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Everything posted by Romulux

  1. Thank you very much everyone, this does seem to clear some things up. Right now, what's happening in-game seems to match what torhead has on their site. I guess some changes were made. Thanks again everyone! I hope this helps out other people who might have the same question.
  2. Thank you for your replies. Unfortunately, it raises the same confusion I'm seeing in game. A lot of players also don't seem to know how they received their titles, so it's hard for me to tell if something like "The Heartless" is a Dark title or not. The thing that bothers me the most is "Ruthless" appearing above my head at Dark II. It looked like I was receiving a title, but then I didn't see one. Hopefully a friend or two will hit Dark I and II tomorrow and that will tell me if I'm glitched or not. I wouldn't really mind the change too much, I just want to know if a change occurred.
  3. Earlier today, I hit Dark I and didn't receive a title. I tried asking around but nobody could seem to answer my question about Dark I having a title. So I disregarded the error thinking that BW may have removed the Dark I title. Now I hit Dark II and "Ruthless" appeared over my head for a moment. When I checked my character sheet, there was no title there. Now I have "The Merciless," "Acolyte," and "Apprentice" from other quests. So I know that my titles aren't completely broken. It just looks like I'm not receiving alignment titles. Is anyone else having the same problem? Any suggestions on how to fix it? I already tried resetting the UI along with logging in and out to see if the setting just needed to reset. Thanks for any help.
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