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Everything posted by Pardessa

  1. Alright I'll bite XD lets see if I can remember how to do this with the whole linking thing. January 2011 Sequoia National Forest, we stayed at this cute little cabin with an awesome river behind it. Its like 2 in the morning when this was taken. http://faolen.deviantart.com/gallery/25829326#/d37zl0r This one is old, almost 4 years, but my husband (who also plays) feeding our little girl who was about 6 months old here. Her name is Faolyn . His hair is MUCH longer now. https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/eb895e39-5c12-4494-896b-4638d3e92383/d2tnspy-db53d62f-481f-4e70-9081-8b742a4a828a.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_675,q_75,strp/my_husband_by_faolen_d2tnspy-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9Njc1IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvZWI4OTVlMzktNWMxMi00NDk0LTg5NmItNDYzOGQzZTkyMzgzXC9kMnRuc3B5LWRiNTNkNjJmLTQ4MWYtNGU3MC05MDgxLThiNzQyYTRhODI4YS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.IrXRKcNP2V_p2e1s59L94c3Zp2cj7NppMfkLTP5LHco If you have a Deviant Art feel free to add me, that is my profile those are on. Sad quality, but this is more recent. My husband posing with our daughter after I got done painting her face like a butterfly. (I'm not an artist ><) http://faolen.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4nqgku Xatalyna Si'veri, Sith Sorceror:Corruption, Giradda the Hutt Server (me) Cenic Agnost, Sith Assassin: Darkness, Giradda the Hutt Server (husband)
  2. Made my day sir. As horrible as it sounds I'm glad to hear this isn't exclusively an SI female problem. Then again I'm bummed because I was looking forward to rolling a SW lol. Glad to know I'm not the only person who is frustrated with Ashara. I've managed to get her up 3.5k. Thankfully I don't buy gifts they are just gifts that I get from doing my Underworld Trading when I have no metal missions. Still its really upsetting to give her an epic gift and only get 66 affection >< Guess it will either be fixed or it won't. Either way,she's a pain in the butt. May you all enjoy your suffering with me XD.
  3. In regards to it being easier once you get her over 2000+ that is my problem. I got her to 2500 and she STILL won't accept new gifts from me simply because I am female. I understand her not taking courting gifts, I completely get that, it would be silly if she took courting gifts. However, once again, since I am female not only will she not take courting gifts, she won't take luxury, technology, or imperial memorabilia, where as after 2500 she would accept all of those from my husband. That is my complaint. Luxury I could even understand, but how does technology and imperial mem make any sense JUST because I'm female? It doesn't! A lot of you responding to this get the general idea but missed the big picture of my post, or just read the first couple paragraphs and stopped. Other class companions do not have this same issue. Most of them simply won't take courting gifts from the same sex, which is exactly how it should be. Her decisions are even ridiculous! I'm dark side, but since I want affection with her, if I have her out during a conversation sometimes I'll take light side points, and there have been times I have LOST affection with her for a light side choice and vice versa, I have gained affection for some dark side decisions. My complaint here is that BW made Ashara far too complicated. Make her like one type of gift over others that has nothing to do with where her affection is just like other companions. Example, my BH is a female. Well Mako still LOVES technology gifts from me even though I'm a female.
  4. Ok, I'm a Sith Inquisitor. I enjoy learning the story of all my companions. I was able to get all of my companions to 10,000 fairly easy through a combination of questing and companion gifts. All of them except Ashara. Is it just me or is she extremely picky and fickle? Both in the decisions she likes as well as the gifts she likes. I just found out that she won't even accept the majority of gifts from me because I'm a girl. Now typically this wouldn't bother me as she is the male romance option. However, I did a little research. She is the ONLY romance companion that will not accept THAT many gifts from the same sex. The majority of all romanceable companions seem to only be particular about courting gifts as it should be. However, it seems Ashara will not accept courting, luxury, technology, or imperial memorabilia from female characters after reaching 2500 affection. I thought, ok no big deal I'm sure it is the same for say my husband if he were to try and give gifts to Andronikos. How wrong I was! The only kinds of gifts he won't accept from my husband are courting gifts, makes sense! Not only that but he also gives MORE affection for almost all gifts he will accept from my husbands male character than what my female character will gain for the same gifts. This only seems to be the case with Sith Inquisitor romance companions. I looked up the other classes and they aren't nearly as particular and make a lot more sense. I was wondering if anyone else thinks this is a bit ridiculous? I've been questing with Ashara for over a week now and I've barely managed to get her over 2500 affection through questing AND gift giving. Once my husband got her over 2500 he was able to get her to 10,000 in no time because she would accept more gifts from him but since I'm a female character it seems I will have to continue struggling to gain affection with her. Please let me know if any of the information I have found is incorrect. I got most of this off Torhead because I've been trying to get Ashara to 2500 for sometime. Finally managed it today and went to give her some luxury gifts I had saved back and she still wouldn't accept them, which was not the case for my husband.
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