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Posts posted by Fellthar

  1. I actually don't know the server sizes, so it was a legitimate query. I do not honestly believe there are 850 total players on my server, Anchorhead, at peak times. Anchorhead is one of the larger servers to my knowledge, just based on the login screen its always in the top rung of population, yes I scroll down and check from time to time. MAYBE on the weekend, and that would be BOTH factions combined.


    Population BALANCE is critical for things such as Darkness Falls or Wintergrasp to work however, or one side keeps it and it just gives one MORE advantage to the larger faction.


    My server on Thrall is 2:1 for horde vs. alliance. Wintergrasp was no good, but tol barad was fine with how Blizzard has it setup.


    Well like I said, Shadow Hand is my server on ToR and it had ~800 players when the server said standard (not prime-time). This is on the Empire side, I have no idea how many the republic side had but I know they are usually about half the empire side.


    As for Anchorhead, the server at this time is listed as standard (this is not prime time right now) and it has 452 empire players and only 263 republic players. Like I said, my server which is Shadowhand had ~800 empire players alone when it was called standard, so your server does seem to be much smaller in population. However, that is a total of 715 players on your server, so saying that your server only hits 800 on a weekend is a bit of a stretch, as it is currently only late afternoon on a thursday.


    Anyway, I don't think total population is what is important, as you said, so I agree there. Since balance will be hard to achieve, ToR will have to do something like WoW did with Tol barad to make open world pvp better.

  2. I love this idea, DAOC did it with Darkness Falls. BUT what is server population like compared to WoW? Having a small server population doesn't really make a special raid enough viability to raid. Not knocking on state of the game or anything like that, WoW servers seemed to just be large. More people were afk in Ironforge than what I think is even on my server, and mine isn't small.


    You'd be surprised how comparable in size the servers are, in terms of population, between WoW and ToR. I logged onto my server on WoW just to count the players, out of curiosity. My server is Thrall (a fairly busy server), and I play horde, which is the much larger faction on that server. At the time Thrall said medium population, and my server here (Shadow Hand) said standard population.


    Thrall had ~850 players on the horde side online. Shadow Hand had ~800 players online on the empire side. Obviously these numbers would go up during prime time for both servers.


    I used /who for each level and broke it down based on class when the search results were capped, which allowed me to get a total count without capping any results at the time. During prime time I would expect the search results would be capped on both servers so a number would be harder to get, but each server certainly goes up in population substantially during prime time.


    As a side note, ToR seemed to have about 75% of the population in the 1-49 bracket, and WoW seemed to have about 25% of the population in the 1-84 bracket, which is expected for a new game vs. an old game. This could account for all the people afk in ironforge or whatever.


    Note: I did this test the day before yesterday, so it is current.

  3. All of these things are issues that I would initially look not to the DPS, the Tank or the Healer... I would look to the group leader (which in my experience is usually either me or the Tank).


    The party wiping to an enrage timer is not something the group leader can do much about, unless the group are behaving like a herd of cats... in which case they will usually wipe long before the enrage timer kicks in.

    But DPS not waiting for the tank to build aggro, or ignoring instructions on how to work and manage a boss fight means that either the instructions were not clear (group leader's fault), or the instructions were clear and the DPS is just a button masher (not the group leader's fault, best option is to check with the DPS why they were not following instructions - maybe they did not understand, and kick them if they are just being an idiot).


    Either way, co-ordinating the group is the leader's responsibility.


    I agree that coordinating the group is indeed the group leaders responsibility, but even when the group leader is clear and concise you will still have people make mistakes either from not understanding the instructions (and being too embarrassed to ask for more information), or from just being lazy/bad.


    I was the raid leader (one of two) for all of our WotLK raid progression for my guild of a few hundred people from naxx through to the end of icc. My role in the group was dps (the best leader spot is always dps, imo, because their task is simpler, thus allowing them to watch others more closely).


    What I discovered after leading an evolving core group that often took on new members to fill out spots, including pugs from time to time, is that players who play tanks are the best listeners generally speaking, healers are next, and dps is very often poor at even simple instructions.


    It might be because people who take on tanking and healing roles know that they are going to have lots of responsibility dumped on them, or it might be just because those type of people are just more interested in progression, or it might have all been one big long couple years of coincidence, although I very much doubt that.


    My point is, the leader can't fix everything, and sometimes it is the dps's fault. I don't believe it is a good practice to start flinging that word around in a raid setting though, as it breeds dissent, and leads to the group falling apart.


    I had this one dps in the group that we all loved because she was very nice, and she wanted to win really badly, but she just could not get certain things right.


    In fact, we got stuck on festergut the first week on him in ICC (kept meeting the enrage timer because this person kept getting killed mid way through, which was 5 mins, and getting owned), and after about a week of trying, and explaining the tactics countless times to everyone, I was talking to her separately and going over the tactics, and she revealed that she had been doing something very important wrong all along (their was a spore placed on two people and you had to clump up to get a good buff from it to live through the next phase - and some damage, and she was not clumping up, because she thought because it did damage that it was bad), because until now she did not understand it despite all my constant explanations of it.


    We had a good laugh and next week we got the boss down because no one died and our dps was enough to surpass the enrage.


    Moral of this all: it can be anyone's fault, but sometimes they really don't understand, but not for lack of trying. Being a good strong leader can't always fix that easily.

  4. Sorry, it's just a common response when other people try to project their own fears onto me. Psychology & all that, no harm done.


    BioWare, if you ever allow us to sell "bags" on the GTN, please make sure there is an /inspect feature in place so we can view the contents of the bag before buying it & also keep the report feature up to date so when "bag cheaters" are reported on they will be promptly dealt with.


    I was interested in this thread, and you had to go and mess it all up. He didn't project fears on you, don't try to excuse your behavior, you were rude back to him. His question was legit, your response was rude.


    Anyway, the idea is good if they limited the bag capacity and let you see what was inside. However, just because it was in SWG does not mean it should be here. I would think this would be very very very low on the priority list of things you might ever see implemented, since it adds very little value compared to other stuff they could fix/implement instead.

  5. Easiest solution IMHO:


    A overlay of a number counting down over your ability when its on cooldown. If you have 29 seconds left on a cooldown the ability is greyed out with a big 29 over it (obviously counting down to zero).


    The current system is worse than the one prior which was worse than the one prior to that...


    If they used this solution, please make it optional. I used the mod in WoW that did this, and it was terrible for me. I couldn't see what abilities were what when they were on cooldown, which matters to me with my play style.

  6. So I just saw a commercial for this game where it shows like 100 people with light sabers fighting, a ship crashing into what looks like a ship bay and lots of other things that... well... aren't in the game.


    Its funny that the commercial is way more fun to watch than the movie that is swtor.


    Just an observation.


    By your description (lots of people with sabers fighting, a ship crashing into a bay, etc.), it sounds like you are talking about this commercial:




    If not, please point us to the commercial you are referring to.


    This commercial is just clips from the cgi videos, no real surprise here (which is also pretty obvious).

  7. Oh Quinn... every time I look at him now a voice inside my head screams "douchebag". When I send him on a mission and he says, "If you think that's the best use of me." I think... "No Quinn, the best use of you is falling on my lightsaber.".


    He is a valuable resource (as our healer companion), there is no doubt there, but throughout my story I killed off valuable resources in the form of military personnel and intelligent civilians, no matter how valuable they were, if they betrayed me or were a threat in some way, I killed them to make an example of them. I am a Lord of the Sith, failure or betrayal is not tolerated in any way. An example MUST be made. This is how I role-played my character.


    I think Bioware SHOULD allow you to kill off companions during pivotal moments such as Quinn's betrayal. Keep moments such as that within the stories so they can regulate the players ability to kill characters. And to fix the imbalance created from having one less companion, open up a quest option that allows you to recruit a new companion with a very similar skill set to fill that crew members void. Here is my caveat to this:


    By controlling who and when you can have the option to kill a companion, they can minimize the extra companions that they would have to create. I don't even care if the new companion has no real story attached to them (this would make the job of adding them much easier), they just fill the void skill-wise, and you can get affection through gifts... a small price to pay for the ability to kill that backstabbing douche. Losing Quinn's story is better than having him on my ship. And, after all, you now have all those extra credits that was paying their salary...


    Just a few thoughts on the subject. It is truly annoying to have Quinn on my ship. I liked him, he was my Captain, I actually took his side in arguments... how could you Quinn? I can see if I was a Jedi filled with forgiveness, but a Sith... I have no mercy.

  8. Yes, I enjoy the game in its current form. It is, simply, fun.


    I would like to see the existing features refined, and more cool stuff added in the future.


    However, as it stands, this is the first MMORPG in a long time to really get my interest because it has all the fun and exciting features of a true RPG that other games in the genre often neglect (the class stories mostly), paired with the addictive game play of an MMO (dailies, gearup's, pvp, dungeons and raids, advancement). It might not be perfect, but in time I think it has a solid enough base to grow into one of the largest and most successful games around.

  9. Yes, Bioware's story telling makes this game awesome. Class stories, flashpoint stories, companion stories... makes me feel like I'm playing a real rpg within an mmo envelope, which I like. All the other mmo's are just the envelope, they forgot about the rpg inside. Sure some of the envelope's are very polished and have nice features, but they mostly seem to be missing something. Source: My Opinion.
  10. My sith warrior was almost unplayable yesterday due to the amount of times I would have to click a button before it would go off (note, by click I mean hit my keybind, I don't actually click). This happened constantly, and after reading today's patch notes I note that the bug fix for some abilities displaying off cooldown when they really are not (or something to this effect). Today, I have not yet once noticed a situation that I clicked an ability and it did not trigger as expected, so for me this has made my sith warrior fun again. This fix was needed and wanted, thanks.
  11. I did? I don't remember finding combat logs, custom UI's, macros, LFG tool, proper GTN, unique items, stylized gear, memorable locations/characters, guild banks and responsive combat.


    I must have been drunk off how awesome I am.


    Satire is an art oft lost and rarely found.

  12. No, I do not mash the spacebar.



    I have my G700 macroed to hit spacebar+1 repeatedly. The screen just flickers and I am back to the game.


    You did it! You found a way to make TOR into WoW! You must sell this knowledge and reap the fabulous benefits of millions of players migrating to TOR!! Go forth my friend!

  13. Just play on RP servers, Fel. I've yet to see anyone act remotely like this. Hell, a lot of the times people in group are chatting during the cutscenes, making snide/amusing comments based on the dialogue.


    My "standard" comment on Black Talon when Satele says "You'll be facing a Jedi. I hope you know what that means" is to say in group chat "It means we get a free lightsaber?" Usually good for a few "lol"s. :)


    If I wasn't so settled as the guild master and main tank for my guild I would probably have done that. Sounds like rp is almost a better fit for this game. I didn't like the rp servers on wow, not because people were bad, they were quite nice, but because of the nelf sex...

  14. Well I don't pug much, so there's no need to fret. However when I do pug I'm one of the best tanks on my servers so skipping the cut scenes is the price you have for an easy clean run.


    Thankfully I only tank, so I would never have to be in your group ;) Also, as the tank, I am kind to my group mates and never make demands. I'm not in that much of a rush I guess. Nets me a lot of respect beyond just being good at my job.


    Play the game the way you want, but let others play it how they want is my opinion. The cut scenes are not that long, and really, some people enjoy that as a big part of the game. Making them skip those is kind of imposing your will upon them, but if that is what you like doing, I guess that is your right to try ;)

  15. I did it with my first character, I get upset when someone in my group doesn't do it. If I can find out who is not doing it and they won't start once asked their most likely to get /kicked.


    I don't like you on principle. I really really hope this mentality does not infest this game, and I beg that people who are like you will go find another game to crap all over.

  16. So I've started a second toon to level to 50 and, on the FIRST quest I got, I hit space bar through the entire conversation. I plan on doing so for all non-class quests.


    Anyone else do this?


    I played my Juggernaught to 42, and then started an alt, a bounty hunter who is now 34. I have seen many of the same quests (obviously all the non-class quests), and have never once pressed space bar to skip any dialogue. Not even one time. The way that characters interact with my bounty hunter is different, and the responses he gives is different, which paints the story of even the exact same quest in a different way, and I find it very interesting.


    If I leveled another Sith Warrior I might consider pressing spacebar, but even then I would probably try different responses with more emphasis on lightside this time around, so I would probably still want to watch everything as that would change the dialogue and give it a different feel once again.


    I think the amount of different ways which you can play the same quest due to your attitude and choices on each different character gives the quests a lot of variety and flavor, and I really enjoy that.

  17. Keep the current space mission style for solo play. They are a fun diversion and very cinematic. Also give us a more in-depth version for group play and pvp, with more control of our ship and a more free form flight style. Make it optional and advancement in it only affect itself, and not impact other areas of the game so that players can choose if they want to advance in this more difficult space play.


    In addition, I would personally love to see cool things like space ship raids on the enemy team fleet and the enemies defending in their ships, and free flight options within the systems around the planets and pvp options there, etc., but I can't imagine how that would actually function and work out without being just bad...

  18. I like to invite my entire FP team, as a tank, to reflect on the violence we have committed, and be sure they're emotionally prepared for the next pull.


    I offer grief counselling if somebody died, and comorbidity evaluation as a complimentary service for those that find themselves suffering from multiple expressions of guilt, depression, dysaffection, listlessness or irriitable DPS syndrome.


    Sometimes I won't let the team progress until they assure me absolutely that everything is ok and everbody is psychologically, emotionally and technically prepared to move on.


    Because I'm a tank, and I'm here for you. I'm here to protect you from the terrible secrets of space.


    Later in PVP, I will sometimes also be the one pushing you down the stairs. But then, pushing you down the stairs or into the huttball fire also protects you from the terrible secret of space, so I am at peace.






    I will forever feel that every time I kill someone in pvp that I am protecting them from the terrible secrets of space, a worthy cause to be certain.


    You sir, made my day.

  19. I'm not going to complain about bugs and all other stuff, I am a very patient player, I know the game will get better and better, it's just how it works.

    But the fact that this is the only game heating up my graphics card to 80 degrees © made me worried for some time already. And today I have reached the end of the line - after playing the game for 3-4 minutes my pc goes black screen (screen off to be precise), system is down yet something is still running, not sure what exactly. The only thing I can do is restart my pc, then it turns off and on again normally.

    After years of waiting, since the day you announced the swtor, I could forgive you any and all bugs, but destroying my PC? Thanks, was nice month of playing with you.


    I laugh every time I see someone blame a game for breaking their pc. Seriously, I laugh.


    Too much dust, poor overclocking, defective components, or just general component failure (probably a defect that did not present itself until the hardware was older and wearing out) cause computer hardware failures, not games.


    A piece of software *could* cause issues if it was written to act as a driver and bypass safety systems. Games are not written that way. Before anyone says SC2... yes I know, in some cases of extreme overclocking coupled with the gui of SC2 being fps uncapped caused overheating. That is still user error, because without the poor OC'ing, uncapped fps is not an issue for any stable modern video card or pc.


    PC's fail sometimes, get over it. They are electronic and mechanical, stuff happens. They wear down over time, electronic parts suffer damaged with build up of dust that causes excessive heat, mechanical parts just plain old wear out (fans, hard drives), power supplies degrade and cause power fluctuations that cause wear and tear on other components (this is why a high quality power supply should be your number one interest).


    Star Wars did not make your pc overheat. The dust on your card, or the fan that isn't spinning anymore, or the defect in your hardware, or the unstable voltage from your power supply probably did. Or one of many other issues.


    With a stable video card (stock clocks or properly overclocked) you should be able to take a stress test like Furmark and run the burn in mode indefinitely. Your pc should get hot, your card should get hot, but the fan should continue to ramp itself up to keep the temperatures below the maximum threshold.


    If you are exceeding the maximum safe temperature threshold for your video card (which is probably over 100 degress celcius) with the cards fan and cooling ramped up to full (an automatic process) then your card has some other issue (or you need to not overclock it so much if you are overclocking - yes this is how people test their overclocks). This could be a defect, which is the card manufacturer's fault, or it could be something like dust, which is your fault.

  20. After playing an hour or so last night and a couple hours today, I am becoming more and more sure that the supposed "fix" is nothing more than a placebo, and we are all falling for it. Combat feels exactly the same to me (marauder). In fact, I'm only writing this post because I just had that one situation happen where you activate an ability and your character winds up and then stops and nothing happens while GCD activates. Wasn't even in pvp, was out in pve doing a class quest. As far as I am concerned at this point, I don't think anything was fixed and bioware is yankin our chain to try and quell the masses a bit.


    I believe there has already been some good analytical work done in this thread that shows a marked improvement via videos and such. The problems are not fixed completely, you will still see problems, but some changes have been made that corrects some of the laggy feeling in combat. More changes will hopefully fix other animation and misfire related issues.

  21. I keep seeing my companion "blacked" out during cut-scenes and the character portrait when playing. Some cut-scenes she might be missing both her face and pants f.e.


    I used to think this was an effect of alt+tabbing, but now I've had it on start-up, without having tabbed the game down, or made any other changes to the resolution. I also saw a change turning bloom on, but now I've played with bloom on for the duration, and Kaliyo is still missing different parts in cut-scenes.


    I can reset the companion portrait via ctrl+u and it turns up as it should, but I've found no way to restore the graphics during conversations, and it has now started to happen every-time I have a cut-scene.



    Anyone else experienced this?


    Probably not related, but when my video card was going bad while playing WoW, I used to get textures/polygons missing all over the place, and sometimes even textures replaced with other textures. I lol'd so hard the first time I saw the ground texture of Hellfire Peninsula replaced with the giant stretched out face of an Orc... well I lol'd till the day my pc screen went black and wouldn't display anything anymore and I had to shell out the cold hard cash for a new video card (and a new power supply since that was what fried my card).


    Anyway, just reminded me of that... lol. I have no idea what is causing your issue, and maybe it is a bug. Good luck in finding a solution.

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