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Everything posted by OpiumOhs

  1. I'm mainly a pvper but have recently gotten into FPs now that more of my guild is 50. Our usual setup is: Tank - Sith Warrior Juggernaut DPS - Imperial Agent Operative DPS - Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer Heals - Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer I've only run 20ish HM FPs so this could be a bad streak but we have only seen 1 Sith Inquisitor token, 2 warrior tokens, and the rest about an even split between Agent and Bounty Hunter. This happens even when we switch out our Operative for an Inquisitor Assassin. Kaon Under Siege was especially frustrating last night when each boss dropped Bounty Hunter gear, and the two random blue drops were Agent and Bounty Hunter. Again my sample is fairly small but when we don't run Bounty Hunters and multiple Inquisitors but around 90% of the tokens are either Bounty Hunter or Imperial Agent it's rather disheartening. I'll start keeping track as we do more FPs to see if there's any type of pattern I can find.
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