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10 Good
  1. You don't even need to buy mods! You can get them for free with commendations that you get on every planet. If you are buying mods with money, then you are buying them from Cybertechs, so the Armormech hasn't won in any way.
  2. Is it just me or does half the time resolve not work properly. Half the time I have 1000 resolve and CC has no effect and the other half I have 1000 resolve and can still be chain stunned. And grapple is considered a CC but the Operative's knockdown is not? I feel there are a lot of issues with the current system with chain stuns even with the resolve mechanic and abilities that have effects on the resolve mechanic. I could forsee this being a reason that the forums blow up with "Operative and Scoundrels OP!" since they rely so heavily on chain stuns and crit burst damage.
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