thing, but I'm personaly not a fan of french press coffee.. or cleaning of french presses (my parents have one, so its my only option when i visit, outside of buying a cup from a coffee shop). perversely... turkish coffee is love. its just kinda work intensive, so it gets saved for special occasions rather then daily morning cup.

  6. I'll just applaud you for making less waste by using your own coffee and what I have to assume is a re-usable filter. Good on you!


    it IS a reusable filter (they are dirt cheap and last me a few years of daily 2-3 cups before I have to replace them) though I do add one of those disposable paper filters inside.


    but to be perfectly honest, the reason i do it becasue 1. disposable pods as convenient as they are, are kinda stupid expensive. and 2. the coffee you get out of them is not awesome.


    so my primary motivation is desire for better, fresher and cheaper coffee. being better for environment and garden fertilizer is just a lovely bonus :p as well as better dps rotation. IMO :p stale coffee just throws all the cooldown timing off

  7. We actually got a Keurig, and I use my 20 dollar coffee maker. It keeps the coffee hot, and tbh, the coffee tastes better. The Keurig machine just sits in the kitchen taking up valuable counter space.


    I just prefer to make each cup fresh. I don't use any of those pods, have a small grinder next to coffee maker so I get all the advantages if freshly ground and brewed coffee, without making too much and having to drink coffe that's been sitting there for a while, getting stale. personaly. and it doesn't cost much extra and extra effort to make one cup at a time is minimal compared to making a pot.


    so... shrug. keurig and disposable pods is not the only way to make a single cup of coffee. is all I'm saying.

  8. They are important, up to a point, but I would suggest not mixing two different things. The questions there were about framerates and similar, and you introduced the comment about SSDs. Someone who doesn't know much about such things might think something like this: "SSDs mentioned in answer to a question about framerates ===> therefore I should get an SSD to improve my framerates". It's an incorrect conclusion, but it's a *reasonable* one.


    I see where confusion comes. when I was replying, I also kept original post in mind which was asking about all the components including ssd's. as ssd's are still significantly more expensive then HHD or hybrid drives, I thought I should mention them as far as their importance. so that OP doesn't decide to invest the bulk of their budget into a videocard thinking it will make more difference than it does.

  9. SSDs ONLY affect loading times, and will do nothing either for or against frame rates.


    given how many loading screens there are, don't you think its important? and its not just loading screens, its also, loading the environmental details and npc's. I never said framerates are affected by SSD, all I said that SSD speeds up loading times. which IMO is very VERY important as well.

  10. So would it be better to stick to 1080p? Is so which video card would be best for 1080p at 60fps?


    personaly i tend to prefer nvidia, 1070 or higher, I believe TI is a step up? whatever you can afford really. SSD is probably as important as video card, becasue that is what affects your loading times.

  11. 4k is not worth it for swtor alone. I ended up going downward not only becasue performance was just absolutely awful (bear in mind, I can run newer games in 4k on the same machine with steady 60fps), but also becasue scaling in 4k was a complete and utter mess. UI didn't scale properly at ALL.


    SWTOR is just not at all optimized for 4k. at least in my experience.

  12. So ... she's okay if I romance Lana? I like where this trail of thought is going! :p


    she doesn't seem to mind Koth either. and she did at one point suggest a threesome with Vette, so.... it seems like its more of a "those 2 tried to kill you and still you sleep with them? might as well finish the job"

  13. It's okay, I got my answer => Nobody knows what the **** is going on and why do I care so much? :w_confused:


    I tried getting into the show when it first came out but got bored. Maybe i'll give it another go.


    first couple of episodes are a bit slow. episode 4 is when it clicked for me. and it seems its the episode it generally clicks for most people, so.. if you are still not enjoying it by episode 5, then it may not be a show for you. which is totally cool :)


    random trivia. Actress that plays Avasarala also plays Admiral Shala'Raan vas Tonbay in Mass Effect :)

  14. Whoa, someone who watched The Expanse too! This show deserves more exposure!!:mad: Amos Burton! /Drool



    :rak_03:You'll just give in and go for it.


    yes! the show is fantastic and so are the books. at least what I managed to read so far, my main library only has first book and NYPL only has audio books in digital form? boooo... I prefer to read, but.... ah well. guess I'll have to give audio books a go after all :p


    P.S. i actualy have a bit of a crush on Drummer :p

  15. Lana is an equivalent of Avasarala in Expanse. she doesn't like titles or being a figurehead becasue being the force behind the throne allows her to get it done in the way she cannot if she were publicly ON the throne. she understands the value of power and alliances, but she doesn't seek power for its own sake the way a lot of Sith including Valkorian did.


    and there is a precedent of her engineering fake betrayal for the sake of accomplishing larger goals. so Lana going actual traitor? is out of character. Lana going fake traitor? very much IN character. especially since commander is perfectly decent enough figurehead to allow her to work and get stuff done.

  16. Damn, I wish you had mentioned it sooner :D I just thought "okay, it's on Steam, I have Steam, that should be an easy way to get it!" :D However I got it working properly eventually, so I hope those issues are in the past now!


    glad you got it working! hope you enjoy it :)


    something else to note about steam version and that one caught me by surprise too. it doesn't create an account with ZoS. it just lets you log into the game via steam and make added purchases via steam, but its still all steam account only. beats me if I remember how I created separate account for that version, I don't really use it much - mostly sticking to my original copy that I bought before steam version was even a thing :p

  17. I might be having same issues... Or similiar. I decided to try it out, and after downloading it from steam, I first got stuck on a screen that just said "updating". Closed everything to check if I could see firewall doing something stupid, didn't see anything, and decided to try to run the launcher again. This time I got a proper launcher screen, but it gave me some notification that some file cannot be found, and soon after that, error 102 and told me to contact customer service. :/


    I googled how to fix error 102, and using the repair tool and rebooting my internet seem to be possible fixes... Currently running the repair program, but I have a bad feeling about this.


    crap. I should have mentioned. steam version occasionally runs into issues. I forgot because I got lucky and didn't run into any with my extra copy, but issues do happen. something about the way steam copy changes the launcher to not give you extra login screen or something - basically its steam DRM issues. (apparently, occasionally there are also steam issues with subscription or at least so I've heard, I don't have active subscription on my extra copy, just my primary account)


    getting a download directly from ZoS is a MUCH MUCH better idea. https://account.elderscrollsonline.com/ should let you create an account and download directly.

  18. Ugh, no, not at all. It wasn't great before, but it is more not-great in SWL than TSW. (My opinion, having played both.)


    well have to agree to disagree then. because I never got past Kingsmouth in original game, but I finished Tokyo and can't wait for Morninglight chapter in SWL.


    original was far too punishing early on. maker help you if you made one or 2 wrong choices, you were stuck grinding repeatable quests for ap before you could get anywhere.

  19. as someone who have never used commercial firewalls and as such, have no idea what they require, etc. i have no reccomendation. my own install doesn't require admin access :/ it just.. works. and I have installed the game from scratch recently on a new laptop. is it an issue with a firewall? game? no idea. not my area of expertise. I just know that it works perfectly fine for me and I enjoy playing it.


    I mean... maybe try secret world legends? they are about to release new story chapter, the game in general is actual genuine f2p. there are some limitations vs subscription, but its mostly of the "you get less currency, fast travel has costs rather then being free and you can repeat missions every 3 days, instead of every 8 hours" sort of thing. and stories are good. there are almost no choices in quests, so you cannot really role play your character through quests, but if you just want some nice stories and pretty good cutscenes and engaging characters - it works.


    IMO they have for the most part improved combat vs original secret world.

  20. Thanks for the info. I have a friend who plays this and asked me once or twice if I'd like to try it out, but I believe it's pay-to-play(?) and I'm really hesitant on buying games I'm note sure I'll like... SWTOR was the first MMORPG I ever played, and I really enjoy getting to pick what my character says and does (and the voice over!). I already tried Neverwinter Online for a month or two, but quit it pretty quickly due to bad quality of story and because I felt I was controlling a bunch of pixels, not a character. I don't really self-insert, and I don't think I could even if I wanted to, so I need to feel that the PC is a character, not just a blank slate.


    Anyway, I might look into ESO sometime. I guess it depends on how much I can choose when it comes to my character's actions, what kind of story it is (to me, there's a huge difference between being equal to, let's say, trooper story and Imperial Agent story) and what the combat is like.


    as posted above, there is a free trial going on right now, so might as well give it a go :) for me, i cannot help BUT start roleplaying my characters. there is enough within the quests, for me, to get a feel for my character personalities and lore helps with the rest (for instance - normally you are limited which race you can play with which alliance, but I have ability to play any alliance with any race unlocked, so part of the role playing process is figuring out why is a world would orcimer be part of altmeri dominion, for instance and that helps a lot with a feel for character as well).


    I cannot say whether you will like the story as much as I do, becasue to be honest, I love both trooper and agent stories for different reasons (the only story I didn't enjoy in SWTOR was that of jedi knight, it just felt so.... generic and dull to me, yeah, I know weirdo, especially since I adored the Consular story)


    combat is.... hard to get used to. if you played neverwinter, you kind might get a hint of it. its more action oriented, while you have acess to a LOT of abilities eventually, you only get to actively use 12 of them after you hit lvl 15. if you ever tried GW2, ESO combat is probably closest to that with a dash of Neverwinter thrown in. its action oriented, you can dodge, sprint, roll (and should) while still attacking.


    and this is the most difficult and may be a deal breaker. no sticky targeting. you have to aim at what you want to hit, or you don't hit it. its very similar with healing, you don't get to select your heal targets - you have to aim most things in a direction of players you want to heal. its faster paced than swtor because of it.


    but in any case, how invested you are into the world and the lore - WILL dictate just how much you enjoy it. I also enjoyed Neverwinter story up to a point where they turned it into a daily grind, and then I quit. but I'm fairly interested in dungeons and Dragons. i ADORE ESO, but it helps a lot that I very much enjoy the lore of Elder scrolls in general and there is PLENTY of that in ESO. big draw of SWTOR WAS that its star wars. I would not have been nearly as invested into it, had it been set in a different universe. might enjoy the stories still, but it wouldn't have been a game that I played for 5 years continuously, before mostly moving on and still come back to every once in a while, despite the stories IMO going REALLY downhill for the last few years.


    so... yeah, I mean... I would say with it being free trial week right now - i'd give it a try. if you don't like it? that's cool too. different stories and games are for different people and that's as it should be, life would be really boring if there was no variety to it :p.


    P.S. if you want to be able to use intimidate or persuade options - at the earliest opportunity, you should join the fighters and mages guild respectively. those are abilities from these specific skill lines and available to learn once you unlock them. although... a lot of times its actualy more fun and better story/outcome if you do NOT use one of those options. it honestly depends on the quest :) like there was one quest where I very much regretted using intimidate option, as it resulted in a death of a character. death that could have been prevented had I allowed quest giver to convince me to complete the quest the hard way. then again... if fit with my own characters state of mind at the time so... it was more of a me, the player that kinda regretted that choice :p

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