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Posts posted by Jessicayla

  1. Messenger: Choose your next words carefully, Leonidas. They may be your last as king.


    King Leonidas: [to himself: thinking] "Earth and water"?


    [Leonidas unsheathes and points his sword at the Messenger's throat]


    Messenger: Madman! You're a madman!


    King Leonidas: Earth and water? You'll find plenty of both down there.


    Messenger: No man, Persian or Greek, no man threatens a messenger!


    King Leonidas: You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same!


    Messenger: This is blasphemy! This is mad-KNOCKBACK


    +30000 internets

  2. haha I completely agree OP.


    Bioware just did NOT think it through at all. I understand they wanted knock backs to be strategic but where they messed up was not making the knock backs given to you like the Imperial Agent Sniper/Gunslinger. It's an advanced class that gets it, and the ADVANCED CLASS needs it. Giving it to EVERY SINGLE INQUISITOR/SHADOW? lol, why the hell would a rogue type need to knock their target away from them.....?


    It's stupid giving it to that many people because all it turns into is the people respawning knocks everyone back - thus all real strategy is out the window and LUCK triumphs over everything due to people happening to respawn - and the probability of a class respawning with a knockback is absurd.


    P.S. - Only classes/Advanced Classes that actually NEED a knock backs are *********** Snipers/Gunslingers. Honestly. That's it.


    *********** Sorcerers/Sages have slows and shields. Really? lol, Bioware, sorry, I love you, but you sucked at that decision.



  3. I think the classes aren't grossly imbalanced like in WoW or something, and if anything, a few minor things need to tweaked, at best - but the game needs hardcore polishing and lag issues need to be addressed - mainly things that has nothing to do with the players and their skill levels.


    There will ALWAYS be people yelling that things are over powered - probably just because they got beaten by someone ONCE - and immediately hopped the forums and posted about its "over power"edness.

  4. Look man, if you want to tell PVP-ers to go eff themselves cause SWTOR has great PVE, do it over another forum.


    lolwat. Why do people keep saying uninformed, ridiculous things like "This is a PvE game", and "the majority of players are PvE players" - are you living in 2005?


    Thanks to games like Call of Duty and WoW, I would probably say 50% if not more play the games almost solely for PvP.


    lol I mean, why do you think they've payed meticulous attention to allowing people to level up entirely by PvP, constantly tweaking the XP gain, etc.?


    Because it's a PvP/PvE game.

  5. Obviously noone wants to play a class that can't stand toe-to-toe with another class. So if the design of something is to get the jump on someone, as WELL AS go toe to toe with another class - you create a gigantic rift when you also put in things like light/medium/heavy armor - because you leave the people with lighter armors out to dry. Though armor is a microscopic portion of the problem.


    It's absolutely and utterly stupid that as a Sniper a stealthed classes have a higher probability of killing you - simply because they bring you down to half health or passed before you're able to even start shooting, and THEN SOME. Even considering if they burn all their cooldowns. If I'm a BH and burn all my cooldowns on another BH, they're still not dead. So why a "rogue" type versus the "hunter" types? That was years ago, Bioware, come on, get passed that.


    Maybe you should hax into GW2 and see how they're probably gonna do stuff right.

  6. Get off your unbalanced server then.


    To say it can't work is ignorant. To say it's not likely to work on YOUR server is plausible. There are clearly balance issues on most servers and it needs corrected but it's not that way on every server.


    My advice, do some research and find one of those servers. I'm on one and no it's no the one I was signed up for :)


    I don't get it. Your entire post you just agreed with him, lol.

  7. Though OP sounds very mad....gonna have to agree with him.


    Games needs a massive revamping in the PvP department. I LIKE that they wanted to make it very different than WoW, and they still can do that - ridiculous, comedic amounts of knock backs and CC is not the way to make it a fun time.

  8. I disagree on one thing:


    PVP servers should be a place for high level players to duke it out at random in high level areas, daily quest hubs, resource hubs or outside of instances...


    PvP servers should be a place for anyone of any level to duke it out together. NOT level caps to attack 20s. That's ridiculous and I love hearing the QQ from griefers and their billion excuses why they do that.


    The hilarious irony to the situation is, if they allowed that to stop happening, THEY'D quit the game, hahahaha.

  9. The is a setting in preferences that allows you to adjust how much time the game will allow you to cache an ability. I believe the default is set to 1 sec. I found this to be clumsy if you are of the type who spams buttons. I set it 0 sec, meaning pressing a button while another ability "casting" will do nothing, much happier now.


    >loling at how little knowledge you have.

  10. I would actually agree with everything BUT the manually facing someone issue.


    I absolutely, ABSOLUTELY love that, as running THROUGH someone (which is stupid in itself) just to cancel their LONG AS HELL CAST TIME MOVE effectively rendering them a crappy class is beyond reason to me why WoW did that. It's completely, absolutely, and UTTERLY fair that I get to aim at you whereever you go, when, all melee have to do is be ON me. Do you not get the imbalance that the opposite creates?


    Melee gets to hit me as long as they're next to me. In the current state of the game, so do I, as long as I can see you. Might want to use environment more. What, you think I DON'T get to hit you, as a squishier class, just because you run inside and behind me? lol, that's ridiculous. The TRADE OFF is that those classes are squishier.


    Well, BH excluded because I think the class needs some tweaking.


    But regardless, it's completely fair.

  11. So, I'm finding myself really wanting to make a Republic character - I'm a huge huge team player and love to play for the greater good.


    Where's is a great Republic PvP server?

  12. Oh please...no it's not. This is first and foremost a PvE game, with a PvP component tacked on. If they eliminated PvP entirely, the lost subscriptions would be a minor blip on the radar as compared to the opposite.


    LOL, says the extremely uninformed "gamer".

  13. Though I will always believe th game needs some major polishing in terms of responsiveness, I do gotta say that most people really need to stop approaching this game like it's just WoW - and want it to play exactly like WoW.


    Now with THAT being said....I know that's hard when the game resembles WoW so much, lol. But again, just try EVERYTHING before you think something's broken.

  14. Yeah it's been posted a lot OP.


    I feel your pain, man. PvP is so incredibly terrible right now. Like, the moves and animations are pretty cool - but I feel like the entire game is about 5 thoughts behind me at all times.


    Needs so much polishing.

  15. Your the one "The droid makes my PvP SUCK, HELP ME BIOWARE.."


    We are laughing with you and at you..


    Nah, I'm pretty much just laughing at you right now. The guy says tab targeting targets the pet.


    That's the most idiotic crap I've heard since...well, the concept of "Cataclysm".


    It's bad enough that tab targeting is about as intelligent as a monkey humping a football.

  16. Check your launcher guys. It seems the emails may be delayed (wouldnt be the first time swtor emails are delayed).


    I didnt think id get in today and i just so happened load up the launcher to see if they may have patched it since i last did it and low and behold the play button was clickable.


    Go from refreshing that email to refreshing that launcher lol


    This thread is rather useless and can potentially start a ****storm if you don't put when you entered the preorder code.


    Please don't get a ton of people's hopes up only to hear more whining on these forums already.


    So, when did you enter your preorder code?

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