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Posts posted by VenaliterFA

  1. Doing some research on the Internet for my 50 Jedi Shadow, I found the "BBB" Matrix combination for A Force user was incorrectly adding the "Aim." Stat. Thinking this a bug, I reported it. No Force User uses Aim.


    A very helpful Protocol Droid regretfully informed me the BBB shard combination was investigated and deemed "Working as Intended." by developers.



    I am shocked and amazed. You'd think the Developers would know, since they made a big deal about how their Development team was kept intact, that Force Users don't use the aim stat.


    The "BBB" Cube combination should be oriented towards a Shadow/Assassin tank. It should be "Willpower/Endurance/Def Rating" to be on par with the other tank classes' matrix shards. Currently, Willpower tanks don't get a tanking matrix shard.


    Devs, I hope you reverse yourselves on this issue. It's an obvious bug that this combination is incorrect for a Force Users.

  2. Personally I think deciding to make my Sage a dark side character was a mistake. I'm in Voss right now and while I'm not particularly impressed with the storyline so far anyway, I think it was far worst because I played dark side.



    Agreed, the Consular story is bad enough as it is ( I can't believe they released it as such) but going dark side too just makes it all fall apart.



    "Oh, you killed 1200 jedi? I'm sure that wasn't an easy choice, but if it was what you had to do..."



  3. i wouldn't be counting out that maybe they may add a similar delay to shock rather than change project. Just saying.


    That would be akin to saying "This is not the game you are looking for."


    I'd cancel sub. Like, immediately. I'm bored already at 50, but trying to be patient. It's a new game...A stupid fix like that would infuriate me.

  4. And the devil is in the details, sounds like they are creating brand new animations...we may get stuck with something more inappropriate than we have now...I hope not. Please no more junk...


    As long as the stun/damage is immediate, I couldn't care less if it was a flying beach ball.

  5. Chyp: Can we expect to see any animation/damage timing consistency changes between factions?


    Georg Zoeller (Principal Lead Combat Designer): Yes. The animation team has been working on a new set of animations for abilities like the Trooper's Mortar Volley to provide closer matching of animation timings and improved combat responsiveness. We expect to roll these changes out with Game Update 1.2.


    Fear not, fellow Consulars, although it wasn't specifically mentioned, Project --> Shock imbalance is one of the (THE most?) glaring faction inequities, and this comment indicates it will be fixed in 1.2.


    Finally! Once you played a sith inquisitor, it's painful to play a Consular. I can honestly say this was a make or break issue with the class, and certainly didn't help the faction balance at all.

  6. I had to expand my companions toolbar to get the right click to work. I think it's a plus sign to do that. Then your companions abilities will replace on of your existing toolbars, or create a new one, depending on your settings. Right click on those buttons to check/uncheck the green light on the button.


    Hopefully it is just a bug and not a deliberate design decision.



    Much obliged, Raalat. This fixed the issue. Strange, it requires doing THAT way rather then then Companion ability list.

  7. I'm having the same issue. I would like to turn on auto-cleave and Rush with my Khem Val, but everything I've tried simply does not work. Other people seem to be able to do it.


    Having more control over my companion uses or does not use is high on my wish list.


    PS: If you can tell me how to auto-use a companion ability off by default, I would be pathetically grateful. I've tried Left clicking, right clicking, shift, alt, control, on the box, in the box, on the name. Everything. It does not work.

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